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Lëkh Lᵊkhâ 5th Eve

The "Walk-Through"

ca. B.C.E. 2112
The Secret Of The Bᵊrit Between Halved Wholes
attracting the Unseen
What can draw the Unseen Creator into a bᵊrit (2-party contract)? What force can bind a non-physical Singularity in a contract?

The traditional ritual establishing a purpose-based bᵊrit identified one or more animal sacrifices with respective elements of the purpose. Just as both parties to the bᵊrit were each shouldering responsibility for elements of the whole objective, the two parties each assumed responsibility for their half of each of the sacrificial animals – by the two parties to the bᵊrit walking together as partners between the halved animal-sacrifices, which symbolized the objective of the bᵊrit.

But this bᵊrit was with ä', not another man. Accordingly, this commitment could not be satisfied by two men walking between the halves. A commitment to the objective by ä' could only be symbolized – somehow.

Further complicating this (perhaps unprecedented) bᵊrit, the purpose of this bᵊrit was to symbolize not merely a partnership between Avᵊrâm and ä', but a partnership in which Avᵊrâm – and his descendants – would perform the purpose as illuminated by trust in this partnership. Right then, Avᵊrâm wasn't sure whether he was following the Light or whether he might be in the dark.

To resolve this indecision, Avᵊrâm devised an animal sacrifice ritual to symbolize the conundrum to see whether these two partners could do a walk-through, literally through, the objective of this bᵊrit. He cut each of the sacrificial animals (except the tiny birds) in halves to see if ä' would, somehow, complete the bᵊrit of partners walking between the halves.

The Eagle Preys On The Sacrificial Animals
Click to enlargeGreater spotted eagle (photo by Vaibhav Mishra, birdforum.net)

Having set up the sacrificial animals to invoke the bᵊrit, an eagle preyed upon the sacrificial animals and Avᵊrâm chased it away.

Eagles are predatory birds that shriek and scream as they attack, kill and eat small animals. Preceding the entire dream sequence, this was a real-life event and, accordingly, interpreted as a near-time vision – the future exile in Egypt.

Avᵊrâm's Dream

Then he dreamed that a black and foreboding darkness enveloped the site and two objects – a furnace emanating smoke and a torch emanating a flame, illuminated the darkness – proceeding between the halves of the sacrificial animals.

Unlocking The Symbolisms
binary encryption key
binary encryption key (photo: locksmithcarlingford.net.au)

This ancient frame of reference is the key to unlocking Avᵊrâm's dream

Traditionally, smoke was associated with ruakh; and, in Avᵊrâm's dream, the question is specifically about the participation of the Ruakh of ä' in this bᵊrit; the Ruakh ha-Qodësh, which equates to the Shᵊkhin•âh. The source of smoke was a furnace, oven or mi•zᵊbeiakh, from whence it wafted into the heavens. Thus, this oven or furnace symbolized the source of the Shᵊkhin•âh – namely, ä'.

Since the furnace emanating smoke symbolized ä' as the Senior Partner of this bᵊrit, a priori, the torch emanating fire symbolized Avᵊrâm. Therefore, Avᵊrâm and his descendants are to be that torch, bearing the Light, which is Tor•âh, through the darkness, which is the blindness and ignorance of the goy•im – walking in concert with our Senior Partner in this bᵊrit: ä' and His Shᵊkhin•âh.

For Avᵊrâm, all of these elements of the ritual and his dream converged as the answer to his inquiry: that ä' was partnering with him in this bᵊrit – for Avᵊrâm and his descendants to possess the land of Kᵊna•an.

Optional parental preparation:

  1. What can draw the Unseen Creator into a bᵊrit? (To be ready for your child's questions, click the bᵊrit link and master the glossary entry. A bᵊrit is a 2-party contract, not a unilateral gift. There is NO way to bring the Unseen Creator into a bᵊrit! There is, however, one, and only one, way to do the reverse: bring oneself into a bᵊrit with the Creator-Singularity: by bringing oneself into conformity with the Laws of the Creator-Singularity. To do that, first, one has to discern the Laws of the Creator-Singularity, the laws of His creation, the universe, which reflect their Author. That's called science. And that's what Avᵊrâm did to the best of his ability and contemporary knowledge of science. Why? The answer is in the next question.
  2. What force can bind a non-physical Singularity in a contract? We see in the perfection of the laws of the universe, laws that reflect their Creator, that its Creator-Singularity is Perfect. That implies self-contradiction is impossible for Him. We can be certain of this. Therefore, if we conform to His Laws, we come into compatibility with Him – into His bᵊrit! It is not the Creator-Singularity Who comes into a bᵊrit with us; but, rather, we who may bring ourselves into conformity with His Laws to satisfy the terms and conditions of His bᵊrit!

Questions you might anticipate that your child might raise and be prepared to discuss:

  1. What is a bᵊrit / contract?
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