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akh 5th Eve

The Ma•bul Recedes, Grounding The Barge
ca. B.C.E. 2475
Middle East raven
Middle Eastern Fan-Tailed Raven (Corvus rhipidurus), taken in Israel, Spring 2011 by James P. Smith (birdfinders.co.uk)

Finally, in mid-autumn as the waters subsided, the barge grounded on a shallow. Despite being the annual rainy season, by mid-winter akh began to see islands emerge as the waters slowly continued to recede. As the end of winter neared, akh released a raven to determine if it could find dry land to nest – but it returned, numerous times.

Perhaps akh wondered if the raven had made the grounded barge his home. So he released a dove, but that returned too.

A week later he released the dove again – and that time the dove brought back an olive-leaf to refurbish its nest in the grounded barge.

Dove (Laughing; Spilopelia senegalensis), taken by Charlesjsharp
Click to enlargeDove (Laughing; Spilopelia senegalensis), taken by Charlesjsharp

The following week, which was the 1st day of spring, akh released the dove again; and this time, it didn't come back. So akh removed the roof from the grounded barge so they could have a better view – and there was swampy land all around.

Click to enlargeEarliest Altar – in earliest times, all meals in­volved a sacrifice-offering and, therefore, the earliest "stoves" on which all family meals were cooked, were simple campfire roasting spits – the earliest altars (photo: s382.photobucket.com)

By early summer, the Ma•bul had completely receded and the swampy land had mostly dried out allowing akh, his family and all of the animals to deboard the grounded barge.

Then akh built an altar to give thanks and offered an ascendance from each of the kâ•sheir animals. ä' was pleased with the ascendances and resolved that seasons and times would always, without exception, follow the natural laws of logic that govern the universe, and the seasons, and the days and nights of earth.

Optional parental preparation:

  1. Familiarize yourself with ascendance offerings.
  2. Go camping to experience cooking over a campfire, building a fire in the primitive way.
  3. Grill some (kâ•sheir) meat for dinner. Draw the child's attention to the smoke and aroma. Leave a small morsel to burn up; show what is left. Where did it go?
  4. What is a vessel's draft? (from water line to keel)
  5. What happens when a vessel's draft is greater than the depth of the water?
  6. In a large cake pan, you can cover sand and rocks with water. Then use a plastic tube to siphon the water out – demonstrating how the receding water gives the appearance of islands rising out of the water; and demonstrating how gravity enables siphoning.

Questions you might anticipate that your child might raise and be prepared to discuss:

  1. What is a shallow in water?
  2. What is grounding (of a barge or boat)?
Rainbow Rule © 1996-present by Paqid Yirmeyahu Ben-David,

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