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Irssoc, T

Websites focusing a spotlight on connections between international terror syndicates, drug & trafficking cartels, politicians & political parties, media and tech giants are verboten by media (with the exception of Fox), and quickly suppressed by Google and other tech giants. A different search engine may help. (Having been blacklisted for decades due to slander and distorted false allegations by Christian and Jewish radicals—​eviscerating both my freedoms of religion and speech. I use DuckDuckGo to keep Google out of my life as much as possible, Firefox instead of Tech-giant browsers, etc.)

Turkey-call [Updated: 2020.11.28]

Turkey-call — a calculated and deliberate assertion (i.e. call) characterizing a target person or entity in a way designed to elicit a desired response.

(E.g., Iran's Supreme Leader calls US foreign policy "global arrogance", calculating that his Leviathan can orchestrate the world will to respond gullibly and mechanically with the anticipated "natural response" to arrogance: proper humility of the US in response to their turkey-call. Jus' callin' turkeys.)

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