This was a minor holiday in the days of the Beit ha-Miqdâsh ha-Sheini, marking the beginning of the wine vintage in ancient Yisra·eil.
According to the Mishnah, on this day (as well as on Yom Kipur) the daughters of Yᵊrushalayim dressed in white raiments (which they had borrowed that 'none should be abashed which had them not') and went forth to dance in the vineyards chanting songs... This was also the day of the wood offering when all people brought kindling wood for the Mizbeiakh (see Nᵊkhemyah 10.35).
This festival was instituted by the Pᵊrushim who... celebrated their victory over the pseudo-Tzᵊdoqim on this day. ("Av, The Fifteenth of," Ency. Jud. 3. 935-36), ca. 20 C.E. (see my Chronology of the Tan"kh from the 'Big Bang').
Today in Israel, this is a day for lovers commemorating the romantic — and match-making — theme of Mishnaic times.