After the death of SârꞋâh, Avᵊrâ•hâmꞋ remarried Hâ•gârꞋ,1 and they had 6 more children together, plus grandchildren. But Avᵊrâ•hâmꞋ willed everything to Yi•tzᵊkhâqꞋ. He gave gifts to the children of Qᵊturâh and sent them away to the lands of the east, which became the Arabian lands.
Pâ•qidꞋ Yi•rᵊmᵊyâhꞋu, Karen and |
Bᵊeir la-KhaiꞋ Ro•iyꞋ (the spring on the way to Mi•dᵊbârꞋ Shur) in the Sin•aiꞋ |
So Avᵊrâ•hâmꞋ lived to be 1752 and when he died his two sons, Yi•tzᵊkhâqꞋ and Yi•shᵊm•â•eilꞋ buried him in the Mᵊâr•at′ ha-Ma•khᵊpeil•âhꞋ, in the field that Avᵊrâ•hâmꞋ had purchased from Ëphᵊr•onꞋ of the bᵊn•eiꞋ Kheit, overlooking Ma•mᵊreiꞋ — and where SârꞋâh was buried.
After the death of Avᵊrâ•hâmꞋ, Ël•oh•imꞋ blessed his son Yi•tzᵊkhâqꞋ, who settled in Bᵊeir la-KhaiꞋ Ro•iyꞋ, in the eastern Sin•aiꞋ.
Kha•vil•âhꞋ (Ethiopia) "going Syria-ward" to Shur; Yi•shᵊm•â•eilꞋ's descendants (in orange). Locations of Kha•vil•âhꞋ and descendants of Yi•shᵊm•â•eilꞋ3 © 2015 Yi•rᵊmᵊyâhꞋu Bën-Dâ•widꞋ (basic map: |
Yi•shᵊm•â•eilꞋ lived to be 1374 and fathered 12 sons, each of whom became a city-king. The descendants of Yi•shᵊm•â•eilꞋ dwelled from Kha•vil•âhꞋ to Shur (in western Sin•aiꞋ), which is adjacent to Egypt (going Syria-ward); and he ruled over all his brothers.
Optional parental preparation:
Questions you might anticipate that your child might raise and be prepared to discuss: