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Khai•yei Sâr•âh 4th Eve

ca. B.C.E. 2050

Yi•tzᵊkhâq Meets Ri•vᵊq•âh

Paddan Aram to Beer Sheva & Sinai
Click to enlargePa•dan A•râm to Bᵊeir Shëva & Sin•ai

Nearly 4 months after their caravan had departed, Avᵊrâ•hâm's CEO was nearing the end of his mission, bringing Ri•vᵊq•âh the 1,600 km, nearly 2-month one-way return journey, south from Khâ•rân to Bᵊeir Shëva.4

As they were finally approaching home, Yi•tzᵊkhâq knew that it was time to expect them back any day. Since he lived in the land of the Nëgëv, tending his herds and flocks had taken him to Bᵊeir la-Khai Ro•iy, in the eastern Sinai.

So, while the caravan was traveling south, returning home from Pa•dan A•râm to Bᵊeir Shëva, Yi•tzᵊkhâq, returning from the Sin•ai, traveled north to meet them in Bᵊeir Shëva.

Midbar Paran in the Sinai
Click to enlargeMi•dᵊbar Pa•ran in the Sin•ai

Toward ërëv, Yi•tzᵊkhâq, who arrived in Bᵊeir Shëva before the caravan from Pa•dan A•râm, went out for a leisurely stroll in the field that the family had purchased from Ëphᵊr•on, located on the north side of Bᵊeir Shëva. As he strolled in the field near sundown, he spotted his family's approaching caravan.

From her camel in the caravan heading south to Bᵊeir Shëva, Ri•vᵊq•âh spotted him walking toward them to meet them. She dismounted from her camel and asked the CEO, "Who's the man in the field walking toward us to meet us?" And the CEO advised her, "That is a•don•i." So she took a veil and covered her face.

Then the CEO related to Yi•tzᵊkhâq all of the things he had done.

So Yi•tzᵊkhâq brought her into the tent of his late mother, Sârâh; and he took Ri•vᵊq•âh to be his wife, and he loved her. Thus, Yi•tzᵊkhâq was consoled after the death of his mother.

Optional parental preparation:

  1. Note 4 – Pa•dan A•râm (Field / Plain of A•râm) was a region of (Aramaic-speaking) Aramaens in the area of northwestern Mesopotamia (today southern Iraq / northern Syria) between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. Hence, it was also known as A•ram Na•har•aiim (A•ram of pair-of-rivers). This was a trip of about 1,000km (650 mi.) – by camel caravan! The trip likely took close to 2 months, one-way. Return to text
  2. What is an arranged marriage?

Questions you might anticipate that your child might raise and be prepared to discuss:

  1. What is a caravan?
  2. Where did the people in the caravan sleep at night? What did they eat during the journey? And drink? How did they make fire and cook food? What about clean clothes? Showers? Washing hair? Brushing teeth?
  3. Who texted Yi•tzᵊkhâq when to expect the caravan to return home in Bᵊeir Shëva?
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