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To•lᵊd•ot 1st Eve (Mo•tzâ•ei Shab•ât Beginning Week)

To•lᵊd•ot: Yi•tzᵊkhâq's Family Tree

ca. B.C.E. 2000

These are the descendants of Yi•tzᵊkhâq Bën-Avᵊrâ•hâm.

Yi•tzᵊkhâq was 40 years old when he took Ri•vᵊq•âh Bat-Bᵊtu•eil (the A•ram•i from Pa•dan A•râm, sister of Lâ•vân the A•ram•i) for his woman.

Ri•vᵊq•âh Gives Birth To Twins
Ei•sau & Ya•a•qov
Paddan Aram to Beer Sheva & Sinai
Click to enlargePa•dan A•râm to Bᵊeir Shëva & Sin•ai

And Yi•tzᵊkhâq petitioned ä' in the presence of his wife, for she was barren; and ä' was petitioned effectively, for his woman Ri•vᵊq•âh conceived. And there was such a jostling inside her womb that she wondered what was wrong. So she went to ask ä'.‎1

And the Words of ä' to her were:1 "Two goy•im are in your belly, and two nations shall be separated from your bowels. One nation shall become stronger than the other nation: and the rav shall serve the younger."

When her time came to deliver, she gave birth to twins. The first twin to appear was a•dᵊm•on•i, he was like a hairy cloak all over. So they named him Ei•sau. Then his twin brother was pulled out holding onto Ei•sau's â•qeiv, so they named him Ya•a•qov. Yi•tzᵊkhâq was 60 years old when the twins were born.

Ei•sau Sells His Inheritance For A Bowl of A•dum•ot Lentil Stew

As the youths grew up, Ei•sau became an outdoorsman specializing in trapping, while Ya•a•qov was wholesome, settling in tents. Yi•tzᵊkhâq loved Ei•sau for the delicious meals prepared from his game, but Ri•vᵊq•âh loved Ya•a•qov.

One day, as Ya•a•qov was simmering a pot of lentil stew over the fire, his older brother, Ei•sau, came in dead-tired and ravenously hungry from an unsuccessful trapping trip in the outdoors. "Please, a mountain of the â•dom for me," Ei•sau implored his younger brother, pointing at the lentil stew, "this â•dom, 'cause I'm dead-tired." (So Ya•a•qov nicknamed his hairy, a•dᵊm•on•i, older brother "Ë•dōm".2)

One would expect the younger twin to rush to offer a meal to his senior twin. However, the younger brother seemed to sense the opportunity for payback for years of his big brother's rugged outdoorsman tyranny over him, exacerbated by his father's blatant preferential treatment toward his rugged outdoorsman, older son — and how that made Ya•a•qov unsure of his own inheritance. "Today's price for â•dom," Ya•a•qov replied, "is your double-portion inheritance rights as the eldest son."

"Look," replied Ei•sau, "I, myself, was going to die without any inheritance. So why should this double-portion preferential treatment be mine?"

"Swear to me today!" Ya•a•qov insisted. So Ei•sau swore to him selling his birthright. Then Ya•a•qov gave Ei•sau bread and the lentil stew. So Ei•sau ate and drank, then got up and left.

Thus, Ei•sau discounted the eternal spiritual significance of his inheritance.

Optional parental preparation:

  1. Have some kind of red-lentil soup or stew with chicken or beef in advance of this story.
  2. Note 2 – As Ei•sau is better known — patriarch of the land of Edom and the "Edomites,"; also called "Idumeans" (including Herod the Great); and Ei•sau's grandson: A•mâ•leiq, patriarch of the "Amalekites". Return to text

Questions you might anticipate that your child might raise and be prepared to discuss:

  1. Note 1 – How do you ask ä' a question? He provided His answers to all important questions for us by communicating the principles to Mosh•ëhTor•âh. Ri•vᵊq•âh lived before Mosh•ëh wrote down the Tor•âh. So she had to go ask a nearby Nâ•vi of ä' to explain His pertinent teaching. Nowadays, because we know that ä' is the Omniscient (Author of Logic and Science) Creator-Singularity, we can consult His Tor•âh directly and apply logic, historical documentation and science to derive His correct interpretation. Return to text
  2. What's a lentil?
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