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Shᵊm•ōt, The Book — Journal Of Year “Y”

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Shᵊm•ōt, The Pâ•râsh•âh — 1st Eve (Mo•tzâ•ei Shab•ât Beginning Week)

Background Context:

Several Pharaohs After "Generation Yo•seiph"

Egyptian New Kingdom
c BCE Yah-moses Sr. (daughters Merit-Amun B, Sit-Amun A)
c BCE Amun-hotep Sr., son of Yah-moses Sr. (no heir, no daughter)
c BCE Ah-kheper ka-Ra Tut-moses Sr. (daughter Khât-​shepset)
c BCE Ah-kheper en-Ra Tut-moses Jr. & Khât-​shepset
c BCE Regent Khât-​shepset for Men-kheper Ra Tut-moses 3rd
c BCE Khât-​shepset co-reigns with Men-kheper Ra Tut-moses 3rd
c BCE Queen Khât-​shepset reigns alone until her death c. B.C.E.
c BCE Men-kheper Ra Tut-moses 3rd succeeds his aunt.
c BCE Amun-hotep Jr.
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c BCE Santorini Eruption
c BCE Yᵊtzi•âh

Par•oh Amun-hotep Sr. Dies Leaving No Heir

Egyptian Chief Of Staff, General Tut-moses Sr., Assumes Throne
Egyptian capital, Ankh-Tawi,, ca. B.C.E.

After the death of "Generation Yo•seiph", Bᵊn•ei-Yi•sᵊrâ•eil flourished and their population grew.

Click to enlargeMummy (Cairo Museum) from 18th Dynasty thought to be Par•oh Ah-kheper ka-Ra Tut-​moses Sr., father of Princess Khât-​shepset

When Par•oh Amun-hotep Sr. died leaving no heir, however, the Egyptian Chief of Staff, General Tut-moses Sr., who was not of the Royal Pharaonic family, stepped into the vacuum as mëlëkh, taking the Pharaonic name Par•oh Ah-kheper ka-Ra. But this new mëlëkh, who took over the throne of Par•oh, had risen through the military ranks rather than inheriting the throne within the Royal Pharaonic family. Consequently, he didn't know the story, from an earlier generation, of Yo•seiph.

Thebes (Luxor), Egypt
Click to enlargeAncient Capital of Egypt: Ankh-Tawi (modern Luxor), with Karnak Temple Complex

Moreover, this new mëlëkh cum Par•oh came to power with a new agenda: "Look," he announced to his Egyptian populous, "Egypt is overrun with Bᵊn•ei-Yi•sᵊrâ•eil! Am Bᵊn•ei-Yi•sᵊrâ•eil has multiplied to the point that it outnumbers us. Am Bᵊn•ei-Yi•sᵊrâ•eil has become a Fifth Column in Egypt, a "Dark Government." Let us act prudently concerning this Am lest it continue to multiply. Or, whenever we're threatened by an enemy, it might align themselves with fellow Kᵊna•an•im and other enemies of Egypt and overthrow Egypt from within. Let's get this Am Bᵊn•ei-Yi•sᵊrâ•eil out of Egypt!"

Special Tax On Ha•biru

Forced To Work Off Tax Debts As Corvées – Building Pi-Tōm
mudbrick home building
mud-brick home building

So the Egyptians passed a law authorizing their tax ministers to impose an onerous special tax on Am Bᵊn•ei-Yi•sᵊrâ•eil. This special tax forced the Am to work off its tax debts as corvées. So this Am built the cities of depots for Par•ohPi-Tōm (later renamed [Pi-]​Ra-moses).

But the more the Egyptians afflicted the Am, the more numerous it became and the more it dispersed throughout Egypt. Then the Egyptians loathed Bᵊn•ei-Yi•sᵊrâ•eil, forcing crushing work on Bᵊn•ei-Yi•sᵊrâ•eil, making life bitter for this Am with crushing hard work, building with mortar and mud-bricks in the field.

The Egyptian mëlëkh told the Ha•biru women, midwives, "When you attend births of Ha•biru women, look for testicles. If he's a son, put him to death! If she's a girl she may live."

But the midwives, Shi•phᵊr•âh and Pu•âh, revered ha-ël•oh•im. So they didn't do as mëlëkh Mi•tzᵊrayim had spoken. Rather, they preserved the lives of the boys.

So mëlëkh Mi•tzᵊrayim summoned the midwives, demanding to know, "Why did you do this, preserving the lives of the boys?"

Realizing that the Par•oh, being a man, wouldn't understand some of the finer aspects of female biology, they answered, "Because the Ha•biru women, aren't like Egyptian women. The Ha•biru women, are khâ•yōt! Before the midwife can get to them they've already given birth!"

So ël•oh•im enhanced the midwives and the am multiplied and became very powerful. And because the midwives revered ha-ël•oh•im, the am, while they were building Pi-Tōm, built houses for them too.

M17 ostrich feather [yᵊ] X1 bread loaf [t (ō)]
D21 mouth [r]
Quail chick G43 [w] Water (3 ripples) N35A [m/w]
(The) Nile – Hieroglyph of the Egyptian name: Yᵊōrw; trans­literated into Hebrew as éÀàåÉø (Hellenized to Nile).

Then Par•oh commanded all of his Egyptian am saying, "Every Ha•biru boy who is born, you shall send down the river-Nile! But you can let the daughters live."

Birth of Moses
Egyptian capital, Ankh-Tawi, ca. B.C.E. 1700
Nile temple near Luxor
Click to enlargeNile River – temple on west bank near Ankh-Tawi & Karnak (Luxor)

It was at this time that A•mᵊr•âm, a man of Beit Lei•wi, wed a Bat-Lei•wi named Yō•khëvëd, who then became pregnant and gave birth to a son. She saw that he was a happy baby who was quiet and relatively easy to conceal from the Egyptians. So she concealed him from the Egyptians, keeping him from being sent down the river-Nile, for 3 moons.

When she felt she couldn't conceal him any longer, she made a little box out of reeds and water-proofed it with tar and asphalt. She placed the baby boy in the water-proofed reed box and placed him among the reeds near the bank of the river-Nile, where the young daughter of Par•oh Ah-kheper ka-Ra Tut-moses Sr., Princess Khât-​shepset, came down to bathe in the mornings.

Meanwhile, the infant's sister, Mirᵊyâm, positioned herself some distance away where she could see what would happen to him.

Princess Khât-​shepset

Khat-shepset keruv
Click to enlargeKᵊruv: Queen-Par•oh Khât-​shepset (Metropolitan Museum)

When the Pharaonic Princess Khât-​shepset came down for her morning bathe on the bank of the river-Nile, as she walked along the bank of the river-Nile with her attending maids, she spotted the little black, asphalt-sealed reed box floating among the reeds and dispatched one of her maids to fetch it for her.

When she opened the box and looked inside, there was the crying young boy. The little Princess Khât-​shepset felt compassion for the infant, saying, "This is one of the Ha•biru boys."

Click to enlargeMummy: Queen-Par•oh Khât-​shepset (Cairo Museum)

At that point, the baby's big sister, Mirᵊyâm, approached the Egyptian princess who, like her, was also a little girl about 7 years old. Knowing that her little brother was crying because he was hungry for his mother's milk, Mirᵊyâm suggested to Princess Khât-​shepset, "Would you like me to go and fetch one of the lactating Ha•biru mothers to breast-feed the baby for you?"

The princess agreed. So the little girl, Mirᵊyâm, went and summoned her and her two brothers' mother, Yō•khëvëd,

When little Mirᵊyâm returned with her and her brothers' mother, Yō•khëvëd, the little Pharaonic Princess Khât-​shepset told her, "Go with this baby boy and breast-feed him for me and I will pay you." So Yō•khëvëd took her son and breast-fed him.

Yō•khëvëd Weans Her Son
c. B.C.E. 1698

A couple of years later, as soon as she had weaned her son, Yō•khëvëd took him back to Princess Khât-​shepset, where the princess adopted him into her Pharaonic Royal Family as her son — a member of the Pharaonic Royal Family in the line of succession (after Ah-kheper ka-Ra Tut-moses Jr. and Princess Khât-​shepset) to the full royal education and throne of Egypt. Princess Khât-​shepset named the boy with the customary four royal Egyptian names in her Egyptian language (which weren't explicitly recorded in Ta•na"kh): Hōrus (identifying herself with Isis-moses, having likewise resurrected her own Hōrus-moses from a watery grave), plus a personal name (Sen-en-Mut), who then took the Royal Family surname: Tut-moses. However, Bᵊn•ei-Yi•sᵊrâ•eil, being forbidden by Tor•âh to propagate the names of the Egyptian idols, referred to him only as […]-Moses, likening the name to the Hebrew term Mosh•ëh, because mᵊshi•tihu.

Optional parental preparation:

  1. Contradictory Datings — Ta•na"kh presents a set of enigmatic, seemingly-unresolvable chronological contradictions. For example, Ta•na"kh in one place (bᵊ-Reish•it 15.13-14) explicitly specifies that Israel would sojourn as geir•im in Egypt for 400-years while, in a different passage (bᵊ-Reish•it 15.16) Israel would be redeemed from Egypt in only the 4th generation, ≈80 years! Faced with these kinds of enigmas, Arts-degreed archeologists have dated the Yᵊtzi•âh as late as the B.C.E. 13th century, based on unscientific methodologies and often flimsy evidence. Later, scholars pushed the dating a couple of centuries earlier to the B.C.E. 15th century, in conjunction with the Santorini eruption they estimated to mid- B.C.E. 15th century. Holding to the conjunction of the Yᵊtzi•âh with the Santorini eruption, scientists in 2016 C.E. 14C date the Santorini eruption to c. B.C.E. , pushing the Yᵊtzi•âh almost another 2 centuries earlier. It's no wonder archeologists have never found evidence from the B.C.E. 13th century of the Yᵊtzi•âh. There was no Yᵊtzi•âh in the B.C.E. 13th, or B.C.E. 15th centuries! Start looking c. B.C.E. !

    These shifts in chronology of the Ta•na"kh are the result of most everything in the text of Ta•na"kh being chronologically anchored only internally among events described within, with few absolute external anchor dates. Thus, like previous datings, the entire series of Biblical events simply all slide along the historical chronological sequence intact – yet again – another nearly 2 centuries earlier. (See my Chronology Of The Tanakh, From The "Big ðÀèÄéÌÈä" Live-Link.)

    This narrows the gap from 4 centuries to about 5 years! Ta•na"kh documents that Mosh•ëh was 80 years old when he and A•ha•ron spoke to Par•oh (Shᵊm•ōt 7.7). According to latest scholarship, Ah-kheper ka-Ra Tut-moses Sr. began his reign as Par•oh c. B.C.E. 1701, requiring that Mosh•ëh was born soon thereafter. If Mosh•ëh was born, say, the next year, in c. B.C.E. 1700, then he would have been 80 years old c. B.C.E. 1620, only 5 years after the best 14C datings to date of the Santorini eruption – narrowing the previous gaps of 4 centuries to about 5 years. Reduced to this smaller and more manageable gap, errors can be any accumulation of combinations of Pharaonic, archeological and even 14C datings; whether the later Pharaohs were reigning some 5 years earlier or the 14C dating is an understandable 5 years later or some combination. At this point, however, scholars do not know whether the Santorini might be 5 years or more later (or earlier, for that matter), and should be far less sure about the datings of the Egyptian Pharaohs. So the datings I use seem to be about the best scholarly educated guess one can make at this time. It is certainly enough to get readers (and arts-degreed archeologists), for the first time ever, out of the wrong – mythological legends – ballpark and into the right – scientific/scholarly, reality, historical, authentic – ballpark. This, not being absolutely right exactly (which still remains slightly beyond reach), is the goal of not only these Bible stories, but all of the rest of my books, the website (www.netzarim.co.il) and works as well. Return to text

Questions you might anticipate that your child might raise and be prepared to discuss:

  1. What is an heir?

  2. What is a Chief of Staff?

  3. What does flourish mean?

  4. How long ago is B.C.E. ? Why is that the BCE 17th century?

  5. What is the Yᵊtzi•âh

  6. What was the Pharaonic family?

  7. What does the Latin cum mean? (that became)

  8. What is an agenda?

  9. What is a "Fifth Column"? A "Dark (or Shadow) Government"?

  10. What does prudent mean?

  11. What does align mean?

  12. What does overthrow mean?

  13. What is a tax debt? Tax collectors? What was a corvée?

  14. What does onerous mean?

  15. What is a depot?

  16. What does afflict mean?

  17. What does disperse mean?

  18. What does loath mean?

  19. What is a midwife?

  20. What are testicles?

Rainbow Rule © 1996-present by Paqid Yirmeyahu Ben-David,

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