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wâ-Yei•râ 2nd Eve

ca. B.C.E. 2088
Origin of the Mi•nᵊyân
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Then the three a•nâsh•im got up and Avᵊrâ•hâm accompanied them to the top of a hill, where they gazed out toward Sᵊdom.

Then, again speaking through His ma•lâkh, ä' said, "Should I hide what I'm going to do from Avᵊrâ•hâm, seeing that Avᵊrâ•hâm is destined to become a great and mighty goy, and all of the goy•im of the land shall be blessed through him? For I have known him, that yᵊtzav•ëh his children and his household after him; so they will watchguard Dërëkh ä', to make tzᵊdâq•âh and mi•shᵊpât so that ä' may bring upon Avᵊrâ•hâm what He has spoken.

Yet again speaking through His ma•lâkh, ä' said, "There is a screaming of Sᵊdom and Âmor•â, and it is loud, because their missteps are very severe. So I'll go down and see. If they're causing the screaming I hear then I will finish them. If not, then I'll know."

The two junior a•nâsh•im left for Sᵊdom, leaving Avᵊrâ•hâm standing with the ma•lâkh, ä'.

Negotiating For Lōt's Family
Spare A City For 50 Tza•diq•im?

Knowing that his nephew, Lōt and his family, had returned to live in Sᵊdom after being rescued from the Iranians after the war, Avᵊrâ•hâm approached him, venturing, "Will you put an end to the tza•diq with the wicked? Perhaps there are 50 tza•diq•im inside the city. Would you put an end to the city and not bear the place for the sake of 50 tza•diq•im in its innards? Doing such a thing would be degeneracy for you to put to death the tza•diq with the wicked! Like tza•diq, like wicked would be a degeneracy for you. Shall the Sho•pheit of all the land not do mi•shᵊpât? So, speaking through His ma•lâkh, ä' said, "If I find in Sᵊdom 50 tza•diq•im within the city limits, then I will bear the whole place on their behalf."

Spare A City For 45 Tza•diq•im?

Then Avᵊrâ•hâm countered, "I've resolved2 to say to a•don•âi – though I, myself, am dust and ash – perhaps there are five less tza•diq•im? Will you ruin the city because it lacked only five?"

"No," replied the ma•lâkh, "I will not ruin the city if there are only 45 tza•diq•im."

Spare A City For 40 Tza•diq•im?

Avᵊrâ•hâm pressed further, "Perhaps just 40 tza•diq•im will be found in the city?"

And the ma•lâkh answered, "For the sake of the 40 I will not ruin the city."

Spare A City For 30 Tza•diq•im?

"Please, may a•don•âi not be annoyed with me – , "Perhaps just 30 tza•diq•im will be found in the city?"

And the ma•lâkh answered, "For the sake of the 30 I will not ruin the city."

Spare A City For 20 Tza•diq•im?

"I've resolved2 to say to a•don•âi – , "Perhaps just 20 tza•diq•im will be found in the city?"

And the ma•lâkh answered, "For the sake of the 20 I will not ruin the city."

Spare A City For 10 Tza•diq•im?

"Please, may a•don•âi not be annoyed with me – , "Perhaps just 10 tza•diq•im will be found in the city?"

And the ma•lâkh answered, "For the sake of the 10 I will not ruin the city."

With this, the ma•lâkh was finished talking with Avᵊrâ•hâm and departed for Sᵊdom. And Avᵊrâ•hâm returned home.

Optional parental preparation:

  1. Note 2 – äåÉàÇìÀúÌÄé Return to text

Questions you might anticipate that your child might raise and be prepared to discuss:

  1. What is a mi•nᵊyân?
  2. What is degeneracy?
  3. What is the difference between mi•tzᵊw•ot (written, legislated law by Mosh•ëh – cf. Dᵊvâr•im 13.1) and mi•shᵊpât (case law of a Beit Din)?
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