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To•lᵊd•ot 7th Eve (Ërëv Sha•bât)


Ma•lâkh•i 1.1 – 3.4 ca. B.C.E. 450
The Carrying1 Of Dᵊvar ä' to Yi•sᵊr•â•eil By The Hand of Ma•lâkh•i
Mountains of Edom
Click to enlargeMountains of Ë•dōm

ä' said,

"I've loved Yi•sᵊr•â•eil. But you ask 'How?'

Wasn't Ei•sau the eldest twin? Yet, I loved Ya•a•qov-Yi•sᵊr•â•eil and eschewed Ei•sau-Ë•dōm—making his mountains of Ë•dōm a wasteland and giving his inheritance to jackal-bitches." 2 Descendents of Ë•dōm will be called the clan that ä' has forever vexed." 3

" 'A son will respect his father, and a worker his boss. If I'm a Father, where is the respect for Me? And if I'm the Boss, where is the awe of Me?' says the Boss of the armies to you ko•han•im, who have despised My Name!"

" 'How have we despised Your Name?', you ask?"

"You take what you find unfit for your table, your scraps, and put them on My Table, the Mi•zᵊbeiakh, as sacrifices! Give what's unfit for your table and your scraps to your mayor or a national leader and see how that turns out for you! My Name is great among the goy•im while you commonize My Name—in your oral-traditions.4 Consequently, the Table of A•don•âi is defiled as well as the produce. Its food is despisable."

Ko•han•im Veered From Dërëkh ä', Caused Many To Stumble, Corrupted Bᵊrit, Defrocked

"If you don't hearken and put it in your heart to respect My Name," says ä' of armies, "then I will send the curse with the imprecation; Whatever you bless I will curse with the imprecation if you don't place respect for My Name in your hearts!"

"The lips of the ko•han•im should watchguard knowledge, and Yi•sᵊr•â•eil should be able to seek Tor•âh from his mouth, because he is supposed to be the ma•lâkh of ä' of armies."

"But you have veered from Dërëkh ä', causing many to stumble in Tor•âh. You have corrupted the bᵊrit of Lei•wi," says ä' of armies. "That's why I've made you despised and defrocked to all of the kindred—which is totally appropriate because you haven't watchguarded My Dërëkh, injecting your own agenda into Tor•âh."

Yᵊhudâh, too, is a betrayer-bride of her Husband, ä', in a to•eiv•âh done in Yi•sᵊr•â•eil and Yᵊru•shâ•layim, for Yᵊhudâh has married an idolater, a daughter of a strange god. ä' will decree kâ•reit from the tents of Ya•a•qov for the man who does this; both the instigator and the collaborater—no matter if he's a VIP who prays regularly in beit kᵊnësët.

ä' is fed up with your oral-traditions. You ask, "How?" In your oral-tradition: Since evil people prosper, then every one who has does wrong must be good in the Eyes of ä' and He delights in him? Else, where is the Ël•oh•im of mi•shᵊpât?

Eil•i•yâhu & The Mâ•shiakh

"Behold, I am sending My ma•lâkh 5 who shall blaze the Dërëkh before Me, and—suddenly!—the â•don,6 whom you request, shall come to his palace; and the ma•lâkh ha-bᵊrit 5 whom you desire—behold, he comes," says ä' of armies.

The Mâ•shiakh: Smelter Who Will Purge The Tor•âh-Clergy Of Yi•sᵊr•â•eil

Who will ripen7 the day of his coming? Or who will stand at his appearing? Because he is like a purifying fire or a laundry soap-plant. He will sit like a smelter, smelting silver. He will purge the Tor•âh-Clergy8 and refine them like gold and silver. Then ä' shall have those who shall officiate Mi•nᵊkh•âh in tzᵊdâq•âh. So ä''s blend9 shall officiate the Mi•nᵊkh•âh of Yᵊhudâh and Yᵊru•shâ•layim, like the early days and ancient years.

And Then… (v. 5-end)

"Then I will draw near you," says ä' of armies, "doing mi•shᵊpât; being a swift witness against reciters of incantations, adulterers, perjurers and exploiters of the wages of workers, the widow, the orphan and subverters of the geir—without being terrified of Me. For I am ä'. I haven't changed. And you, bᵊn•ei-Ya•a•qov, you have not been finished—though, from the days of your forefathers, you have strayed from My khuq•im, and you haven't watchguarded them. Make tᵊshuv•âh to Me and I will return to you," says ä' of armies.

Optional parental preparation:

  1. Note 1 – îÇùÑÌÈà (ma•sâ; masc. n. the act of lifting up and carrying, bearing up (including the connotation of bearing in the sense of tolerating, putting up with); that which is carried, burden, load, cargo), from the verb ðÈùÒÈà Return to text
  2. Note 2 – úÌÇðÌÈä (tan•âh; bitch [female] jackal), fem. n. from masc. n. úÌÇï (tan; male jackal). Return to text
  3. Note 3 – Today's so-called "Palestinian" and Jordanian Arabs (Muslims and Christians). Note, however, that any descendent(s) of Ë•dōm who renounce their idolatry or Displacement Theology and, instead, turn to practice Tor•âh, thereby become part of Yi•sᵊr•â•eil (as a geir even if rabbis refuse to convert them), no longer Ë•dōm and no longer vexed. As always, the individual has free will and free choice. Return to text
  4. Note 4 – áÌÆàÁîÈøÀëÆí (lit. "in your sayings"; oral-traditions, oral-decrees, oral edicts), from the verb àÈîÇø; not the blame-avoidance "in that you say." Return to text
  5. Note 5 – As some Jewish commentators agree, this is Eil•i•yâhu ha-Nâ•vi. (Other Jewish commentators think this refers to the Mâ•shiakh Bën-Yo•seiph.) Return to text
  6. Note 6 –  ä' cannot dwell in a physical palace or temple like an idol. Ergo, any reference to dësh dwelling in a Beit ha-Mi•qᵊdâsh can only refer to the Shᵊkhin•âh / Ruakh ha-Qodësh dwelling in the hearts of His human ma•lâkh•im who serve within the complex. A priori, this refers to a special human ma•lâkh: the Mâ•shiakh. (As an aside note, this also implies that if His human ma•lâkh•im no longer serve in a place, indwelling their dësh in the place, and the place is taken over by servants of a strange god who have displaced His servants, then the place is no longer qâ•dōsh.) Return to text
  7. Note 7 – îÀëÇìÀëÌÅì (mᵊkhalᵊkeil); pil•peil pres. m.s. of ëìëì); he or it m.s. is holding (up), containing, maintaining, supporting, nourishing; also v.t. causing to mature, maturing, growing, ripening  Return to text
  8. Note 8 – Lit. " Bᵊn•ei- Lei•wi," the clergy tribe. However, since, by 135 C.E., the Hellenist Romans had destroyed all of the yo•khas•in (except for the paternal and maternal genealogies of Ribi Yᵊho•shua), no legitimate (documented) Bᵊn•ei- Lei•wi or ko•han•im can have existed (see Nᵊkhëm•yâh 7.63-65 and Ta•lᵊmud Ma•sëkët Qi•dush•in 69a-b). A priori, this can only refer to the contemporary Tor•âh-clergy of the day; namely, today's rabbis. Return to text
  9. Note 9 – åÀòÈøÀáÈä (â•rᵊv•âh; a blend, mingling or mixture; with the connotation of an optimally pleasant blend – fem. of cognate n. òÅøÆá (eirëv; mixing, mingling, assimilating) in Shᵊm•ot 12.38). Return to text

Questions you might anticipate that your child might raise and be prepared to discuss:

  1. Using or substituting this word depends on the child's age and the parents' discretion; but should the word should be explained and warned by parents before they hear it in school or on the playground. When is "bitch" a proper word (referring to the genus Canis: the dog family) and when is it a crude and unacceptable word that you forbid your child to use (calling a person a female dog)?
  2. What is a smelter and how does a smelter refine gold, silver and other precious metals?
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