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Pâ•râsh•at wa-Yijash 3rd Eve

Yi•sᵊr•â•eil & His Son, Yo•seiph, Reunited At Last

Bᵊeir Shëva, Kᵊna•an & Mi•tzᵊrayim: Ankh-​Tawi,, Pi-Tom and Pi-Ra-moses ca. B.C.E. 1754
Bᵊeir Sheva, Kᵊnan
Click to enlargeBᵊeir Shëva, Kᵊna•an

So Yi•sᵊr•â•eil sent Yᵊhudâh north to Ankh-​Tawi, while they continued west along the north coast of the Sin•ai toward the Delta, so that Yo•seiph could give Yᵊhudâh directions exactly where their new home of Gōshen was located in the Delta.

merkavah archer Ra-moses Jr
Click to enlarge Më•rᵊkâv•âh archer Ra moses Jr.

When Yᵊhudâh returned to Ankh-​Tawi, Yo•seiph harnessed horses to his më•rᵊkâv•âh and went down with Yᵊhudâh Gōshen-ward to rendezvous with his father, Yi•sᵊr•â•eil, and his brothers, Bᵊn•ei-Yi•sᵊrâ•eil.

Upon seeing his father, Yo•seiph reined-in his më•rᵊkâv•âh and horses, jumped down and ran to hug his father. Then he wept for joy some more.

"Now," Yi•sᵊr•â•eil exclaimed to Yo•seiph, "I can die having seen your face, that you're alive!"

Optional parental preparation:

  1. Where is this map on a globe? Relative to where you live?

  2. âÌÉùÑÆï (and âÌÉùÑÀðÈä), the northeast region of the Nile Delta in Lower Egypt – may, along with ðÈâÇùÑ, derive from âÌåÌùÑ (in contrast to cognates of ÷ÈøÇá). If this proposed derivation from âÌåÌùÑ is correct, then âÌÉùÑÆï may be Yo•seiph's translation and contraction (changing âÌåÌùÑÆï to âÌÉùÑÆï) in Hebrew, of Par•oh's reference to the area (in some Egyptian phrase), as âÌÒùÑ + ï ("their bloc").Return to text

Questions you might anticipate that your child might raise and be prepared to discuss:

  1. What does rendezvous mean?

  2. What is an archer?

  3. What does rein-in mean?

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