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To•lᵊd•ot 2nd Eve

ca. B.C.E. 2000
Famine Drives Yi•tzᵊkhâq To Border of Greco-Minoan Philistia1
 Gᵊrâr (Tel Haror)
Gᵊrâr2 (Tël Ha•ror2), southwest of Khë•vᵊr•on, between Hellenist Greco-Minoan Philistia1 and Bᵊeir Shëva and showing Mo•âv ( cor­rupt­ed to "Moab") and Am•ōn (corrupted to "Ammon" and Arabized to Amman), capital of modern Jordan. (Hammond)

In the wake of a famine in Ërëtz Yi•sᵊrâ•eil (distinct from the first famine that occurred during the lifetime of Avᵊrâ•hâm), Yi•tzᵊkhâq went toward Gᵊrâr2 — of Avi-mëlëkh, who was mëlëkh of the Hellenist Greco-Philistines.1

Yi•tzᵊkhâq envisaged ä' saying to him, "Don't go down to Mi•tzᵊrayim. Neighbor in the ârëtz that I will tell you. Reside in this ârëtz and I will be with you. And I will bless you because to you and your seed shall I give these lands. So I will uphold the oath that I swore to Avᵊrâ•hâm, your father. And I will multiply your seed like the stars of the heavens and all of the goy•im of the land shall bless themselves in your seed; the product of Avᵊrâ•hâm hearkening to My Voice, watch-guarding My Watch-guard of My Mi•tzᵊw•ot and My Khuq•ot — My Tor•ōt."3

Fearing Hellenist Greco-Philistine Avi-mëlëkh
Yi•tzᵊkhâq Dissimulates Ri•vᵊq•âh As His Sister
Gerar (lodging) Tel Haror
Gᵊrâr ("lodging"), modern Tel Ha•ror in the Nëgëv of Yi•sᵊr•â•eil near the ancient Hellenist Greco-Minoan Philistine (modern Gaza) border.

So Yi•tzᵊkhâq settled in Gᵊrâr.2 The men there inquired about his woman.4 And Yi•tzᵊkhâq told them she was his sister, because he was terrified to say "my woman," 4 lest the men there might kill him in order to have Ri•vᵊq•âh, because she was so good-looking.

One day, as Yi•tzᵊkhâq prolonged his stay there, Avi-mëlëkh, mëlëkh of the Hellenist Greco-Philistines, leaned out of his window, he noticed Yi•tzᵊkhâq playing flirtatiously with his woman, Ri•vᵊq•âh; not like one would play with his sister. So Avi-mëlëkh summoned Yi•tzᵊkhâq and demanded, "Whereas Ri•vᵊq•âh is your woman, how is it that, behold, you told me that she's your sister?!?"

"I said it lest I would die over her," Yi•tzᵊkhâq replied.

Nakhal Gerar Park
Click to enlargeNakhal Gᵊrar Park

"What have you done to us?" thundered Avi-mëlëkh. "One of my kindred almost went to bed with your woman. So you have brought guilt upon us!" Then Avi-mëlëkh issued a proclamation to all of his kindred saying, "No one may touch this man or his woman, under penalty of death!"

That year, Yi•tzᵊkhâq planted seeds in that land and yielded a hundredfold. Thusly did ä' bless him.

Optional parental preparation:

  1. Note 1 – Scientists have demonstrated that the Philistines were Mycenaean-Greeks, Hellenists long before Alexandria (not Arabs!); "Sea People" who first migrated from Pilos (hence, Pilos-tines) in the Mycenaean province of Greece, to Santorini-Thera (the Minoans) and, after the island-volcano blew up (ca. B.C.E. ), migrated to Crete and the coastlands of the southeastern Mediterranean – the Egyptian Delta, Sinai and Canaan where they established a number of cities they named Pilos, becoming known as Pilostines (Philistines). In Canaan, they established a new (pre-Alexandrian) Hellenist country called Pilostia (Philistia; modern Gaza). Return to text
  2. Note 2 –  Archeologists identify ancient (pre-Alexandrian) Hellenist Greco-Minoan Philistine1 Gᵊrâr with Teil Ha•ror Return to text
  3. Note 3 – Note that this is plural: Tor•âhs, likely implying, even at this early juncture, written khuq•ot Tor•âh distinct from oral mi•shᵊpât•im Tor•âh. Return to text
  4. Note 4 – There was no Hebrew term in Biblical times for "wife" as we know it today. Without any specific modifier, a female was a girl-child, young woman, woman, divorcée or widow. (Thus, unless otherwise specified, a woman was assumed to be married (a wife), just as a young woman was assumed to be a virgin.) Return to text

Questions you might anticipate that your child might raise and be prepared to discuss:

  1. What does "Greco-" mean? (Greek)
  2. What is Mi•tzᵊrayim? (Egypt)
  3. Who were the Minoans?
  4. Who were the Philistines?
  5. What's a famine?
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