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wa-Yishelakh 5th Eve

Eponym Shᵊkhëm Bën-Kha•mor Rapes Din•âh Bat-Ya•a•qov
ca. B.C.E. 1966
Shᵊkhem relative to Sukot, Nᵊhar ha-Yarᵊdein, Pᵊnieil and Makhanayim
Click to enlargeShᵊkhëm relative to Suk•ot, Nᵊhar ha-Yarᵊdein, Pᵊnieil and Makhanayim.

After the family got settled in the city of Shᵊkhëm, young teen Din•âh (Bat-Leiâh & Ya•a•qov) went out to socialize with the Khiv•im 1 girls her age in the city.

But Shᵊkhëm Bën-Kha•mor, the Khiv•i Nâ•si of the area, saw her—and, feeling entitled to take whatever he pleased, he abducted her and raped her, befouling her honor.

But his nëphësh bonded in Din•âh Bat-Ya•a•qov. He fell in love with the Israeli teen. So he spoke about the heart of the girl with his father, Kha•mor, demanding, "Take this girl for me, to be my woman!"

Ya•a•qov Learns That Shᵊkhëm Raped His Daughter, Din•âh

Now Ya•a•qov heard that Shᵊkhëm had raped his daughter, Din•âh. But all of his sons were out in the far-flung reaches of his ranch tending his livestock. So Ya•a•qov restrained himself until his sons came home.

Meanwhile, Kha•mor, Shᵊkhëm's father, went out to Ya•a•qov's ranch, as his son had demanded, to negotiate with Ya•a•qov about taking Din•âh to be his son's woman.

When Bᵊn•ei-Ya•a•qov came home from the field and heard of it they were grievously livid, seething-over with fury because Shᵊkhëm raped their sister, within the family of éÄùÒÀøÈàÅì, the daughter of Ya•a•qov.

Intermarriage Was Ancient Politically Correct Way To Make Peace
Kha•mor Proposes Intermarriage To éÄùÒÀøÈàÅì

So Kha•mor brought Shᵊkhëm and spoke with them, saying, "The nëphësh of my son, Shᵊkhëm, desires your daughter. Please allow her to be his woman. Intermarry with us. Allow your daughters to us and take our daughters to you. Then you may reside with us and the land shall be open to you to reside, trade and own property."

Then Shᵊkhëm spoke up to Din•âh's father, éÄùÒÀøÈàÅì and to her brothers: "May I find graciousness in your eyes. So whatever you tell me I will accommodate. Greatly enlarge the bride-price plus a gift and I will give it to you; whatever you tell me; only allow me the maiden for a woman."

Because Shᵊkhëm had tim•ei their sister, Din•âh, Bᵊn•ei-Ya•a•qov answered Shᵊkhëm and Kha•mor casuistically,2 telling them, "We cannot permit intermarriage between our peoples. Nor can we allow our sister to an uncircumcised man. This is a shame on our family's honor. Yet, this would be proper for you: if you will become like us, circumcising every male of 8 days old and over, then we may allow our daughters to you and take your daughters to us; we may reside with you, absorbing you in an Am Ë•khâd. But if you don't listen to us and become circumcised, then we'll take our daughter, all of our wealth and goods, and we're outta here!"

Their arguments seemed good in the eyes of Kha•mor, as well as in the eyes of Shᵊkhëm Bën-Kha•mor. The youth (Shᵊkhëm) didn't hesitate or procrastinate because of his burning desire for Ya•a•qov's daughter, and he was honored above all of the house of his father.

Approaching Shekhem from the east; Har Eival (rt) Har Grizim (lft)
Click to enlarge Shᵊkhëm, approaching from the east; Har Eival (on right), Har Gᵊrizim (on left)

Then Kha•mor and his son, Shᵊkhëm, came to the municipal court (located in a chamber-room of the city gate in ancient cities) and addressed the municipal judges of Shᵊkhëm, saying, "These men are completely with us. So they may reside in the land and trade. Look, they manually amplify the land before them. Let us take their daughters for women and allow our daughters for them. They stipulate a condition, however. They will agree to settle among us only on condition that we be absorbed in an Am Ë•khâd – by circumcising every male among us like they are circumcised. Won't all their extensive possessions and properties and all of their livestock then be ours? Just become befitting to them and they will settle among us."

The decision of the city judges was unanimous. They all listened and were persuaded by Kha•mor and his son, Shᵊkhëm. So they were all circumcised and they circumcised every male in Shᵊkhëm.

By the third day after the circumcisings, when the pain was at its zenith, two of Bᵊn•ei-Ya•a•qovShi•mᵊōn and Lei•wi (her brothers born of Leiâh, the eschewed woman of Ya•a•qov)—each drew their sword and came securely upon the city, killing every male 13 and older with their swords, including Kha•mor and his son, Shᵊkhëm. Then they rescued their sister, Din•âh, from Beit-Shᵊkhëm and left.

The other Bᵊn•ei-Ya•a•qov, having come upon the corpses, plundered the city—which had tim•ei their sister. They took their tzon, their cattle, their donkeys; what was in the city and what was in the fields. They took all of their military assets and absorbed all of their remaining male children and all of their females. They took everything that had been in Beit-Shᵊkhëm.3

Then Ya•a•qov fretted to Shi•mᵊōn and Lei•wi: "You've stirred up trouble for me, making me a stench to the settlers of the land – the Kᵊna•an•i, including the Bedouin of the Kar•mël Mountains and Eimëq Yi•zᵊrᵊël. Since I'm a low-numbered people, they may build a coalition and launch a strike against me. Then I shall be destroyed, I and my household."

"Should we ignore that he violated our sister?!?" they retorted incredulously.

Optional parental preparation:

  1. Note 1 – A clan of Kᵊna•an•im, descendants of Kham (non-Semite, immoral and shamed son of akh). Return to text
  2. Note 2 – Specious or excessively subtle reasoning intended to rationalize or mislead. Return to text
  3. Note 3 – Accounting for who was left of the indigenous inhabitants of Shᵊkhëm is informative. It also clarifies the paradigm of how Am éÄùÒÀøÈàÅì predominated the Levant. The warrior-age male (above the age of Bar-Mi•tzᵊwâh) idolaters, imminent threats who had been plotting to absorb and acquire the wealth and property of éÄùÒÀøÈàÅì, were killed. This left the women and children, who éÄùÒÀøÈàÅì absorbed into Am éÄùÒÀøÈàÅì, thereby becoming the sole indigenous remnant people of Shᵊkhëm. This absorption (which continues in a more evolved form today, despite atheist, depraved immoral pressures toward Hellenist syncretism, on the one extreme, and radical xenophobic racist sanctimony at the other extreme) is the method by which Am éÄùÒÀøÈàÅì eventually became the sole remnant of all Ërëtz éÄùÒÀøÈàÅì. Return to text

Questions you might anticipate that your child might raise and be prepared to discuss:

  1. What's an eponym?
  2. What is intermarriage?
  3. Is prohibition of intermarriage racist? (That depends upon whether the persons are defined by genetics and race.)
  4. What does uncircumcised mean?
  5. What does it mean to procrastinate?
  6. What does amplify mean?
  7. What's a zenith?
  8. What does eschew mean? How is eschew different from hate?
  9. What does it mean to fret?
  10. What is a stench?
  11. What is a coalition?
  12. What does it mean to violate a girl?
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