(khan•ut′; chamber) – A chamber on Har ha-•Bay′it outside their usual chamber (the Lish•kat′ ha-Gâ•zit′), where they had temporary residence. Derenbourg, Essai, p. 467, and Krauss, REJ, LXIII, 66f., identify it with the 'Chamber of the sons of çÈðÈï' (a powerful priestly family, cf. YirƏmәyâh′u 34.4) mentioned in J. Pe'ah I,5.]
çÂðåÌú, a shop or store in post-Biblical Hebrew and a cognate of çÈðÈï, is a hapax legomenon, found only in the plural, in Yi•rәmәyâh′u 37.16: äÇçÂðËéåÉú (ha-; "the" + khan•u•yot′; chambers), probably derived from çÈðÈä (to be gracious, kind [also, to decline or encamp; modern Hebrew "to park"], Klein's Etymological Dictionary, p. 224). The cited verse refers to chambers in what was formerly the house of a scribe. A "gracious room" (chamber) in the house of a scribe most likely referred to a temporary collection or storage room for groceries to be distributed to the needy.
Thus, no other association to a commercial or merchant store or shop is found before this notoriously profiteering first century C.E. priestly family likely turned the çðåéåú "gracious rooms" into business shops and stores.