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wa-Yeitzei 7th Eve (Ërëv Sha•bât)


Ho•sheia 11.7 – 12.14 ca. B.C.E. 769
47 Years Before Syrians Destroy & Expel Ë•phᵊr•ayim1 ("10 Lost Tribes" = Israel)
Ë•phᵊr•ayim1 = Israel (10 Northern Tribes); Distinct From Yᵊhudâh (Jews)
12 Tribes (map)
Click to enlarge12 Tribes

Ho•sheia muses what é‑‑ä must think in light of Ë•phᵊr•ayim1 sanctimoniously praying in the Name of é‑‑ä while remaining hung-up "interpreting" idolatry into Tor•âh:2

3"For I loved Yi•sᵊr•â•eil the youth, calling him out of Mi•tzᵊrayim to be My son.4

"But the idols they left behind when Yi•sᵊr•â•eil came out of Egypt seemed to call out to them too. They simply turned away from the idols of Egypt to the Baal idols of Kᵊna•an, offering them their ascendancy-sacrifices.

"So I trained-up Yᵊho•shua Bin-Nun (from their own tribe of Ë•phᵊr•ayim,1) for Ë•phᵊr•ayim.1 He took them upon his arms, but Ë•phᵊr•ayim1 failed to realize that it was I Who healed them.

"Though Yi•sᵊr•â•eil isn't going back to Mi•tzᵊrayim, it is Assyria, not Me, whom Ë•phᵊr•ayim1 recognizes as their king, because they refuse to make tᵊshuv•âh.

"So Assyria's sword shall swirl over the cities of Ë•phᵊr•ayim1, mowing down their outlying villages and their people.

"Meanwhile, My kindred remain hung-up "interpreting" idolatry into Tor•âh:2, and, though they call El-Al, all-together, they don't exalt Me."

"How can I allow you, Ë•phᵊr•ayim1? Or shield you, 10 Northern Tribes of Yi•sᵊr•â•eil? How can I allow you to behave like the sister cities of Sᵊdom and A•mor•âh? My Heart has been overturned. All-together, My condolences are warmed up, ready to offer you.

"Syria, not I, will execute the indignation of My Mouth. Syria, not I, will return to destroy Ë•phᵊr•ayim1 because I am Eil, not a human. I am Qâ•dosh within you. So Syria, not I, will enter Shom•ron city.5

"After é‑‑ä removes Himself, Syria will fill the vacuum like a lion. He will roar and the seafaring Lebanese will tremble; even the Egyptians will tremble like a little bird. Then, like a dove out of Syria, I will settle Syrians in the homes of Ë•phᵊr•ayim,"1 declares é‑‑ä.

"Ë•phᵊr•ayim1 has clothed Me in their feigning, the 10 Northern Tribes of Beit Yi•sᵊr•â•eil in their deceitful practice. Meanwhile, Yᵊhudâh ranges nomadically with Eil, faithful with the qᵊdosh•im.

"Ë•phᵊr•ayim1 floats on the wind, especially the winds of Syria, and pursues profits of their olive-oil trade with Egypt. But it is Yᵊhudâh who battles the battles of é‑‑ä, monitoring over Ya•a•qov according to his ways – and it is Yᵊhudâh who will requite Ë•phᵊr•ayim1 according to his deeds.

"Kᵊna•an uses fraudulent balance-scales, loving la-a•shōq.6 Then Ë•phᵊr•ayim1 said, 'Surely, I'll become rich by adopting the knavishness of Kᵊna•an. I've found my raison d'être. Whatever I touch, they won't find me guilty of a felony; just "oops, it was an honest mistake".'

Gil?ad Mountains
Click to enlargeàÂøÈí (Z2).

"But I Myself am é‑‑ä your Ël•oh•im from the land of Mi•tzᵊrayim. I will yet again put you back in tents like the annual days of the Mo•eid. And I've spoken to the Nᵊviy•im, and I Myself have proliferated visions and, by the hand of the Nᵊviy•im, I'll illustrate with similarities.

"It was Ya•a•qov who fled to the field of àÂøÈí, but Yi•sᵊr•â•eil who worked for a wife, and for a wife watchguarded herds.

"Similarly, by a Nâ•vi, é‑‑ä brought Yi•sᵊr•â•eil up out of Mi•tzᵊrayim (like for a wife), and (paralleling the wife from àÂøÈí) by a Nâ•vi, (like for a wife of é‑‑ä) Yi•sᵊr•â•eil was watchguarded.

"But Ë•phᵊr•ayim1 has bitterly enraged Me. So his blood will be left on him, and his disgrace shall his •don requite to him."

47 years later, in B.C.E. 722, Syria invaded Ë•phᵊr•ayim,1 the 10 Northern Tribes of Yi•sᵊr•â•eil, expelled them from the Shom•ron and forcibly dispersed them into the surrounding peoples so that the "10 Lost Tribes of Israel" were completely absorbed by the surrounding peoples, leaving no distinct remnant.

Optional parental preparation:

  1. Note 1 – àÆôÀøÇéÄí was one of 2 sons of Yo•seiph in Mi•tzᵊrayim. These two sons later became tribes of Yi•sᵊr•â•eil in place of the tribe of Yo•seiph. When the 10 Northern Tribes of Yi•sᵊr•â•eil split from Yᵊhudâh (and Bin•yâ•min), the first king of the 10 Northern Tribes of Yi•sᵊr•â•eil was from the tribe of àÆôÀøÇéÄí (Mᵊlâkh•im Âlëph 11.26), as a result of which àÆôÀøÇéÄí came to symbolize all of the 10 Northern Tribes of Yi•sᵊr•â•eil – which were conquered and deported by the Syrians in B.C.E. 722. whereupon these 10 Tribes were forcibly assimilated into the surrounding peoples and ceased to exist as tribes – hence, the "Lost" 10 Tribes.. Writing only 47 years before this invasion, Ho•sheia warned of the growing pressures, cracks in society and dangers of daily unconcern being a growing bubble approaching the point of bursting. People don't see things that move so gradually that it takes 47 years to build to the point of bursting. Return to text
  2. Note 2 – 11.7b – åÀòÇîÌÄé úÀìåÌàÄéí ìÄîÀùÑåÌáÈúÄé Return to text
  3. Note 3 – Verses 1-6 are essential context to understand the narrative and, therefore, included. Return to text
  4. Note 4 – ìÄáÀðÄé Return to text
  5. Note 5 – Capital of Yi•sᵊr•â•eil (aka Ë•phᵊr•ayim1 = 10 Northern Tribes) as contrasted with Yᵊhudâh (Mᵊlâkh•im Âlëph 16.24). Return to text
  6. Note 6 – A play on words: notice how slight the difference between la-a•soq and la-a•shōq. Return to text

Questions you might anticipate that your child might raise and be prepared to discuss:

  1. What's a tribe? And what were the "10 Lost Tribes"?
  2. Why does Ë•phᵊr•ayim symbolize the "10 Lost Tribes"? And why were the "10 Lost Tribes," in contrast to all 12 tribes, considered "Yi•sᵊr•â•eil"? Why was Yᵊhudâh (and Bin•yâ•min) separate from Yi•sᵊr•â•eil?
  3. What is Assyria? (Ans: ancient name of Syria.)
  4. What are condolences?
  5. What does feign mean?
  6. What are "the battles of é‑‑ä"? (Ans: standing up for Tor•âh.)
  7. What does the verb "monitor" mean?
  8. What does "requite" mean?
  9. What does raison d'être mean?
  10. What is a felony in contrast to a misdemeanor or petty crime?
  11. What is the annual festival in which Jews "live" in "tents" (Suk•ot)?
  12. What does proliferate mean?
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