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Lëkh Lᵊkhâ 3rd Eve

ca. B.C.E. 2112
Avᵊrâm Moves To Khë•vᵊr•on

Then Avᵊrâm moved his family from Eil•on Mor•ëh to Eil•on•ei Ma•mᵊr•ei, a neighborhood in Khë•vᵊr•on, where he built his ranch with traditional family mi•zᵊbeiakh.

War Engulfs the Cities of the Plain of Sᵊdom
Shekhem and Yam ha-Melakh
Shᵊkhëm and Yâm ha-Mëlakh

Sᵊdom and its satellite sister cities became exhausted by the rule of the Iranian king and joined adjacent local kings in the south, Εd•om and A•mâ•leiq, in a widespread rebellion against the rule of the Iranian king.

This brought swift and harsh retaliation from the Iranian king. First, he attacked and conquered the south, Εd•om and A•mâ•leiq. Then his soldiers turned northward and conquered and plundered all of the cities in the Sᵊdom Plain, including Sᵊdom itself – taking Lōt and his family captive with them as they headed north, via Damascus, returning home to Iran.

An escapee from the battle came to Avᵊrâm and told him of the capture of Lōt and his family.

Uncle Avᵊrâm's Battalion

Immediately, Avᵊrâm mustered and armed 318 of his cowboys, shepherds and guards to chase down the convoy and forcibly redeem his nephew from the Iranians.

Avᵊrâm and his battalion of warriors overtook and engaged the Iranians just as they were leaving the northernmost region of Yi•sᵊr•â•eil – the tribal area of Dan. Staging a series of night raids, Avᵊrâm's battalion repeatedly neutralized Iranian platoons that had been mostly depleted from the wars with A•mâ•leiq, Εd•om and the cities of the Plain of Sᵊdom.

Avᵊrâm's battalion harassed the Iranian soldiers all the way to Damascus and northward, until he had redeemed his nephew, Lōt, along with his family and all of his workers, and retrieved all of his possessions.

Ma•lᵊk•i-Tzëdëq, Ko•hein of Eil Elᵊy•on
Ancient palace area (behind yellow bullet), Nakhal Qidron (green button), Gei-Hinom (orange button)
Click to enlargeAncient palace area in Ir Dâ•wid, looking south; Nakhal Qi•dᵊr•on – and Gei-Hi•nom. After buttressing the foundation, Dâ•wid ha-Mëlëkh likely built this palace atop the previous king's palace.

When Avᵊrâm returned with Lōt and all of his possessions, the king of the capital city of Sᵊdom traveled to Yᵊru•shâ•layim to welcome him back, meeting Avᵊrâm in the nakhal in front of the king's palace. Then Ma•lᵊk•i-Tzëdëq, ko•hein of Eil Elᵊy•on, brought bread and wine, blessing Avᵊrâm saying, "May Avᵊrâm be blessed by Eil Elᵊy•on, Possessor of the heavens and the earth; and may Eil Elᵊy•on, Who has delivered your enemies into your hand, be blessed."

Then Avᵊrâm gave Ma•lᵊk•i-Tzëdëq, the ko•hein, a tenth of all they had brought back.

Optional parental preparation:

  1. Show your child where Iran (ancient Elam / Persia) is on a globe.
  2. Show your child where the ancient region allocated to the Tribe of Dân is in in the far north of modern Israel. Then show where Syria and Damascus are, and the Fertile Crescent that arcs all the way east and south into Iraq (between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers was ancient Mesopotamia and its city of Ur in the south) to the Persian Gulf.
  3. Show where the Amaleqites and Edomites lived in the Nëgëv.
  4. Show, on a globe, where Yᵊru•shâ•layim, the capital of Yi•sᵊr•â•eil, is located.
  5. Show, on a map of Yᵊru•shâ•layim, where Nakhal Qi•dᵊr•on (Hellenized to "Kidron Valley") is located in the city.

Questions you might anticipate that your child might raise and be prepared to discuss:

  1. What is a tenth?
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