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Pâ•râsh•at mi-Qeitz 1st Eve (Mo•tzâ•ei Shab•ât Beginning Week)

Par•oh Sa-hotep-ka-Ra En-yoteph 4th Troubled By Cryptic Dreams

Minister of Beverages Remembers Jail Inmate Yo•seiph
Ankh-Tawi (modern Memphis), one of the ancient capitals of Mi•tzᵊrayim; ca. B.C.E. 1761

Two years after the Minister of Beverages returned to his job, Par•oh Sa-hotep-ka-Ra En-yoteph 4th was troubled by a cryptic dream.

Nile canal near ancient Ankh-Tawi (Memphis-Cairo)
Canal from the Nile, near ancient Ankh-Tawi (modern Memphis, 20 km (12 mi) south of Cairo, on the west bank of the Nile)

Par•oh was standing next to a canal of the Nile River, with the pyramids in the background. 7 cows, fine-looking healthy beef, walked out of a shallow canal of the Nile and grazed on the reed-grass.

Then, look, 7 more cows walked out of the canal, scraggly-looking and scrawny beef, which stood next to the other cows on the bank of the canal. Then the scraggly-looking, scrawny beef cows ate the fine-looking, healthy beef cows.

That's when Par•oh woke up. Then he dreamed again another night:

Look, a stalk of corn produced 7 ears, healthy and good. Then look, on the same stalk, another 7 ears of corn budded that became scrawny and scorched-dried by an east wind. Then the scrawny and scorch-dried ears grew over-top the healthy good corn, forcing them to die out.

Then Par•oh woke up again. It had been a dream.

The next morning, Par•oh was despondent. So he sent out a call for all of the experts in hieroglyphics in Mi•tzᵊrayim, and all of the wise men. Then Par•oh related his dream to them. But none of them could interpret the dreams for Par•oh.

Then the Minister of Beverages finally remembered Yo•seiph and recounted to Par•oh how Yo•seiph had correctly interpreted his dream and the dream of the Minister of the Palace Bakery. So Par•oh summoned Yo•seiph from the dungeon to interpret his dream. Taking only enough time to shave and change clothes to be presentable to Par•oh, Yo•seiph was brought to him with all haste.

"I dreamed and no one knows how to interpret it, Par•oh began. "I've been told that when you hear a dream you can interpret it?"

"It's beyond me," Yo•seiph answered. "Ël•oh•im will resolve Par•oh's welfare."

Then Par•oh related his two dreams, of cows and corn, anxiously awaiting Yo•seiph's interpretation.

Optional parental preparation:

  1. What's the difference between a river and a canal?

Questions you might anticipate that your child might raise and be prepared to discuss:

  1. What does cryptic mean?

  2. What does despondent mean?

  3. What does scorched mean?

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