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Pâ•râsh•at wa-Yijash 7th Eve (Ërëv Sha•bât)

Ha•phᵊtâr•âh: Yᵊkhë•zᵊq•eil 37.15-28

Yᵊkhë•zᵊq•eil Bën-Buz ha-ko•hein, the Explainer, Explained:

Ë•phᵊr•ayim-Yi•sᵊr•â•eil Merged  Into Yᵊhudâh Israeli-Jews
Mi•qᵊdâsh é‑‑ä To Be Internalized In Hearts Of Yᵊhud•im Forever
Tël •viv, Bâ•vël  ca. B.C.E. 583 
Context: Yᵊkhë•zᵊq•eil In The Gâl•ut Bâ•vᵊl•i (37.1-14)

Yâd  é‑‑ä was over me when é‑‑ä motivated me to go out in a ruakh, leading me to settle amidst the valley  Then the Dᵊvar é‑‑ä was saying to me,

Coat of Arms: Yᵊhudâh lion (Mᵊgidō)
Coat of Arms: rendering recreating Ë•phᵊr•ayim (ox, pyramid repre­senting Yo•seiph and Mi•tzᵊrayim in background).

"Now you, bën-â•dâm, take one wooden-plaque and write on it the Coat-of-Arms of combined Yᵊhudâh and its allied tribes of Bᵊn•ei-Yi•sᵊrâ•eil. Then take another wooden-plaque and write on it the Coat-of-Arms of Yo•seiph: the Coat-of-Arms of combined Ë•phᵊr•ayim with all of the refugees of their allied tribes of Bᵊn•ei-Yi•sᵊrâ•eil. Then mortise the two into one wooden-plaque in your hand.

Click to enlarge Shi•vᵊt•ei Yi•sᵊr•â•eil

"When bᵊn•ei-am say to you, 'Aren't you going to relate to us what these are that you have?' Then tell them, 'Thus says A•don•âi é‑‑ä, “Look, I will take Bᵊn•ei-Yi•sᵊrâ•eil from among the goy•im among whom they've been driven and I will gather them from every direction and return them to their indigenous a•dâm•âh. Then I will make them into a goy ë•khâd -Ârëtz, in the hills of Yi•sᵊr•â•eil; and one mëlëkh shall be mëlëkh over all of them. They shall no longer be two goy•im. Nor shall they any longer be divided, nor two kingdoms any longer.” ' "

"Neither shall they make themselves tâm•ei anymore with their gi•lul•im, nor their shi•qutz•im nor their willful and deliberate felonies against Tor•âh. Then I shall militarily and nationally save them out of all of their colonies in which they have been misstepping. Then I shall purify them and they shall be My am and I shall be their ël•oh•im.

"Then My worker, Dâ•wid shall be mëlëkh over them and there shall be one shepherd for all of them; they shall walk in My mi•shᵊpât•im, they shall watchguard My khuq•ōt and they shall do them.

"Then they shall inhabit -ârëtz, which I have given to My worker: Ya•a•qov, which your forefathers inhabited; and they shall inhabit it – they, their children and their childrens' children until the next o•lam; and Dâ•wid My worker shall be their Nâ•si to the next o•lam. Then I shall engrave a bᵊrit shâ•lom with them, it shall be a bᵊrit to the next o•lam and I will give it to them. I will increase them and give My mi•qᵊdâsh  amidst them to the next o•lam. My Mi•shᵊkân shall be over them and I shall be their ël•oh•im and they shall be My am. Then the goy•im shall know that I am é‑‑ä Who mᵊqa•deish  Yi•sᵊr•â•eil when My mi•qᵊdâsh  shall be amidst them to the next o•lam."

Optional parental preparation:

  1.  Return to text
    Click to enlargeEuphrates River Valley, vicinity of Diwaniya, Iraq, west of Nippur (photo: Sgt James McCauley)

  2. Babylon ca. B.C.E. 735
    Click to enlargeBâ•vël ca. B.C.E. 735. Tël Aviv (Mesopotamia, not modern Israel) was located near modern Nippur, Iraq. "The valley" likely referred to the valley of the Euphrates near the "River Kᵊvâr, which is thought to have been a man-made canal offshoot from the Euphrates River that ran through Nippur (modern southern Iraq) and dried-up long ago.
    Yᵊkhë•zᵊq•eil explained ≈129 years after Yi•sᵊr•â•eil (the Northern Tribes) had been deracinated by Syria (ca. B.C.E. 722). By the time Yᵊkhë•zᵊq•eil explained, it was conspicuous to everyone that Yi•sᵊr•â•eil had been irreversibly deracinated by Syrai and its remnants absorbed into Yᵊhudâh. Most commentators have made a simple arithmetic error based on a false premise: that 2 tribes (Ë•phᵊr•ayim and Yᵊhudâh) comprised the southern kingdom while the rest of the tribes (=12-2, right?) totaled 10. That is an ex falso quodlibet. In fact, as one can see from the map, Yᵊhudâh, in absorbing Ë•phᵊr•ayim, also absorbed Bin•yâ•min, Shi•mᵊōn, and probably Dân – leaving only 7 tribes in the northern kingdom of Yi•sᵊr•â•eil. The refugees (remnants) even of those 7 tribes had already been absorbed into Yᵊhudâh by the time of Yᵊkhë•zᵊq•eilReturn to text

  3. The "Hand" of é‑‑ä – Anthropomorphism has always been intrinsic to Tor•âh, even in its prototypical, development stages. A literal reading is, therefore, idolatrous. é‑‑ä accomplishes His Will in the world via natural (scientific laws of physics) events and/or via His servants. Thus, this, and other, phrases widely interpreted depending upon physical manifestations (via the 5 senses, i.e., anthropomorphically), can only be understood compatible with Tor•âh when interpreted in the sense of "Tor•âh led me to conclude that it was incumbent upon me to…" Return to text

  4. Note that these three terms are cognates of the same root. Note, also, that there is a significant difference between mi•qᵊdâsh and Beit ha-mi•qᵊdâshReturn to text

Questions you might anticipate that your child might raise and be prepared to discuss:

  1. What is a plaque?

  2. What is a coat of arms?

  3. What does the verb mortise mean?

  4. What is contamination?

  5. How should you explain gi•lul•im? (the round, ball-like pellet-droppings of goats, sheep, camels, donkeys and deer) as a metonym for idols?

  6. What does shi•qutz mean?

  7. What is a felony (as distinguished from a petty offense (misstep) or a conscious misdemeanor?

  8. What is legislated (written) law?

  9. What is case law?

  10. What is a shepherd?

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