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wa-Yᵊkhi 4th Eve

Yi•sᵊr•â•eil Completes Reciting His Will To His 12 Sons

ca. B.C.E. 1737
Degel Yoseiph
Dëgël Yo•seiph
11 – Bequeathal Bᵊrâkh•ōt Yo•seiph Bën-Yi•sᵊr•â•eil

As a son, Yo•seiph is a fruitful-vine; a son who is a fruitful-vine growing luxuriantly over a spring, each of whose tendrils traverses the watchtower of the city-wall.

ùÑÉäÇí (SHOham=sardonyx): éåÉñÅó (YoSEIPH)
Click to enlargeSardonyx (stone of Yo•seiph)

Those around him enviously resented his extraordinary talents — and turned malefic against him. So these masters of archer-tongued rhetoric, who begrudged him, shot volleys of libelous verbal arrows. But his Bow was irremovably ensconced, as the gold was placed on his hands from the strong hands of the Par•oh of Ya•a•qov's time. From his position of Deputy-Par•oh, the sardonyx stone of Yi•sᵊr•â•eil shepherds.

This is from Eil of your father, and He, Shad•ai, will help you. So He will bless you with the bᵊrâkh•ōt of the heavens above, the bᵊrâkh•ōt of the abyss stretched-out below, the bᵊrâkh•ōt of shad•aiyim and the womb. The bᵊrâkh•ōt of your father is more epic than the bᵊrâkh•ōt of my parents — to the limit of the pinnacles of the age! May these bᵊrâkh•ōt be upon the head of Yo•seiph and upon the top of the nâ•zir of each of his brothers!

12 – Bequeathal Bᵊrâkh•ōt Bin•yâ•min Bën-Yi•sᵊr•â•eil
Dëgël Bin•yâ•min

May Bin•yâ•min be a wolf that depredates, devouring prey from morning on, and sharing the spoil in the evening.


These are the twelve Shi•vᵊt•ei Yi•sᵊr•â•eil, and this is what their father told them when he blessed them, each according to his blessing he blessed them. Then he commanded them saying, "I'm about to be gathered to my am. Inter me with my fathers in the Mᵊâr•at ha-Ma•khᵊpeil•âh, which is in the field of Ëphᵊrōn the Khit•i, adjacent to Ma•mᵊrei, in ërëtz Kᵊna•an — which Avᵊrâ•hâm purchased for a mausoleum. That's where we buried my grandfather, Avᵊrâ•hâm, and my grandmother, Sârâh; where we buried my father, Yi•tzᵊkhâq, and my mother, Rivᵊq•âh; and there I buried Leiâh.

When Ya•a•qov had finished commanding his sons, he pulled his feet back into his bed. When he died he was gathered to his am.

Optional parental preparation:

  1. What's the difference between the Mâ•shiakh Bën-Yo•seiph and the Mâ•shiakh Bën-Dâ•wid?

Questions you might anticipate that your child might raise and be prepared to discuss:

  1. What are tendrils?

  2. What does traverse mean? (e.g., in climbing). This refers to Yo•seiph surmounting (lit. "step over") the figurative watchtower in the wall surrounding the Pharaonic family.

  3. What is envy?

  4. What does malefic mean?

  5. What does begrudge mean?

  6. What is a volley?

  7. What is libel?

  8. What is a "verbal arrow"?

  9. What do "irremovable" and "ensconced" mean?

  10. What's the difference between prey, pray and tᵊphil•ot?

  11. What does it mean to "place gold on one's hand"? (a ring, or perhaps a bracelet)

  12. What does the phrase "the sardonyx stone of Yi•sᵊr•â•eil shepherds" mean? (Yo•seiph is the sardonyx stone (in the Khoshën. Thus, the phrase simply means that Yo•seiph shepherds the flock of Yi•sᵊr•â•eil. This is an allusion to the (then) future Mâ•shiakh Bën-Yo•seiph.

  13. What is an abyss?

  14. What is a womb?

  15. What does epic mean?

  16. What is a pinnacle?

  17. What does the verb "depredate" mean?

  18. What is a synopsis?

  19. What does inter mean?

  20. What is a mausoleum?

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