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akh 3rd Eve

(Conclusion of Pâ•râsh•at bᵊ-Reish•it)
Societal Degeneration
ca. B.C.E. 4000
Mesopotamia (''between the rivers'') in yellow
Click to enlargeArea of Gan Eidën: Mesopota­mi­a ("between the rivers"; in yel­low), between the Tigris and Eu­phrates Rivers, and the Persian Gulf

Because Qayin committed murder, he was banished from Eidën and forced to move East — to Persia (modern Iran).1 In order to be accepted there without being killed as an enemy, he had to be tattooed2 with the tribal mark that identified the peoples there; no longer identified, or identifiable, with the tribe of •dâm and Khaw•âh.

Then •dâm and Khaw•âh had another son, Sheit.

As generations passed and sons of ël•oh•im married daughters of the â•dâm, society and civilizations degenerated, morality eroded and mankind grew increasingly depraved to the point that those who conveyed the Ruakh of ä' Ël•oh•im found it was futile to advocate for His Din.

Nᵊphil•im, who were reputedly sons of ël•oh•im,1 married daughters of the â•dâm, producing heroic-warriors who, from antiquity, had been men of ha-Sheim. So ä' consoled Himself for having made the â•dâm in -ârëtz and said, "I should blot out the â•dâm from the face of the a•dâm•âh; from â•dâm to beast to insects and birds."

But ä' liked akh.

Pâ•râsh•at akh

akh was an ish tza•diq, who was eugenically3 tâm•im and had three sons (Sheim, Khâm and Yâ•phët); and akh busied himself with the ël•oh•im.

Optional parental preparation:

  1. What country is east of Mespotamia and Gan Eidën?
  2. Show on a globe where you are; then where Mespotamia and Gan Eidën were – and what country is East from there.
  3. Perhaps years ahead of discussing this with your child, parents should do a bit of research together to be able to discuss contemporary arguments – both the latest science and current extremists' arguments, to be soundly informed how to intelligently answer dangerous extremists about eugenics: from ancient beliefs to many contemporary racist and religious beliefs and, particularly, the Nazi plague; as well as racism in the world today from the KKK to neo-Nazi socialist White Power and Black Power groups to (recent American and) Israeli government and Ultra-Orthodox rabbinic dynasties. It is recommended that the familiarization with these various issues include the relatively new science of epigenetics.
  4. Note 1 – The Biblical characters all emerge from the southeast end of the Fertile Crescent; what was Mesopotamia (between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers) and is now probably the area of southeastern Iraq and the submerged northern area of the Persian Gulf. This was their "world." Outside of their world, what is today called the Fertile Crescent (from the Nile Delta at the western fringe arcing north and east through Kᵊna•an (Yi•sᵊr•â•eil) into Syria then south east into central Iraq and the Persian Gulf. While people were known outside of Mesopotamia, they were considered alien – Nᵊphil•im. Today, we know that alien land included ancient Egypt, where the Egyptian Par•ohs did, in fact, claim to be gods who descended from gods! Thus, Nᵊphil•im may be one and the same as the ancient Egyptians, who did, in fact, worship alien gods, and Par•ohs claimed to be those alien gods-moses ("incarnate" in Egyptian). It then follows that the Ma•bul destroyed the ancient Mesopotamians "world" of the Bible (that part of southern Mesopotamia and, perhaps, what is now the submerged north section of the Persian Gulf) – but not the "alien world" outside "their world"; i.e., not, for example, ancient Egypt. Return to text

Questions you might anticipate that your child might raise and be prepared to discuss:

  1. Note 2 – What was the àåÉú of Qayin? In addition to distinctive grooming, beards and dress, ancient peoples of the Biblical Middle East tattooed themselves as a security measure to identify friend from foe (see, inter alia, Mᵊlâkh•im Âlëph 18.24-29 and wa-Yi•qᵊr•â 19.28; also Smithsonian.com; accessed 2015.07.03). Return to text
  2. What is the Hebrew term for "saint"? (qâ•dosh)
  3. Note 3 – What is eugenics? (For the first few years, "coming from a good family" is likely an adequate answer. But, as the child starts school, this issue will come find him or her – and it's best if the child has a more detailed and sturdy basis for his or her beliefs by that time to avoid your child being seduced by conspiracists, extremists, cults, jihadists, etc.

    Eugenics is an essentially racist belief that, by akh's time, had certainly derived from the ancient Egyptian belief, tracing back to the First Dynasty – 700 years before akh and the Ma•bul. Egyptian Par•ohs were thought to be gods descended, by purity of family bloodline, from gods. Par•oh was thought to be the current Moses vessel of the divine bloodline. This god-incarnate claim of divine bloodline, with its assumed accompanying "divine right to rule," resurfaced 2500 years later in the form of Hellenizing Christian rulers of the Roman Empire laying the idolatrous – and racist – claim to be descended from the vessel of divine blood (namely, the Virgin Mary), encrypted as the "Holy Grail." Descendance from this "Holy Grail" was later claimed by European "royal" families of Europe and the Middle East and, according to some rumors, even the American presidency – each claiming to be the current "Holy Grail" of the "divine bloodline." Return to text

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