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wa-Yeitzei 5th Eve

Emerging Threat To Ya•a•qov: Lâ•vân's Envious Sons
ca. B.C.E. 1967

One day, Ya•a•qov heard from one of his ranch hands that Lâ•vân's sons had been talking about Ya•a•qov, saying, "Ya•a•qov has taken everything from our father. That's where he got all of his wealth."

When Ya•a•qov next saw Lâ•vân, he could tell from Lâ•vân's face that he wasn't siding with Ya•a•qov, even more so than earlier times.

Yarmoukh River
Click to enlarge"The River" – the Yar•mukh River (Y3, located about 5km / 3-4mi SE of Yâm Ki•nërët; east of, and flowing SW into, the Ya•rᵊd•ein River, in modern Jordan); the Northern Gi•lᵊâd mountains (Y3-4), well south of àÂøÈí (Z2). éÇáÉÌ÷ River (Y4).

Then Ya•a•qov perceived é‑‑ä to be telling him, "Return to the land of your fathers, to your native country, and I will be with you."

So Ya•a•qov sent a ma•lâkh the 3 days journey north to Aram to call Râ•kheil and Leiâh to come join him in the field with his tzon, where he told them, "I see in your father's face that he isn't siding with me, even worse than earlier times. But ël•oh•im of my father has been with me. Now, you know that I've done my utmost, working hard, for your father. But your father has ridiculed me and 'bait & switched' my salary ten times. Yet, ël•oh•im has not allowed him to cause me adversity. If he said, "The speckled will be your salary," then all of the tzon bore speckled. And if he said, "The striped will be your salary," then all of the tzon bore striped. Thus, ël•oh•im stripped away the purchases of your father and has given it to me."

Thusly, the tzon conceived during mating season. I looked up and saw it in a dream. Look, the billy-goats that mounted the tzon were striped, speckled and spotted. Then the ma•lâkh of ha-Ël•oh•im said to me in the dream, "Ya•a•qov." So I said, "Here I am." Then he said, Look up and see: All of the billy-goats that mount the tzon are striped, speckled and spotted – because I've seen everything that Lâ•vân's been doing to you. I am the -Eil of Beit-Eil, where you anointed a monument, where you vowed a vow to Me. Now get up. Get out of Syria and go back to your native land."

Râ•kheil and Leiâh conferred together, then asked, "Is there anything left of our inheritance in our father's house? Does he not treat us like foreigners – selling us like slaves? And then he spent all of our inheritance! Because of all of the wealth that ël•oh•im has stripped away from our father – our inheritance and our children's, So whatever ël•oh•im have said, do it!"

So Ya•a•qov got up and put his sons and wives on the camels and herded all of his purchases and acquisitions that he had acquired, purchases he had purchased, that he had acquired in Pa•dan , A•râm, to come to Yi•tzᵊkhâq his father, toward the land of Kᵊna•an.

Now the ma•lâkh of Ya•a•qov had come for Râ•kheil and Leiâh when Lâ•vân was out shearing his tzon – and Râ•kheil, unaware that she would not be returning, had stole—"borrowed" without permission—her father's tᵊrâph•im for her trip to the field.

So Ya•a•qov stole away with Lâ•vân's heart—his fortune and his daughters—since he didn't advise Lâ•vân when he fled.

Ya•a•qov Flees To The Northern Gi•lᵊâd Mountains
Yarmoukh River
Click to enlargeYar•mukh River

Thus, Ya•a•qov got up and fled south, from A•râm in Assyria, along the east bank of the Ya•rᵊd•ein River, with everything he had, crossing the Yar•mukh River into the northern Gi•lᵊâd mountains.

Since Ya•a•qov had been a 3-day journey south, Lâ•vân didn't learn they had gone until 3 days after the fact. Then, Lâ•vân took his brothers with him and chased after Ya•a•qov over a 7-day journey; overtaking him in a mountain of Gi•lᵊâd.

Then Ël•oh•im came to Lâ•vân in a dream at night, telling him, "Watch yourself! Lest, in your speaking with Ya•a•qov, you turn things from good to bad!"

Lâ•vân caught up with Ya•a•qov at his camp where he had pitched his tent in a mountain of Gi•lᵊâd. So Lâ•vân and his brothers made their camp on a mountain of Gi•lᵊâd opposite Ya•a•qov.

Lâ•vân's Complaints

Then Lâ•vân shouted across the valley to Ya•a•qov: "Why have you stolen my heart, stealing away with my daughters like they were captives of the sword? Why did you flee stealthily, stealing away without telling me so I could have given you a send-off with celebration, songs, drums and lyre? Why didn't you allow me to kiss my grandsons and my daughters good-bye? You've acted like an idiot! It is for my hand-eil—which you've stolen from me—to do adversity to you. But the Ël•oh•im of your father told me last night, saying, 'Watch yourself! Lest, in your speaking with Ya•a•qov, you turn things from good to bad!' Now, you've utterly walked out; because you have an utterly sterling-fixation for your father's house. So why did you steal my hand-ël•oh•im?"

Optional parental preparation:

  1. What is a misstep? (Ans. kheit)

Questions you might anticipate that your child might raise and be prepared to discuss:

  1. What's a 3-day journey and how far did families with women and children walk each day? (Ans. Nabateans built caravansaries 30 km apart.
  2. What does stealthy mean?
  3. What is adversity?
  4. What is a fixation?
  5. What is a hand-hand-eil? (Ans: Like a hand-axe [hatchet] is to an axe, this is an idol sized down to be held in the hand–e.g., Tᵊrâph•im–in contrast to the larger idol-statue found in a temple.)
  6. What is a ewe?
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