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wâ-Ei•râ 3rd Eve

Mak•âh #3: Kin•im

Egyptian capital, Ankh-Tawi; ≈16th-22nd of 4thmonth (3rd Week of Summer), ca. B.C.E.
Culicoides-obsoletus biting midge (female)
Biting midge (actual size)Click to enlarge

In previous blood-tide years, Mosh•ëh recalled, on a lesser scale than this massive blood-tide, so many dead frogs on land typically provided the culture medium spawning a widespread infestation of Kin•im and •rōv — which tormented everyone. So an even more-massive vexation of Kin•im, which typically preceded swarms of •rōv, seemed inevitable. Moreover, an epidemic of Dëvër. invariably struck the livestock a couple of months after the Kin•im.

Then é‑‑ä told Mosh•ëh,

“Tell A•ha•ron, ‘Stretch forth your illusion-scepter and strike the dust of the ground, that it may become Kin•im throughout all of ërëtz Mi•tzᵊrayim.’ ”

So they did. Soon, there were Kin•im everywhere, biting men and livestock. It seemed as if the dust had turned into Kin•im.

But the Egyptian glyphomancer scientists attempted to performed the same illusion using pyromancy. – but they couldn't do it. And Kin•im were everywhere.

Then the Egyptian glyphomancer scientists said to Par•oh, "This is the Finger of ël•oh•im." But that only goaded the arrogant-defiance Par•oh harbored in his heart. Yet again, he reneged and dismissed them — just as é‑‑ä had predicted.

Rainbow Rule

Mak•âh #4: •rōv

Egyptian capital, Ankh-Tawi; ≈23rd-30th of 4thmonth (4th Week of Summer), Year Preceding ca. B.C.E.
Stable fly
Click to enlargeStable fly (a Glan­ders vec­tor)

When the sweltering heat began to cool-off, the swarms of Kin•im tapered-off. Mosh•ëh had seen a couple of •rōv and he knew, relative to previous years, that huge swarms of •rōv were only a couple of days away – and that there was always an epidemic of Shᵊkhin a couple of weeks or so after that. Mosh•ëh also noted that the unusually strong winds, being out of the NW, blew the swarms south – out of shën, in the Delta, into Lower Egypt – away from the Ha•biru and their livestock. So he prodded Par•oh for yet another negotiation.

Then é‑‑ä told Mosh•ëh,

“Get up at the pre-dawn donkey-loading time in the morning and position yourself on the bank of the Nile when Par•oh comes up out from his morning bathe in the Nile. Tell him, ‘Thus says é‑‑ä, «Send My am so that they may serve Me! If you don't, look, I'll send swarms of •rōv upon you, upon your servants and upon your am; in your houses; in the houses of Mi•tzᵊrayim and they shall swarm on the ground. But on that day I will sequestrate shën, in which My am lives, so that no swarms of flies shall be there, in order that you may know that I am é‑‑ä in the midst of -ârëtz. I shall put a ransom between My am and your am. This sign shall take place by tomorrow!» ’ ”

Then é‑‑ä did so: heavy swarms of •rōv in the house of Par•oh, in his attendants' houses and throughout ërëtz Mi•tzᵊrayim the land was ravaged by •rōv.

Then Par•oh summoned Mosh•ëh and A•ha•ron, declaring, "Go! Sacrifice to your ël•oh•im – but remain in ërëtz Mi•tzᵊrayim!"

"It's not right to do that," Mosh•ëh replied. "We will be sacrificing to é‑‑ä our ël•oh•im animals that Mi•tzᵊrayim regard as their ël•oh•im. So our sacrifices will be a to•eiv•âh to them. If we sacrifice their animal-ël•oh•im before their eyes will they not be enraged and stone us? No, we will trek 3 days into the mi•dᵊbâr, and there sacrifice to é‑‑ä our ël•oh•im however He shall command us."

"Ok," Par•oh finally relented, "I will send you and you shall sacrifice to é‑‑ä your ël•oh•im in the mi•dᵊbâr. But [a] you must not go very far away and [b] you must intercede for me to make these •rōv go away."

Now Mosh•ëh knew that the swarms of flies in Israel typically last only a couple of weeks or so. Watching them carefully, he had discerned that the swarms had peaked. So time was growing short that the swarms would quickly die-off and disappear. Mosh•ëh needed to keep his negotiations focused on a quick deadline or the flies would disappear before Mosh•ëh could take advantage of them. Mosh•ëh couldn't stop the die-off of flies that would be noticeable in a day or two. So he had to negotiate around a next-day deadline.

So Mosh•ëh agreed. "Look, as soon as I leave here I'll intercede with é‑‑ä for the swarms of •rōv to leave from Par•oh, from his workers and from his am – by tomorrow! But no more of your clowning-around reneging! Then Mosh•ëh left Par•oh and interceded with é‑‑ä that his timing, in predicting the end of the swarms of •rōv would be arguably accurate.

And é‑‑ä did according to the matter of Mosh•ëh. He eliminated the swarms of •rōv from Par•oh and from his am. Not one •rōv remained.

But, yet again, this only goaded the arrogant-defiance harbored in Par•oh's heart, who did not send forth the am.

Optional parental preparation:

  1. Can the child (you?) recite from memory the Mak•ōt (Hebrew terms) so far?  … ,ãÌÈí

  2. Explain the concept of (large- / small-) scale.

  3. What is a culture medium?

  4. What does spawn mean?

  5. What is an infestation?

  6. What does torment mean? Vex(ation)?

  7. What does sequestrate mean?

  8. What's the difference between redeem and ransom?

Questions you might anticipate that your child might raise and be prepared to discuss:

  1. What does "precede" mean?

  2. What is an epidemic?

  3. What does "invariably" mean?

  4. What does "sweltering" mean?

  5. What does it mean to "taper-off"?

  6. What does it mean to "relent"?

Rainbow Rule © 1996-present by Paqid Yirmeyahu Ben-David,

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