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Lëkh Lᵊkhâ 1st Eve (Mo•tzâ•ei Shab•ât Beginning Week)

Avᵊrâm Moves Family To Eil•on Mor•ëh, South Of Shᵊkhëm, Kᵊna•an

ca. B.C.E. 2112
Syria to Egypt Ancient Trade Routes
Click to enlargeSyria to Egypt Ancient Trade Routes
Click to enlargeäÇø âÌÀøÄæÌÄéí (left / southwest), Shᵊkhëm and äÇø òÅéáÈì (right / northeast)
Eilon (oak) near Khevron
Click to enlargeEil•on near Khë•vᵊr•on (Gush Etzion)

After the death of Tërakh, ä' commanded Avᵊrâm to "get yourself going" out of Khâ•rân and go to Kᵊna•an where I will make you a powerful leader. I will bless those who bless you; and anyone who curses you I will damn. And in you shall all of the families of the a•dâm•âh become blessed.

So Avᵊrâm traveled with his caravan and encampment, his wife, Sâr•ai, and his nephew, Lōt, via the Inland Ridge Trade Route, through Damascus, Syria and into Kᵊna•an, passing around Yâm Ki•nërët and continuing south into central Kᵊna•an to Shᵊkhëm, where Avᵊrâm set up his camp and pitched his tent in the nearby village of Eil•on Mor•ëh. There, Avᵊrâm envisioned ä' promising that He would bequeath the land to his descendants.

From Eil•on Mor•ëh, Avᵊrâm and his family continued moving south following the Inland Ridge Trade Route to Khë•vᵊr•on.

Famine In Kᵊna•an, Avᵊrâm Moves Family To Nile Delta, Egypt

Ancient World (showing modern countries)
Click to enlargeAncient World (showing modern countries); Nile Delta in light green

When a famine befell the land of Kᵊna•an, Avᵊrâm decided to move his family south and west into the Nile Delta of lower (northern) Egypt, where the annual flooding of the Nile made the Delta the food basket of the ancient world.

Sâr•ai – A "To Kill For" Femme Fatale!

Unlike the lands in which Avᵊrâm and his family had lived to this point, Egypt was the ancient world's superpower – and had been for more than 1,000 years, ruled by a dictator Par•oh who could do whatever he wished. Rumors abounded of rulers murdering men married to beautiful wives in order to take their wives for themselves.1

Avᵊrâm was unaware of the Par•oh family's misguided belief that they were gods descended from gods by a "Holy Grail" divine bloodline that could not be mixed with "commoner" mortals. By their own beliefs, a Par•oh could only marry and reproduce within his own family's "divine blood" – usually a step-sister, a daughter of one of his Par•oh-father's several wives.

Paroh Wahankh Intef II (ca. BCE 2108-2059) Limestone Funerary stele (Middle Kingdom Dynasty XI Thebes, 
    Metropolitan Museum of Art. Accession Number: 13.182.3)
Click to enlargePar•oh Wahankh Intef II (ca. BCE 2108-2059, about the time of Avᵊrâm) – Limestone Funerary stele (Middle Kingdom Dynasty XI Thebes, Metropolitan Museum of Art. Accession Number: 13.182.3)

So, although in some lands there was a danger of being killed because Sâr•ai was so desirable, unknown to Avᵊrâm, it was unlikely that the Egyptian Par•oh would compromise his claim of a Pharaonic "divine bloodline" underpinning his claim of rule by "divine right."

But because Avᵊrâm didn't know that, he feared being killed by the Egyptian Par•oh because Sâr•ai was so desirable. So, while in Egypt, he asked her to pose as his sister instead of his wife.

As a result, thinking she was Avᵊrâm's sister, the Egyptian officials who saw her recommended she be presented to Par•oh and took her to the palace to distance her from "commoner" mortals; presumably in preparation for eventual marriage to Par•oh. Because relative of a Par•oh must also be seen as distanced from "commoner" mortals, Par•oh also made Avᵊrâm a wealthy baron – with tzon, cattle, male donkeys, workers and maids, female donkeys and camels.

However, a contagious infection swept through Par•oh's household, and Par•oh blamed it on the new arrival: Sâr•ai. He soon learned that Sâr•ai was Avᵊrâm's wife, not his sister. But although Par•oh was mightily angry at Avᵊrâm, he shrewdly realized that it was politically unwise to publicly acknowledge that the Egyptian belief in "divine bloodline" and "divine right to rule," which kept the Pharaonic household in power, was so tenuous as to so nearly be compromised by a woman unqualified for deification.

Summoning Avᵊrâm, he dealt with the matter discreetly. "What have you done to me?" Par•oh demanded of Avᵊrâm. "Why didn't you tell me she is your wife? Why did you say, 'She is my sister,' putting me in danger of marrying a woman who is married to a mortal "commoner"? Take your wife and all of your belongings and get out of Egypt!"

Optional parental preparation:

  1. Watch the fictional movie, The Da Vinci Code.
  2. If you can access it, watch the History Channel UK video: Ancient Mysteries: Queen Pharaoh
  3. Track the journey of Avᵊrâm and his family, following the Fertile Crescent and then the Inland Ridge Trade Route, from what is today southern Iraq near the top of the Persian Gulf (Ur) north to southern Turkey near the Syrian border (Khâ•rân) south to Shᵊkhëm (Eil•on Mor•ëh), then down to Khë•vᵊr•on and, finally, to the Nile Delta in Egypt.
  4. Note 1 – Avᵊrâm's fears that the Par•oh might murder him in order to marry Sâr•ai were not without basis. Note that, approx. 1100 years later, Dâ•wid ha-Mëlëkh similarly murdered one of his own top soldiers, Ur•i•yâh the Hittite, husband of Bat-Shëva, in order to marry her (Shᵊmu•eil Beit 11.1-12.25). Return to text
  5. When Avᵊrâm asked his wife to lie to the Egyptians, does that mean that lying is ok?

Questions you might anticipate that your child might raise and be prepared to discuss:

  1. What is an oak tree? A terebinth tree? (Google a photo)
  2. What is a stele?
  3. What does "femme fatale" mean? (French: fatal femininity; i.e. so beautiful as to be fatally dangerous)
  4. What was a Par•oh? (Hellenized to Pharaoh)
  5. What is the racist-supremacist belief in "divine blood"? (What is racism? What is supremacism?)
  6. What is a mortal?
  7. What is Hellenism? (Belief in the idol of Ζεύς and related idols.)
  8. What was the "Holy Grail"? (This is a Christian belief; and a simplification of a more cryptic belief in a "divine right" of those claiming to have a "divine bloodline" to rule as royal families. The simple explanation is that Christians believe the "Holy Grail" was the Qi•dush cup used by Ribi Yᵊho•shua at his last Pësakh Seidër. However, the authors of the "Holy Grail" theory, called the "Knights Templar", had a more cryptic – secret – purpose. First, being Roman Christians (Hellenists), they believed in a divine man-god idol that they corrupted to interweave into their own idolatry, reinterpreting stories they heard from Hellenist Jews about Ribi Yᵊho•shua (whose mother's name was Mirᵊyâm, Hellenized to "Mary"). Because Christians wrongly believed he was a man-god, their claim – that the woman who gave birth to their man-god therefore had to be the sole vessel (grail) in the world who was the single wellspring coursing the "divine bloodline" – is also false. While most people superficially thought the "Holy Grail" was a mere Qi•dush cup, the Knights Templar kept their great secret: they believed that "Holy Mary" was the "Holy Grail"! It was "Holy Mary" and her "divine bloodline" that the Knights Templar sought – and claimed to have brought back to France and Europe. Many of the royal families of Europe, kings and queens, princes and princesses, claim a "divine right" to rule because, they falsely claim, they have descended from this "Holy Grail.")
  9. What is a commoner? (In contrast to the "ruling class" of lords, etc., many of whom claim a "divine bloodline," an extension of the idolatrous notion of descent from the Hellenist "immortals" idols. A commoner has a non-divine, i.e., mortal, bloodline. All humans are commoners / mortals. There is no such thing as a "divine bloodline," which is, at its core, a racist and supremacist false claim.)
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