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Lëkh Lᵊkhâ 2nd Eve

ca. B.C.E. 2112
Avᵊrâm, A Wealthy Baron, Moves Back To The Nëgëv
Mizbeiakh, Tel Beer-Sheva
Click to enlargeMi•zᵊbeiakh, Tël Bᵊeir Shëva

So Avᵊrâm, Sâr•ai and his nephew, Lōt, with their fortunes in herds of various kinds of livestock, as well as fortunes in silver and gold, assembled a caravan and moved out of Egypt. The family passed through the Nëgëv and returned to their previous homestead at Eil•on Mor•ëh where he had originally built a mi•zᵊbeiakh (between Beit-Eil and Ai, halfway between Shᵊkhëm and Yᵊru•shâ•layim, in Kᵊna•an). It was there that Avᵊrâm called ä' by Name.

Family Feud Threatens To Descend Into A Range War
Succulent pasturage of Kikar Yardein
Click to enlargeSucculent pasturage of the District of Ya•rᵊd•ein (Ya•rᵊd•ein River in center-left of photo)

Lōt likewise returned independently wealthy, with many herds and tents of workers and maids. But there were too many herds and animals for the amount of land in the area. There wasn't enough pasture for all of the animals of both families to graze. As the grasses were devoured by the overstocking of animals, range wars broke out between the cattlemen and shepherds of the two families.

Avᵊrâm convened a pow-wow between himself and Lōt to agree together on a solution before the situation deteriorated into bloodshed.

Then Avᵊrâm proposed to Lōt, "Let's not have a range war between family members. There's plenty of land out there. You and your cowboys and shepherds take your herds and flocks one way to graze and I and my cowboys and shepherds will take our herds and flocks to graze in the other direction. Take your pick."

The Price Of Putting Work Before Qodësh
Lōt Exposes His Family To Idolatry And Immoral Life In Sᵊdom
Plain of Sedom
Click to enlargePlain of Sᵊdom (14 km northeast of Yâm ha-Mëlakh looking east) – beyond the nearby teil extend­ing east to the distant mountains and south along the entire east shore of Yâm ha-Mëlakh in present-day Jordan.

So Lōt chose to graze his herds and flocks in the District of Ya•rᵊd•ein, grazing and camping east and south, through Yᵊri•kho and along the east shore of Yâm ha-Mëlakh as far as the city of Sᵊdom, which was ruled by the king of Iran.

In making his decision, Lōt ignored the influence that the residents of Sᵊdom would have on him and his family. The residents of Sᵊdom were widely known as brazen wrong-doers and idolatrous transgressors against ä'.

ä' Deeds Kᵊna•an to Avᵊrâm
Yam ha-Melakh salt deposits
Click to enlargeYâm ha-Mëlakh salt deposits

Since Lōt had chosen the District of Ya•rᵊd•ein and the east shore of Yâm ha-Mëlakh, this left Avᵊrâm and his cowboys and shepherds to graze their flocks on the west side of Yâm ha-Mëlakh in Kᵊna•an, among the mountains of Yᵊhudâh, south to Khë•vᵊr•on. Now the east shore of Yâm ha-Mëlakh was ruled by the king of Iran, while Kᵊna•an was governed by a string of smaller, independent city-kings.

After Lōt and his family had moved all their possessions, herds and flocks, settling near Sᵊdom, Avᵊrâm envisioned ä' granting all the land around Eil•on Mor•ëh to him and his descendants, as far as he could see in all directions, grazing throughout the length and breadth of the land; promising Avᵊrâm that He would multiply his descendants beyond numbering, like the grains of sand on the earth.

Optional parental preparation:

  1. Try to find videos of a working cattle ranch, goat herding and shepherding to show.
  2. Review, with the child, on a globe, the areas in which story took place. (principally the area north of, and halfway down the east shore of Yâm ha-Mëlakh to Sᵊdom (Lōt) and Yᵊhudâh south to Khë•vᵊr•on (Av•râm).

Questions you might anticipate that your child might raise and be prepared to discuss:

  1. What's a baron?
  2. What's the Nëgëv?
  3. What's a range war? (Like in the American Old West)
  4. What does "holy" mean?
  5. What is idolatry? (any physical representation of a god)
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