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wa-Yishelakh 2nd Eve

Ya•a•qov Prepares 5-Part Appeasement Mi•nᵊkh•âh For Ei•sau
ca. B.C.E. 1966

After Ya•a•qov had completed his military preparations, then he prayed:1 "Ël•oh•im of my father, Avᵊrâ•hâm and Ël•oh•im of my father, Yi•tzᵊkhâq; é‑‑ä, Who told me, 'Return to your native land and I'll be good to you,' I'm the least of the kha•sid•im, and [least] of the ë•mët that You have done with Your servant – having enabled me, by my ma•qeil, to pass over this region of Ya•rᵊd•ein.

"But now, I've become two camps. Rescue me, please, from the hand of my brother, Ei•sau; because I'm terrified of him that he will come and wipe me out – the mother on top of the children.

"But You said, 'I will do absolute good with you, making your seed like the sand of the sea that cannot be counted because they're so many.'"

So Ya•a•qov lodged there that night. The next day he decided that it would be wise to send a mi•nᵊkh•âh ahead to his brother, to appease him. So he separated from his main herds 5 smaller herds as a mi•nᵊkh•âh for his elder twin brother, Ei•sau:

  1. 200 nanny goats with 20 billygoats,
  2. 200 ewes with 20 rams,
  3. 30 nursing camels with their calves,
  4. 30 cows with 10 bulls, and
  5. 20 jenny donkeys with 10 foals.

He turned each herd over to one of his ranch hands with orders to take them to Ei•sau, one at a time with an interval between each herd, and, when Ei•sau inquired who was grazing in his territory, that the ranch hand should answer: "This herd is a mi•nᵊkh•âh to a•don•i Ei•sau from your servant, Ya•a•qov. Look, he is coming behind us."

He ordered the 2nd through 5th ranch hands to do the same with the herds they were leading to Ei•sau.

So he sent the herds before him while he lodged another night on the northern bank of Nakhal éÇáÉÌ÷. That night, having decided it would be safer for his family and property to be further north from the nakhal, he packed up everyone and everything in his rear camp, with all of his herds, and moved them to a safer distance north of the nakhal.

Ei•sau Arrives Covertly, Under Cover Of Darkness

Then, going out alone in front of his forward group of warrior ranch-hands, who remained on the northern bank, Ya•a•qov crossed to the southern bank of Nakhal éÇáÉÌ÷ by himself, remaining alone, with the nakhal as a defensible barrier (by bow) separating himself and Ei•sau from Ya•a•qov's family and possessions.

The Fight Between Ei•sau and Ya•a•qov
"The Battle Familial Millennial In ôÌÀðÄéàÅì"

Later that night, an ish 2 battled Ya•a•qov until nearly sunrise.

Each being baron of their own respectable livestock empire, Ei•sau and Ya•a•qov were each nobles not to be seen by underlings rolling around fighting with each other rolling around in the dirt, the dust and their own blood. Sunrise would expose the ignoble fighting in the dirt of both to Ya•a•qov's family and cowboy-warriors – an embarrassment neither was willing to bear.

Unable to force his younger twin to concede, Ei•sau struck3 Ya•a•qov in the hollow of one of his butt cheeks, damaging Ya•a•qov's sciatic nerve, maiming him, leaving him with a permanent limp for life. Yet, despite his injury, Ya•a•qov achieved some kind of controlling, joint-lock hold, exerting pain on Ei•sau, from which Ei•sau could not extricate himself. Even with his injury, Ya•a•qov proved that, his years as a herdsman had made him tougher than his hunter-twin.

"Let me go!" Ei•sau pleaded. "It's almost sunrise and everyone will see us rolling around fighting in the dirt."

"Everyone will see that I have you down and beaten until I decide to let you up, you mean" Ya•a•qov retorted. "Well, good. Let them see I've beaten you! Either you submit and promise on your honor with a bᵊrâkh•âh to acknowledge that I won or you stay here with your face in the dirt for everyone to wake up, come across the nakhal looking for me, and mock and humiliate you!"

Optional parental preparation:

  1. Note 1 – Modern theologists have this backward. The proper order exemplified here is: [1] act – do the obvious according to Tor•âh, then [2] pray; not the reverse, which results in praying, waiting for an answer that never comes; ergo, no action is taken. Return to text
  2. Note 2 – The only (and conspicuous) ish that would be fighting with Ya•a•qov was his elder twin brother, Ei•sau. Return to text
  3. Note 3 – While the text only reads "and he impacted (touched)," not describing in detail precisely how; either striking with a wooden club or a roundhouse kick to exactly where the text describes (the hollow of the butt cheek, literally, "the palm of the thigh") is the most likely way to deliver sufficient power to cause permanent damage to the sciatic nerve. Return to text

Questions you might anticipate that your child might raise and be prepared to discuss:

  1. What is a native land?
  2. What does familial mean?
  3. What does millenial mean?
  4. What does appease mean?
  5. What is the hollow of a butt cheek?
  6. What is a joint lock?
Rainbow Rule © 1996-present by Paqid Yirmeyahu Ben-David,

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