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Khai•yei Sâr•âh 3rd Eve

ca. B.C.E. 2050


Now the young girl had a brother named Lâ•vân and, when he heard — and saw the ring and the bracelets on his sister's hands, he hurried out to the spring to greet the traveler. "Come, blessed of ä'!" he exclaimed. "Why do you stand out there? I've cleared room for you to lodge and also a place for your camels."

Put your hand under my thigh
Give me a leg up ("Put your hand under my thigh")

So, Avᵊrâ•hâm's CEO came into the house and Lâ•vân removed the saddles from the camels, carried fodder and straw in to the camels and provided water for the CEO and his staff accompanying him to wash their feet. Then Lâ•vân had food brought in and served to the CEO and his staff.

"I cannot eat until you tell me the success or failure of my business trip," the CEO interjected. "So, speak up" Lâ•vân replied.

"I'm the CEO for your uncle, Avᵊrâ•hâm. ä' has blessed him immensely and he has become a great, powerful and influential man. ä' has rewarded him with many flocks and herds, camels and donkeys, silver and gold, and male and female employees."

"Now his wife, Sârâh, bore him a son in her late years," he continued. "And Avᵊrâ•hâm has bequeathed everything to him. He made me swear not to take a wife for him from among the daughters of the Kᵊna•an•im, among whom we dwell. Rather, he insisted that "you shall go to my the house of my father, Tërakh, and to my kindred, to select a wife for my son. Further, I prayed asking that the woman whom ä' has designated would come with her pitcher, give me water to drink and then water our camels!!! And that's exactly what your daughter did!!! I was dumbfounded!"

"So now," he continued, "if you will agree to do khësëd and ë•mët toward a•don•i, Avᵊrâ•hâm, tell me so that I can know whether to go this way or that."

Then Lâ•vân and Bᵊtu•eil answered, "We agree that your prayer being answered so specifically demonstrates that this is from ä'. We cannot interject in that one way or the other. Look, she, Ri•vᵊq•âh, is here before you. As far as we are concerned, you may take her and go. Let her be the wife of your â•don, as ä' has spoken."

After the CEO heard their words he went to pray A•rᵊv•it.

Then the CEO brought out jewels of silver and gold and expensive dresses and presented them to Ri•vᵊq•âh. He also presented expensive gifts to Lâ•vân and her mother. Finally, they ate and drank together in celebration all night long.

When they got up from eating,5 the expensive gifts seem to have motivated Lâ•vân and their mother to renegotiate a better deal. "May the young woman sit with us for a few days, perhaps 10," they proposed. "Then you may go after that."

However, the CEO was shrewd and saw through their tactic to reopen negotiations. "Don't delay me, since we've already agreed that it is ä' Who has caused my way to succeed. See me off and I will go to a•don•i."

So they agreed and called Ri•vᵊq•âh to ask her assent. "Will you go with this man?" And she answered, "I will go."

Ri•vᵊq•âh Departs For Bᵊeir Shëva

So her family saw her off, taking her nurse with her, along with Avᵊrâ•hâm's CEO and his staff. Her family blessed Ri•vᵊq•âh, saying, "Our sister, may you be the mother of tens of millions, and may your descendants obtain the gate of whomever eschews6 them."

Then Ri•vᵊq•âh arose with her nurse and maids and mounted camels in the caravan, and followed the caravan master. So Avᵊrâ•hâm's CEO took Ri•vᵊq•âh and went.

Optional parental preparation:

  1. What is the first prayer of each day? (A•rᵊv•it, since days begin with ërëv)
  2. Note 5 – While it isn't clear, they likely ate at a table. This took place in a home, in which case there probably was a table; whereas when in a tent, they likely ate from stone vessels placed on a rug and while themselves seated on the rug. Return to text
  3. Note 6 – The Hebrew verb ùÒÈðÅà, popularly mistranslated as "hate," in most constructs of Biblical usage, generally denotes the antonym of prefer; i.e., to disfavor. In the intense (pi•eil) construct, it connotes extreme disfavor and dislike – still short of the English, and apparently un-Judaic, emotional extreme of "hate." Return to text

Questions you might anticipate that your child might raise and be prepared to discuss:

  1. What's the difference between a spring and a well?
  2. Why did Ri•vᵊq•âh go to the spring and carry water?
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