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Khai•yei Sâr•âh 7th Eve (Ërëv Sha•bât)


Mᵊlâkh•im Âlëph 1.11-31 Related: Mᵊlâkh•im Âlëph 1.1-53; Di•vᵊr•ei-ha-Yâm•im Âlëph 28.1 – 29.25 ca. B.C.E. 991
Queen Bat-Shëva and Nâ•tân ha-Nâ•vi
Inform Dâ•wid ha-Mëlëkh: Coup d'État Underway By Prince A•don•iyâhu,

After being advised by Nâ•tân ha-Nâ•vi, Queen Bat-Shëva went to the bedroom of the mëlëkh. Because he was very old, he was being attended by Av•i•shag.

"How are you doing?" asked the mëlëkh.

"A•don•i," Queen Bat-Shëva replied, "you swore by ä', your Ël•oh•im, to your maidservant saying, 'Only Shᵊlomoh, your son, shall reign after me, and he shall sit on my throne.' Yet, look, A•don•iyâhu, has become mëlëkh and you, a•don•i ha-mëlëkh, didn't know. He has made his coronation banquet, sacrificing an ox and a fatling tzon for all of bᵊn•ei-ha-mëlëkh, the Chief of Staff of the Tzah"l, 4-star General Yo•âv and Ëv•yâ•târ the Ko•hein ha-Jâ•dol — but your servant, Prince Shᵊlomoh he didn't call. Now, a•don•i ha-mëlëkh, every eye in Yi•sᵊr•â•eil is on you to reveal to them who will sit on the throne of a•don•i ha-mëlëkh after you. As things are now, when a•don•i ha-mëlëkh lies with his fathers, my son, Shᵊlomoh, and I are kha•tâ•im."

While she was still speaking with the mëlëkh, one of the servants announced the arrival of Nâ•tân ha-Nâ•vi; so Queen Bat-Shëva left the room.

Then Nâ•tân ha-Nâ•vi came in and bowed to the mëlëkh saying, "A•don•i ha-mëlëkh, did you authorize A•don•iyâhu, to reign after you and sit on your throne? For today he has gone down to make his coronation banquet, sacrificing an ox and a fatling tzon for all of bᵊn•ei-ha-mëlëkh, the Chief of Staff of the Tzah"l, 4-star General Yo•âv and Ëv•yâ•târ the Ko•hein ha-Jâ•dol. And look, they're all eating and drinking before him and they've proclaimed 'Long live A•don•iyâhu, ha-mëlëkh!' But, he didn't call me, your servant, nor Tzâ•doq the Ko•hein, nor Bᵊnâ•yâhu Bën-Yᵊho•yâ•dâ nor your son, Shᵊlomoh. Can it be that this matter has come before A•don•i ha-mëlëkh and you just didn't tell me, your servant, who shall sit on the throne of a•don•i ha-mëlëkh after him?"

Dâ•wid ha-Mëlëkh Crowns Shᵊlomoh ha-Mëlëkh

Then Dâ•wid ha-Mëlëkh ordered that Queen Bat-Shëva be summoned to him. When she stood before him, ha-mëlëkh swore saying, " ä' lives Who redeemed me from every trouble. For when I swore to you by ä' Ëlo•hei Yi•sᵊrâ•eil saying 'Shᵊlomoh you son shall reign after me and he will sit on my throne in my place,' so — today — I shall fulfill it!"

Queen Bat-Shëva bowed before the mëlëkh and said, "May a•don•i ha-mëlëkh Dâ•wid live forever."

Optional parental preparation:

  1. Dâ•wid became the first of a Davidic Royal Dynasty lineage within the Tribe of Yᵊhudâh, prophesied to culminate in the Mâ•shiakh descendant of Dâ•wid. What are the pros & cons of a dynasty? Royalty? Nepotism? Cronyism? Democracy? Socialism? Capitalism?
  2. When was polygyny prohibited in Judaism, and who required it?

Questions you might anticipate that your child might raise and be prepared to discuss:

  1. What's a coup d'état?
  2. Why did the king have his own bedroom? (He had many wives, of which only 8 were named.)
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