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wa-Yei•shev 7th Eve (Ërëv Sha•bât)

Conquering the Gateway City Into Kᵊna•an: Yᵊri•kho

Outer of Yᵊri•kho's Double Walls Fall Inward

Plain East of Yᵊri•kho (Modern Jordan) ca. B.C.E. 1563
Chief of the Yᵊri•kho Municipal Militia – Serves é‑‑ä!
Click to enlargeYᵊri•kho

As dawn broke one day, while Yi•sᵊr•â•eil was encamped in the plain, east of Yᵊri•kho, preparing to attack, Yᵊho•shua was surprised, as he looked out toward Yᵊri•kho, to see an armed military officer, having walked out of Yᵊri•kho into the plain, presenting his unsheathed sword in his hand. So Yᵊho•shua went out to meet him, inquiring, "Are you the one of ours? If you're for our adversaries…"

"No," the man replied, "for I am Chief of a Militia of é‑‑ä, and I now come forward."

Then Yᵊho•shua dipped his face toward the ground, bowing, saying, "What has a•don•i to say to his servant?"

Then the Chief of a Militia of é‑‑ä told Yᵊho•shua, "Slip off the sandals from your feet, because the place where you're standing is dësh." So thus Yᵊho•shua did.

Tel Yërikho
Click to enlargeMain city gate of Tël Yᵊri•kho ruins. (The mound. Modern housing is outside of the ancient city ruins.)

Now Yᵊri•kho was utterly sealed shut because of the proximity of Bᵊn•ei-Yi•sᵊrâ•eil. No one went in and no one came out.

Speaking in the Name of é‑‑ä, the man explained to Yᵊho•shua, "Look, I've given into your hand Yᵊri•kho, her mëlëkh and her hero-warriors.

"I have trusted construction engineers who can discretely cut wedges between the stones of the city's double walls, keeping the stones in place with wooden wedges. When they want the walls to collapse, they will yank the wedges out by attached ropes and gravity will do the rest – collapsing the entire perimeter of the city's walls inward, all around the city. But, 2-3 hours each day just before dawn, I need you to create a loud distraction to hide our work and the noise of the hammers and chisels inside the walls. We'll need 5-6 days to complete the work. On signal, at the time of the attack, dawn of the 7th day, my engineers will collapse the entire perimeter of the city's walls from the inside. Then your army can easily overrun the collapsed city walls and conquer the city.

Click to enlarge Sho•phâr

"So here's what you must do. For 6 days, beginning just before dawn, march your complete army around the city with 7 of your ko•han•im trumpeting tᵊqiyâh on their sho•phâr•ōt during the entire circuit. Everyone will be anxious and concerned about what you're going to do and watching your army parade around the city. The rulers in the city won't miss us as we work inside the city walls.

"At dawn on the day of the attack, the 7th day, it will take us longer to carry out the final work and ensure that the walls are ready collapse on cue. So on the 7th day, march around the city 7 times. Your ko•han•im are easy to spot from within the city and I'll keep track of their number of circuits. When the ko•han•im approach the main city gate, completing their 7th circuit, then we'll need a crescendo of noise to cover my engineers when I signal them to collapse the walls. This will allow your soldiers to enter the city from all sides simultaneously.

"Accordingly, at the completion of their 7th circuit, have your ko•han•im blast tᵊqiyâh gᵊdōl•âh on the bellwether horn to signal the attack. Then my engineers will collapse the walls all around the city. Parts of the wall will roll down to the bottom of the hill. But then the inhabitants will be in complete pandemonium. So there'll be no serious resistance to your troops. The way will be cleared for all of your soldiers to attack the city simultaneously"

Yᵊho•shua Instructs His Troops

Accordingly, Yᵊho•shua instructed his am. To make the final day's attack signal even more dramatic, he ordered his soldiers to make no sound at all until the final attack signal, when they would augment and amplify the tᵊqiyâh gᵊdōl•âh blasts of the bellwether horn with every ko•hein trumpeting on his sho•phâr and every soldier yelling war whoops.

So for 6 days Yᵊho•shua paraded his troops around the walled city of Yᵊri•kho; the front-line contingent of stone-silent warriors followed by the ko•han•im bearing hâ-•ron é‑‑ä and trumpeting their sho•phâr•ōt, in turn followed by the main contingent of stone-silent soldiers.

On the 7th day, Yᵊho•shua briefed his troops again, this time giving them a final reminder to safeguard Râ•khâv the prostitute and her household and a warning that no soldier defile the camp of Yi•sᵊr•â•eil by taking something that was kheirëm to the a•vod•âh zâr•âh of the city's residents. Only the metals could be recycled by melting them down and recasting them as implements dësh to é‑‑ä in the treasury of é‑‑ä.

On the 7th day, they repeated this parade 7 circuits; the increase in the number of parades instilling growing dread in the hearts of the city-dwellers. As the ko•han•im completed their 7th circuit, the bellwether horn trumpeted the tᵊqiyâh gᵊdōl•âh attack signal. The ko•hein joined in, trumpeting on their sho•phâr. At this point, Yᵊho•shua commanded that every man of his troops continuously yell their war whoops.

All around inside the city, the engineer crews inside the city walls heard the tumultuous signal they had been awaiting. They yanked out the wedges holding the stones of the city walls in place – and the walls collapsed, mostly inwards. So the city was utterly destroyed by the sword and everything in it: men and women, young and old, along with their livestock.

Then Yᵊho•shua instructed his 2 recon scouts, whose voices Râ•khâv would recognize through the locked door, to rescue her and her household. The 2 recon scouts then brought them out of the city and pointed them towards the camp of Yi•sᵊr•â•eil, wherein she and her household lived thereafter. Then they burned the city to the ground and Yᵊho•shua cursed the city as well as cursing anyone who might attempt to rebuild it with the loss of his firstborn son upon laying of the foundation and the loss of his youngest son upon setting up of the gate.

So é‑‑ä was with Yᵊho•shua and his fame spread throughout the region.

Optional parental preparation:

  1. Show how lumberjacks cut a wedge in a tree so that gravity will cause the tree to fall in the direction of the wedge. (Similar wedges were cut into the interior horizontal edges of the blocks of the city walls, then secured temporarily with wooden wedges.)

Questions you might anticipate that your child might raise and be prepared to discuss:

  1. Where is the plain where Bᵊn•ei-Yi•sᵊrâ•eil were encamped relative to Yᵊri•kho? (see map)

  2. What is a gateway city? How was Yᵊri•kho the gateway city into the hills of Yᵊhudâh that form the spine of Ërëtz Yi•sᵊr•â•eil?

  3. What is a sheath, and unsheathing?

  4. What is a militia?

  5. What does proximity mean?

  6. What's the difference between a technician (works on physical products), an engineer (transforms abstract theories into physical products) and a scientist (develops and refines abstract theories)?

  7. What is a perimeter?

  8. What is a chisel?

  9. What does crescendo mean?

  10. What is a circuit?

  11. What is a bellwether?

  12. What does pandemonium mean?

  13. What do "augment" and "amplify" mean?

  14. What is a war whoop?

  15. What is the front-line contingent (front-line troops) of an army battle?

  16. What is a military briefing, briefing the troops?

  17. What does dread mean?

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