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wa-Yeitzei 4th Eve

Payback: What Goes Around, Comes Around

ca. B.C.E. 1986

(Now Ya•a•qov had been tending the tzon for 14 years. He'd become very savvy at animal husbandry and he knew that less than 25% of newborn goats and sheep were all-white. More than ¾ of the sheep and goats had some kind of color, spots, speckles or blotches. So he strategized that he would sell a deal to Lâ•vân to take all of the all-white animals, which produced more expensive wool, allowing Ya•a•qov to walk away with over ¾ of both tzon!)

"Don't give me anything!" Ya•a•qov replied. "If you'll do this one thing for me then I'll graze your tzon another season and watchguard over them and develop for you tzon that produce the most expensive white wool and angora: an all-white herd of goats and an all-white flock of sheep. I'll go through all of your tzon and I'll take just the inferior animals – the dark sheep and the speckled and speckled goats – for my salary. Whereas you had little when I came, I'll leave you with a herd of all-white goats plus a flock of all-white sheep!!!"

"So my tzëdëq shall answer for me in future when you will come upon my salary, seeing my tzon before you. Every goat that lacks a spot, speckle or blotch, or any sheep that isn't dark, in my tzon, it's stolen!"

"As long as it goes according to your word," Lâ•vân agreed.

livneh (poplar)
Click to enlargeli•vᵊn•ëh1 – poplar bowl blanks (photo: toolsandtimber); enlarged: tree, photo © 2005-​2015 Martha Modzele­vich, Flowers in Israel.

So that day Ya•a•qov removed all of the billy-goats and doe goats that had stripes, spots or patches in their white, and all of the brown sheep; all of these non-white goats and sheep Ya•a•qov transferred to his sons to herd.

Then Lâ•vân put 3 days of the way between himself and Ya•a•qov with the non-white tzon. So Ya•a•qov took over as shepherd of the non-white livestock he had raised while working for Lâ•vân.

livneh (poplar)
Click to enlargeluz2 – ceremonial magic (wicca) bitter-almond wand. Since eating bitter-almond nuts can cause vertigo (Toomey, etc.), water in which the wood was soaked and gnawed would likely have produced similar side effects; enlarged: almond tree in blossom (photo: Sara Rivka, creativejewishmom).

Then Ya•a•qov took sticks of green li•vᵊn•ëh,1 luz2 and a•rᵊm•ōn3 and stripped off the bark down to the white phloem of the sticks. Then he set the sticks, stripped of bark, in the shallow, hollowed-out log watering-troughs; so that the tzon had to drink around the sticks, gnawing at the sticks, ingesting its chemicals, to get the water around the sticks. Thus, the tzon were separated into groups, watered at different times: undesirable males were rendered infertile, the selected males were energized to mate and the selected females were sedated and docile—to generate the desired non-white offspring!

Then he presented the sticks. which he had peeled, in the watering-troughs, in the drinking water, where the tzon came to drink, confronting the tzon. So when the different groups were in heat, they conceived (or not) by their drinking: mostly striped, speckled or patched.

armon (London-plane wood, Platanus x acerifolia)
Click to enlarge(Lathe-) turned plate of London-​Plane wood (Platanus x acerifolia; photo wood-​database), closest wood I could find to (see enlarged) a•rᵊm•ōn3 – the Israeli Plane tree (Platanus orientalis, Kibbutz Hagoshrim; photo © 2005-​2015 Martha Modzelevich, Flowers in Israel.

Ya•a•qov separated the offspring lambs similarly. Further, Lâ•vân's all-white livestock often produced offspring that were dark, striped, speckled or patched. So Ya•a•qov integrated all of those dark, striped, speckled or patched into his own tzon, which he kept separate, careful that his non-white tzon didn't mate with Lâ•vân's all-white livestock.

Within his own tzon, Ya•a•qov used the same techniques with the different sticks in the watering troughs of the tzon, to encourage the stronger livestock to breed and the weaker animals not to breed; thus developing his own breeds of stronger animals and stronger, more valuable, tzon. Thus, Lâ•vân's livestock, though they were all-white, bred increasingly anemic while Ya•a•qov's tzon, though not all-white, were genetically more varied, breeding increasingly stronger, sturdier, healthier—and more valuable. As a result, Ya•a•qov's wealth prospered exceedingly. He developed large tzon and, to maintain his increasing tzon and wealth, acquired increasing maids and kitchen help along with ranch hands (who acted as armed militia when needed to protect his tzon and grazing lands), camels and donkeys to run his prosperous, burgeoning empire.

Optional parental preparation:

  1. Note 1 li•vᵊn•ëh – ìÄáÀðÆä (poplar wood), has properties of "a tonic and febrifuge, because of the salicid and glucosid populin in its bark" (Zohary, p. 132). Allowing the exposed phloem of the poplar stick to soak into the water when the males drank would make them more frisky while, simultaneously, when the does drank may have made them more interested in mating with the males. (Toomey VM, Nickum EA, Flurer CL (September 2012). "Cyanide and amygdalin as indicators of the presence of bitter almonds in imported raw almonds". Journal of Forensic Sciences 57 (5): 1313–7. doi:10.1111/j.1556-4029.2012.02138.x. PMID 22564183). Additionally, some of poplar's ingredients were viewed as prophylactic against "falling-sickness" and drying up milk of nursing animals that had weaned their offspring (Complete Herbal, Nicholas Culpeper); all making the animals more likely to mate. Dark Ages and Medieval European Jewish sages and gentile English interpreters have introduced many translations that were alien, forbidden magic and mythological to the ancient Biblical Middle East. This view is based on Biblical Hebrew according to Klein complemented by Zohary and other scholars of ancient Assyria (not Mesopotamia) and Canaan. Return to text
  2. Note 2 luz – ìåÌæ, almond (bitter almond) can cause vertigo. Dark Ages and Medieval European Jewish sages and gentile English interpreters have introduced many translations that were alien, forbidden magic and mythological to the ancient Biblical Middle East. This view is based on Biblical Hebrew according to Klein complemented by Zohary and other scholars of ancient Assyria (not Mesopotamia) and Canaan. Return to text
  3. Note 3 a•rᵊm•ōn – òÇøÀîåÉï (Platanus orientalis, plane-tree wood). "In folk medicine the leaves were used to heal burns (perhaps because the hairs on the leaves cause skin irritation), and the bark and fruits were used against scorpion and snake bites" (wildflowers.co.il) and, importantly, an antifertility agent (plantstemcells). Ya•a•qov had spent 14 years with these herds. Although science of his era didn\'t understand recessive and dominant genes, experienced shepherds knew which animals were calves of which mothers for 40 generations (2/yr. over 7+7+6=20 years); and which were likely to bear a white offspring. Allowing the exposed phloem of the plane-tree stick to soak into the water when carriers of the white gene drank would have suppressed bearing white offspring–that would have been considered stolen. Dark Ages and Medieval European Jewish sages and gentile English interpreters have introduced many translations that were alien, forbidden magic and mythological to the ancient Biblical Middle East. This view is based on Biblical Hebrew according to Klein complemented by Zohary and other scholars of ancient Assyria (not Mesopotamia) and Canaan. Return to text

Questions you might anticipate that your child might raise and be prepared to discuss:

  1. What does savvy mean?
  2. What is animal husbandry and how does it relate to the word husband?
  3. What is 25%?
  4. What is ¾?
  5. What does it mean to graze a herd?
  6. What is wool?
  7. How is a billy-goat different than any other goat?
  8. What is a doe?
  9. What is the bark of a tree?
  10. What is infertile?
  11. What does gnaw mean?
  12. What does it mean to envy?
  13. What is the "bait & switch" sales fraud?
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