SârꞋâh died in Qi•rᵊy•atꞋ ArᵊbaꞋ, a suburb on the east side of Khë•vᵊr•onꞋ, at the age of 127 years old. Avᵊrâ•hâmꞋ came to deliver the hë•sᵊpeidꞋ for her1 and to cry for her.
Khë•vᵊr•onꞋ (Hellenized to "Hebron") |
Then Avᵊrâ•hâmꞋ arose at municipal court, in the city gate,2 and spoke with the bᵊn•eiꞋ Kheit: "I am a geir and a to•shâvꞋ among you. Grant me a burial-estate among you so I may inter my deceased from in front of me."
The bᵊn•eiꞋ Kheit replied to Avᵊrâ•hâmꞋ: "Hearken to us, a•don•iꞋ, you are a NᵊsiꞋ Ël•oh•imꞋ among us. Take your pick of burial estates among us. None of us will withhold his burial estate from you, preventing you from interring your deceased."
Avᵊrâ•hâmꞋ had inquired into the name of the owner of a particular parcel of land. He arose and bowed to the am hâ-ÂrꞋëtz, to the bᵊn•eiꞋ Kheit: "If it's ok with your3 nëphꞋësh to inter my deceased from in front of me, hearken to me and intercede on my behalf with Ëphᵊr•onꞋ Bën-Tzo•kharꞋ that he may grant me the Mᵊâr•at′ ha-Ma•khᵊpeil•âhꞋ, at the edge of the field, which belongs to him, that he may sell it in its entirety to me for silver-coin, as a burial-estate."
Pâ•qidꞋ Yi•rᵊmᵊyâhꞋu, Karen and |
Now Ëphᵊr•onꞋ was sitting on the court amidst the bᵊn•eiꞋ Kheit and replied according to the ancient Middle Eastern tradition of negotiating. Whenever anyone admired some possession, culture demanded that the owner offer it as a magnanimous gift, in case the admirer was destitute. Those who were not destitute, or who had only admired something in passing, with no intention of possessing it, were expected to decline the magnanimous offer, so as not to take undeserved advantage of the owner's generosity. After Avᵊrâ•hâmꞋ properly declined to accept the property as a generous gift, the two negotiated on the fair market price for the entire field, including the Mᵊâr•at′ ha-Ma•khᵊpeil•âhꞋ, all of its trees and all of its boundaries. They settled on 400 silver shᵊqal•imꞋ, which Avᵊrâ•hâmꞋ paid on the spot.
So Avᵊrâ•hâmꞋ buried his wife, SârꞋâh, in Mᵊâr•at′ ha-Ma•khᵊpeil•âhꞋ, on the southeast side of Khë•vᵊr•onꞋ overlooking Ma•mᵊreiꞋ, in the land of Kᵊna•anꞋ.
Optional parental preparation:
Questions you might anticipate that your child might raise and be prepared to discuss: