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wâ-Yei•râ 1st Eve (Mo•tzâ•ei Shab•ât Beginning Week)

ca. B.C.E. 2088
3 "Angels" Appear to Avᵊrâ•hâm
Eilon oak near Khevron
Click to enlargeEil•on (oak) near Khë•vᵊr•on

One day, as Avᵊrâ•hâm sat in the shade of the door of his tent, in the mid-day heat, in Eil•on•ei Mor•ëh, he envisioned ä'. Looking up, he saw three a•nâsh•im located atop the hill opposite him. Envisioning them, and running from the door of his tent to meet them, he welcomed them with the customary bow and greeting, "Please, a•don•âi, if it pleases you, don't bypass your workman. Take some water, rinse the dust off of your feet and have a seat leaning against the tree right there in the shade. I'll include a bit of bread with your dinner and you can eat your fill. Afterward, you can continue on, having passed my way."

"That sounds terrific," they replied.

So Avᵊrâ•hâm darted into the tent, to Sârâh, saying, "Quick, knead 30 loaves of fine flour and throw them in the oven!" The Avᵊrâ•hâm ran out to the cattle ranch hands, cut a tender young calf from the herd and gave it to one of his cowhands to slaughter, gut, skin and roast on a barbecue spit. He took some butter and milk, and the calf he had prepared, and offered it to them.1 Then he stood watch under the tree for them, freeing all of them to eat.

Then they asked him, "Where is Sârâh, your woman?" And he replied, "Right there in the tent."

"This is an annual trip for us," he explained. "We'll make the same trip again next spring. By then, may your woman, Sârâh have a son!"

Behind him as he spoke, Sârâh was listening.

Now Avᵊrâ•hâm and Sârâh were both venerable, and Sârâh had passed her child-bearing years.

Then -tiytzᵊkhaq Sârâh to herself saying, "And since I've gotten wrinkles, will my skin become smooth again? Moreover, a•don•i is aged."

Speaking through His ma•lâkh, ä' said to Avᵊrâ•hâm, "Why is it that Sârâh tzâ•khaq•âh saying, 'Shall I really give birth to a son despite my age?' Is anything beyond ä'? This season next year I will pass through here again, and Sârâh will have a son!"

Embarrassed that she had been overheard, Sârâh denied it because she was frightened. "I did not tzâ•khaqᵊtiy," she lied. Then he corrected her, "No, tzâ•khâqᵊt!"

Optional parental preparation:

  1. Note 1 – Seeking to explain serving khâ•lâv with bâ•sâr (prohibited, roughly 640 years later, by Mosh•ëh at Har Sin•ai), rabbis interpret, baselessly, that the khâ•lâv was served first, prepared in separate pots and pans, on separate plates with separate utensils (later washed separately) and, only later (and after rinsing the mouth with water), was bâ•sâr served (prepared in separate pots and pans, on separate plates with separate utensils, later washed separately). While this could possibly be, the text contains no hint of this, there is no mention of it until centuries later and, in fact, not noting it as unusual or any need to explain strongly suggests (since Tor•âh is clear, not creating doubt) that this interpretation did not exist until instituted by Mosh•ëh – after many geir•im had been absorbed (for which, click the "more" file icon at the end of the glossary entry for geir. Return to text

Questions you might anticipate that your child might raise and be prepared to discuss:

  1. What is an angel? What does an angel look like?
  2. How do you know when ä' is talking to you "from the heavens" (i.e., in ruakh) and when you're just imagining it? (Answer: If it's ä', it will be compatible with Tor•âh as interpreted according to the laws of discrete logic and science. If it's not compatible with Tor•âh as interpreted according to the laws of discrete logic and science, then it isn't ä'. When unsure, make no claim. Only fakes bluff about this.)
  3. Who were the Greek Minoan / Philistine "Sea People"?
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