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masc . n. kheit,חטא,חטאים,חטאה,חטאת,חוטא,kheit,cheit,khet,chet,khotei an unintentional misstep, misdemeanor, mess-up or petty transgression against Tōr•ãhꞋ (pl. חֲטָאִים.); derived from the pi•eilꞋ חִטֵּא; in turn derived from the shōrꞋësh חָטָא.

masc . n. חַטָּא or חוֹטֵא — a male misstepper; pl. חַטָּאִים  (variant fem. pl. ending חַטׂאוׂת).

fem. n. חַטָּאָה, ‎ חוֹטֵאת or חוֹטְאָה — a misstepping (or a female misstepper); connective form □חַטַּאת plus pronominal suffix.

fem. n. חֲטָאָה ‎ — 1. a punishment for a misstep or mess-up; 2. a punished misstep or mess-up.

fem. n. חַטָּאת a court-ordered fine-sacrifice for a misstep or mess-up, i.e. for a חֵטא.

While blood sacrifices, including expiatory blood sacrifices, have been widely inferred from Scripture, their true, ancient utilitarian purpose has been assumed as understood by surrounding peoples: i.e. blood sacrifices. However, this would have been idolatry inherited from ancient predecessor Egyptian, Mesopotamian and other goy•imꞋ idolaters; necessarily anthropomorphic and prohibited as idolatry at their core.

Banks, checks and paper currency didn’t exist in antiquity. For tax purposes, a man’s wealth was valuated by his livestock and crop land. Fines—not “blood sacrifices”—were stripped of anthropomorphism (restored to Avrahamic purity?) by Mōsh•ëhꞋ, assessed according to a man’s wealth and position, type of misstep, and according to this valuation system.

Types of animals specified for the various types of חַטָּאת donation or mulct (in the ancient currency of an animal) included:

 חִטֵּא אֶת-הַמִּזְבֵּחַ (he sacrificed a qãr•bãnꞋ חַטָּאת [on] the mi•zᵊbeiꞋakh)—popularly misrendered as “he purified” (the mi•zᵊbeiꞋakh)—for which, see tã•hōrꞋ.

Compare and contrast with a•wonꞋ and pëshꞋa, all three of which Christians popularly blur under the amorphous, and conse­quently often confusing and misleading, term "sin." It’s imperative to relate to the original Hebrew and Aramaic terms and mean­ings in this glossary. Otherwise, one will endlessly and perpetually remain misled by faulty translations. See also qãrᵊbãnꞋ more

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