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Khai•yei Sâr•âh 6th Eve


Mᵊlâkh•im Âlëph 1.1-31 ca. B.C.E. 991
Dâ•wid ha-Mëlëkh Feeble
Shu•neim (corrupted to "Shunem")

As the days went by, ha-Mëlëkh Dâ•wid grew old and developed a circulatory problem that made him feel cold. No amount of blankets could keep him warm. Some of his attendants met together and decided that perhaps a young woman might keep him warm. So they searched throughout Yi•sᵊr•â•eil and brought the most beautiful woman in Yi•sᵊr•â•eil, a young woman from Shu•neim, named Av•i•shag, to keep him company and warm him up. (But no intimacy was involved.)

A•don•i•yâhu Attempts To Grab The Throne Of Yᵊhudâh
Ir David
Click to enlargeIr Dâ•wid, capital of Yᵊru•shâ•layim.

Seeing that the mëlëkh was becoming increasingly feeble, one of his sons (by his wife Queen Khag•it), Prince A•don•iyâhu, proclaimed himself heir to the throne of Yᵊhudâh, reigning over Yi•sᵊr•â•eil. He was very handsome and spoiled. His father had never disciplined him. To promote himself as the next mëlëkh, he hired a chariot with drivers and 50 men to run ahead of his chariot. Attempting a coup, he persuaded the Chief of Staff of the Tzah"l, 4-star General Yo•âv Bën-Tzᵊru•yâh and Ëv•yâ•târ the Ko•hein ha-Jâ•dol, to support him as heir-apparent and have him crowned mëlëkh.

Click to enlarge Ir Dâ•wid and Hei•khâl (Capital Palace) Dâ•wid ha-Mëlëkh, in Yᵊru•shâ•layim (showing the Mi•lo3)

But Tzâ•doq1 the Ko•hein, Bᵊnâ•yâhu Bën-Yᵊho•yâ•dâ, Nâ•tân ha-Nâ•vi, Shi•mᵊei, Rei•iy and Dâ•wid's heroes remained loyal to the wishes of Dâ•wid.

So Prince A•don•iyâhu, slaughtered sacrifices of tzon, cattle and a fattened bull on "Reptile Rock,"2 on the hill opposite Kᵊphar ha-Shi•loakh in the capital, Yᵊru•shâ•layim; and he invited all of his supporters, friends and brother-princes — except Nâ•tân ha- Nâ•vi, Bᵊnâ•yâhu, Dâ•wid's heroes and Shᵊlomoh.

Nâ•tân ha- Nâ•vi Counsels Queen Bat-Shëva
Click to enlargeThe Mi•lo3 today, reinforcing the downhill corner of the platform support­ing the Royal Palace of Dâ•wid ha-Mëlëkh and Shᵊlomoh ha-Mëlëkh in Yi•sᵊr•â•eil's Capital, Yᵊru•shâ•layim.

Seeing that Prince A•don•iyâhu, was orchestrating his own coronation, Nâ•tân ha- Nâ•vi alerted Queen Bat-Shëva, the mother of Prince Shᵊlomoh. "Have you not heard that Prince A•don•iyâhu, Bën-Khag•it is crowning himself mëlëkh, and a•don•einu Dâ•wid ha-Mëlëkh doesn't know about it? If Prince A•don•iyâhu, succeeds in crowning himself mëlëkh, he may kill not only his rival to the throne, your son Prince Shᵊlomoh, but you as well. So let's go and confirm with a•don•einu Dâ•wid ha-Mëlëkh that he swore to you that your son, Prince Shᵊlomoh, would succeed him on his throne. Ask him straight out: 'So why has Prince A•don•iyâhu, become mëlëkh?' Then, while you're still speaking with Dâ•wid ha-Mëlëkh, I'll come in and take it from there."

Optional parental preparation:

  1. Note 1 – For this faithfulness, the office of Ko•hein ha-Jâ•dol was made exclusive thereafter to his descendants. Return to text
  2. Note 2 – Sacrificial altar stone likely associated with the snake/serpent, associated with death (declaring the death of Dâ•wid ha-Mëlëkh so he could be crowned king?), held in the left hand of the Egyptian and Canaanite idol Ishtar. Ergo, this likely demonstrates his idolatrous inclination. Return to text
  3. Note 3 – Shᵊmu•eil Beit 5.9; Mᵊlâkh•im Âlëph 9.15, 24; 11.27; Di•vᵊr•ei-ha-Yâm•im Âlëph 11.8; Di•vᵊr•ei-ha-Yâm•im Beit 32.5. Return to text

Questions you might anticipate that your child might raise and be prepared to discuss:

  1. What's a coup?
  2. What is a military Chief of Staff?
  3. What was the Ko•hein ha-Jâ•dol?
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