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Lëkh Lᵊkhâ 4th Eve

ca. B.C.E. 2112
Refuse A Gift Of Tainted Money!
Ancient palace area (behind yellow bullet), Nakhal Qidron (green button), Gei-Hinom (orange button)
Click to enlargeAncient palace area in Ir Dâ•wid, looking south; Nakhal Qi•dᵊr•on – and Gei-Hi•nom. After buttressing the foundation, Dâ•wid ha-Mëlëkh likely built this palace atop the previous king's palace.

The king of Sᵊdom, immorally caring more about currying favor with Avᵊrâm than his people's welfare, stood up and offered Avᵊrâm all the booty as a gift if he would just return the people of Sᵊdom he had freed – principally Lōt and his family – back to their homes in Sᵊdom.

The treasure offered by the king belonged not to him but to the liberated citizens of Sᵊdom. It didn't belong to the king to give away.

So Avᵊrâm turned down the money except what they had eaten and a share for his 3 officers, lest anyone think that it was the king of Sᵊdom and his tainted money that had made Avᵊrâm wealthy!

ä' Promises A Son To Avᵊrâm By Barren Sâr•ai

Through these events ä' told him one evening that He was the Mâ•gein Av•râm and that Avᵊrâm would receive a great wage.

But then Avᵊrâm thought, "A•don•âi ä', What profit is any wage when I have no children to whom I can pass it down. Everything You show me, that I teach them, will be inherited by my Syrian CEO from Damascus, Ël•i•ëzër."

Seipher Torah & Beit Din
Seiphër Tor•âh (Tei•mân•i) & Beit Din

Then it hit him; the reply of ä' occurred to him: No one but his own descendants could inherit his wealth and teachings. You must, and shall, have a descendant to inherit your wealth, most especially your wealth of spiritual insights and teachings (which developed into the Tor•âh we know today).

As he mused on these things, Avᵊrâm strolled outside into the cool evening ruakh, under the night sky, and was inspired by the countless stars. "May ä' multiply my descendants to be as countless as the stars," he prayed. So Avᵊrâm trusted in ä' and considered that it was a tzᵊdâq•âh for Him. Just as countless descendants would be good for Avᵊrâm, so, too, countless descendants raised in the teachings of ä' would be a good thing for ä'.‎1

Homesteading A Ranch
Click to enlargeIsraeli cattle ranch on the Golan (photo: gettyimages.com & i.dailymail.co.uk)

ä' brought me here all the way from Ur to find good land to homestead, Avᵊrâm mused, so that I could pass the land on to my descendants as an inheritance.

Homesteading a ranch is one thing; but operating on the promise that the land of Kᵊna•an would be his "as far as he could see in all directions, grazing throughout the length and breadth of the land" meant seriously going out and conquering surrounding city-kings throughout Kᵊna•an to take it as his possession to build a qâ•dosh landed-kindred nation for ä'. Well, that required a serious reality check to be certain he was interpreting ä' accurately – and not just dreaming-up some off-the-rails, delusion of grandeur in his own mind.

Granted, most of Kᵊna•an along the mountain ridge was ruled by tiny city-kings whom his battle-hardened battalion could defeat. But, once he incorporated a number of city-kingdoms into his own single nation he would be noticed by the big powers in the region – Syria, Egypt and even Iran. Defending the land after he had conquered it would be a much gnarlier problem. And there were periodic droughts to survive.

So he prayed, "A•don•âi ä', How can I be certain that I'm interpreting Your Will correctly? That I and my descendants – who don't even exist yet – are charged with conquering and making qâ•dosh the entire land of Kᵊna•an?"

Avᵊrâm never doubted ä''s capability. He instinctively knew better than to test-try ä'. But whether Avᵊrâm was interpreting ä' correctly was an entirely different issue – and Avᵊrâm realized that if he was misinterpreting his own thoughts for ä''s instructions; if ä' wasn't backing him, then he would fail. Avᵊrâm needed to demonstrate that he was going forward based entirely on his trust in ä', which he had already expressed earlier. He could demonstrate this by means of a bᵊrit wherein each would be a partner in this venture.‎2 – not test-proving ä' (for the Creator-Singularity Who set the laws of the universe in motion, all human affairs are trivial).

Optional parental preparation:

  1. Get out a starchart and show how to find the polar star, constellations and various planets.
  2. Note 1 – This can be understood – correctly – both ways. A tzᵊdâq•âh is a tzᵊdâq•âh irrespective of who performs it. Since ä' is the Tza•diq, His Will is Tza•diq by definition and, conversely, we are logically sound in expecting, and labeling, every element of His Will to be a tzᵊdâq•âh to/for Him, and to/for us, the same. Conversely, what is a tzᵊdâq•âh to/for ä' is no less a tzᵊdâq•âh for Avᵊrâm. So, "he" (whether ä' or Avᵊrâm) would have considered countless descendants the same: to be a tzᵊdâq•âh, both for "him" (Avᵊrâm) or "Him" (ä'). Caveat: while "reckoned" in the sense of "considered" is valid, the English (and Christian) connotation of "imputed" or "assigned," deriving from the English "reckoned," is not a valid connotation from the original Hebrew term: åÇéÌÇçÀùÑÀáÆäÈ. Return to text
  3. Note 2 – Interpreters who have never understood this ritual assume, and inject, a "sign" where there was none. The Hebrew term for "sign," àåÉú, is nowhere found in this chapter. Nor does any sign occur; only a ritual to illustrate the bᵊrit and a dream. Return to text

Questions you might anticipate that your child might raise and be prepared to discuss:

  1. What is "currying favor"?
  2. What is welfare?
  3. What is "tainted" money?
  4. What is an officer?
  5. What is "moral" and "immoral"?
  6. What does "barren" mean?
  7. What was a shield in ancient times?
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