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wa-Yᵊkhi 3rd Eve

Yi•sᵊr•â•eil Begins Reciting His Will To His Sons

ca. B.C.E. 1737

Then Yi•sᵊr•â•eil summoned the rest of his sons to apportion the remaining inheritance and convey his wishes for their future.

1 – Bequeathal Bᵊrâkh•ōt Rᵊu•vein Bën-Yi•sᵊr•â•eil
Degel Shevet1-Ruvein: water symbol on red background
Dëgël Rᵊu•vein – Biblical: water symbol

"Rᵊu•vein," he began, "you were my firstborn. But you're like water — wanton. Having defiled your father's bed with your step-mother you are not permitted the double inheritance due the firstborn."

2 & 3 – Bequeathal Bᵊrâkh•ōt Shi•mᵊōn & Lei•wi Bën-Yi•sᵊr•â•eil
Degel Shevet2-Shimon: weapons on green background
Dëgël Shi•mᵊōn & Lei•wi – Biblical: weap­ons

"Shi•mᵊōn and Lei•wi," he continued, "your familiarity is with weapons. May my nëphësh never be on the same page with your tribal secret service unit, nor shall your congregation ever be identified with respect for me; because they killed men in anger rather than necessity, and hamstrung oxen just for fun. Let their anger be damned. I will disperse them within Ya•a•qov, scatter them among Yi•sᵊr•â•eil."

4 – Bequeathal Bᵊrâkh•ōt Yᵊhudâh Bën-Yi•sᵊr•â•eil
Presaging The Mâ•shiakh
Yᵊhudah: lion cub
Dëgël Yᵊhudâh – Biblical: lion cub (not lion-​king)

"Yᵊhudâh, it is you to whom your brothers yōd•ukhâ. May your hand be upon the necks of your enemies. Your father's sons shall bow down to you. Yᵊhudâh is a lion's cub. From being a 4th in line self-sacrificing brother, you've now risen to overcome, my son. The lion cub crouches, then stretches like a lion or lioness – who shall dare provoke him? The sheivët shall not deviate from Yᵊhudâh, nor the legislative-arm from between his legs, until Shil•ōh shall come. The blunting of the am•im is for him.

5 – Bequeathal Bᵊrâkh•ōt Zᵊvul•un Bën-Yi•sᵊr•â•eil
Dëgël Zᵊvul•un – ship (sym­bolizing coastal residents, fishing and ports)

Zᵊvul•un shall inhabit the coastal region and operate Israel's ports, flanking Tzid•ōn, Lᵊvân•ōn.

6 – Bequeathal Bᵊrâkh•ōt Yi•sâ•khâr Bën-Yi•sᵊr•â•eil
Degel Yisakhar
Dëgël Yi•sâ•khâr – "heavy-hauler" don­key lying down between sheep-​cotes

Yi•sâ•khâr is the "heavy-hauler" donkey, crouching down between the sheep-cotes.

7 – Bequeathal Bᵊrâkh•ōt Dân Bën-Yi•sᵊr•â•eil
horned-viper (Pseudocerastes persicus) www.eyalbartov.com
Dëgël DânClick to enlargeùÑÀôÄéôÉï 

Dân yâ•din his am, as one of Shi•vᵊt•ei Yi•sᵊr•â•eil. May Dân be a snake in the dërëkh, a horned-viper in the path, which strikes at the horse's fetlocks, causing the horse to rear and the rider to fall backward."

Yi•sᵊr•â•eil paused thoughtfully, then interjected, "For Your yᵊshu•âh I've hoped, é‑‑ä."

8 – Bequeathal Bᵊrâkh•ōt God Bën-Yi•sᵊr•â•eil
Sheivet God
Dëgël God – soldiers

God yᵊgud•ënu gᵊdud; and he yâ•gud â•qeiv.

9 – Bequeathal Bᵊrâkh•ōt •sheir Bën-Yi•sᵊr•â•eil
Dëgël •sheir – ancient bread with olive tree (symbol of ruakh and prosperity) in background.

•sheir – his bread shall be rich in olive-oil and he shall provide the baked delicacies of the king.

10 – Bequeathal Bᵊrâkh•ōt Na•phᵊtali Bën-Yi•sᵊr•â•eil
Naphtali ayalah (doe)
Dëgël Na•phᵊtalia•yâl•âh

Na•phᵊtali is an a•yâl•âh sent forth, and he gives shâ•phër sayings.

Optional parental preparation:

  1. Remainder of Yi•sᵊr•â•eil's Bequeathal Bᵊrâkh•ōt Yᵊhudâh describes a distant future:

    Binding his donkey-colt to the grape-vine, the colt of his jenny-donkey to the vine of the red-grape, he laundered his clothes in wine, and his camo-suit in the blood of grapes. His eyes are more burgundy-amber than wine and his teeth whiter than milk."

    As early as the 2nd century C.E., Ōnᵊqᵊlōs interpreted the symbolism of this passage into Aramaic as:

    "Yi•sᵊr•â•eil shall commute among his cities and his kindred shall build his House. Those around him shall be tza•diq•im and doers of Tor•âh according to his interpretation. His clothes shall be of goodly purple, and his vesture of crimson wool with colors. His mountains shall flow red with his vineyards. His hills shall be dropping with wine; his valleys white with corn and flocks of tzon."Return to text

  2. How might you wish to explain the phrase "defiled your father's bed with your step-mother"?

  3. What does it mean to hamstring oxen?

  4. Is there any importance to the distinction that Yᵊhudâh is symbolized not by the popular adult lion king, but by a lion cub?

  5. What's the difference between the sheivët branch of government and the legislative-arm?

  6. How might you prefer to explain the phrase "nor the legislative-arm from between his legs"?

Questions you might anticipate that your child might raise and be prepared to discuss:

  1. What does summon mean?

  2. What does apportion mean?

  3. What does convey mean?

  4. What does wanton mean?

  5. What does defile mean?

  6. What does disperse mean?

  7. What does presage mean?

  8. What does the verb blunt mean?

  9. What is a coastal region? A port?

  10. What does the verb mean to flank something?

  11. What are sheep-cotes?

  12. What are fetlocks on a horse?

  13. What does interject mean?

  14. What are baked delicacies?

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