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Shᵊm•ōt 6th Eve

During Egyptian Sojourn Arab Squatters Occupied Ërëtz Yi•sᵊr•â•eil
Yᵊho•shua Campaigns To Recover Ancestral Patriarchs' Lands
After Securing The Entrance Corridor (Yᵊri•kho & Ai)

Battle of Gi•vᵊōn

The Sun Stands Still At Gi•vᵊōn, Moonlight Over Eimeq A•yâl•ōn
Camp Gi•lᵊgâl Israeli Army Base (1 km E of Yᵊri•kho), ca. B.C.E. 1620
Click to enlargeGi•lᵊgâl

In the late B.C.E. 17th century, when Yi•sᵊr•â•eil returned from Mi•tzᵊrayim, Kᵊna•an comprised a vast patchwork of independent, city-colonies, each ruled by their own mëlëkh — who, during Yi•sᵊr•â•eil's sojourn in Mi•tzᵊrayim, had squatted on, and occupied, the lands purchased, negotiated by treaties and, thereby, owned by Avᵊrâ•hâm, Yi•tzᵊkhâq and Yi•sᵊr•â•eil.

In the Middle East, winters are cold, rainy and muddy, unfavorable for conducting wars. Most battles are scheduled for the other three seasons, peaking in midsummer—around the summer solstice.

Click to enlargeModern, Arab-occupied Gi•vᵊōn (Jib), 10km (6mi) N of Yᵊru•shâ•layim

After the Israeli Army, under Gen. Yᵊho•shua Bën-Nun, had conquered and secured the city-colonies of Yᵊri•kho and Ai, the next city-colony, Gi•vᵊōn, negotiated peace, via the bᵊrit, with the Israelis. Like so many of the Ha•biru who had come out of Mi•tzᵊrayim in the Yᵊtzi•âh, they became a party in the bᵊrit.

Compared to the surrounding separate and independent single-city colonies, this new tri-city Israeli federation formed the nucleus to recover Israeli lands and restore Israel as the Patriarchs had pioneered; a resurrected, landed-kindred nation.

When the Ë•mor•i mëlëkh heard that the people of Gi•vᵊōn had entered the bᵊrit with Yi•sᵊr•â•eil, he realized that he was suddenly facing the nucleus of a larger neighboring Israeli nation looming over his city, about to engulf him in their wars to recover their ancestral lands. Consequently, the mëlëkh of the Ë•mor•i city-colony of Yᵊru•shâ•layim, A•don•i-Tzëdëq, sent out runners carrying messages requesting the emergency military assistance of the other 4 major mᵊlâkh•im of Ë•mor•i city-colonies of the region: Khë•vᵊr•on, Ya•rᵊm•ut, Lâ•khish and Ashᵊqᵊlōn, to attack Gi•vᵊōn.

So the "Big 5 Ë•mor•i Colonies" mustered all of their combined armies on the hill opposite Gi•vᵊōn in preparation for an imminent attack.

In a panic, the men of Gi•vᵊōn sent a ma•lâkh-runner to Yᵊho•shua at the Israeli bivouac, Camp Gi•lᵊgâl Army Base, on the eastern outskirts of Yᵊri•kho. "Gi•vᵊōn is under siege by the 5 major mᵊlâkh•im Ë•mor•im encamped on the hill opposite us" the men of Gi•vᵊōn wrote to Yᵊho•shua. "We implore you not to wuss-out on us, to honor the bᵊrit we have undertaken and come with all urgency to save us."

It was the day before the summer solstice when Yᵊho•shua received the urgent message from Gi•vᵊōn, and he was immediately concerned. "Don't worry," a ma•lâkh é‑‑ä advised Yᵊho•shua when he read the message, "I've given them into your hand. Not a man from among them shall stand against you."

Now, Yᵊho•shua realized from his calendar that the Ë•mor•im planned to attack at dawn the next morning in order to take maximum advantage of the longest day. This realization presented a miracle opportunity for the Israelis. The next day would be the longest day of the year, the summer solstice, with its companion longest dawn and sunset twilights. His calendar also revealed another miracle: for the first time in 50 years, the longest day would conclude with a rare solstice full moon — illuminating the battlefield all the following night.

So Yᵊho•shua rushed to turn the solstice to Israel's advantage, immediately ordering the sho•phâr blown to muster and move out his troops. Every soldier is always prepared and provisioned to grab their provisions and weapons and bug out at the sound of the sho•phâr ready to fight. So they bugged out within the hour.

Knowing that the ballistas, siege-crossbows and other war machines couldn't keep up with his soldiers on a forced march, Yᵊho•shua assigned them to take positions on hilltops on the far side (to the west) of the impending battlefield overlooking valleys through which the Ë•mor•im could escape.

It was 30km (almost 19mi), a lot of it uphill into the mountains, from their base at Gi•lᵊgâl to Gi•vᵊōn — a full day's forced march. From mid-afternoon or so, they marched all night, on a forced march, to reinforce Gi•vᵊōn, arriving on the battlefield well before dawn of the longest day—before the Ë•mor•im had awakened.

Despite the fatigue after an all-night forced march, the surprise of a pre-dawn attack afforded Yᵊho•shua and his warriors yet another decisive tactical advantage. So the Israelis marched straight into the Ë•mor•i camp, immediately launching a pre-dawn attack while the Ë•mor•im still slept soundly, having gone to sleep confident they would attack and capture Gi•vᵊōn that morning.

After hours of bow, spear and hand-to-hand sword & dagger fighting (during which time the Israeli war machines were setting up on their positions on hilltops overlooking the escape valleys to the west), the Ë•mor•im forces were routed. Caught between the Israeli warriors in Gi•vᵊōn, on the north, and the Israelis attacking their rear to the east and south, they were left with only one remaining valley of escape—away from the Israelis, westward.

The Israelis pursued the Ë•mor•im through the valleys—into the ambush by the artillery war machines that Yᵊho•shua had previously stationed on the hilltops—making the valley a killing field.

The ma•lâkh é‑‑ä rained down ballista stones on the fleeing Ë•mor•im. In fact, more Ë•mor•im died from the fusillade of ballista stones raining down on them than the Israeli infantry soldiers had killed!

Click to enlargeEimeq A•yâl•ōn facing SE. Ë•mor•im survivors, pursued by the Israeli forces, would have come from the East (center-left background) into the valley floor below, where the final battle took place.

Still, defeated remnants of the Ë•mor•im forces fled headlong down the only escape valley Yᵊho•shua had left to them—an all-day flight on foot of18 km (11 mi) due west down into Eimeq A•yâl•ōn.

Later, that same day (in which é‑‑ä gave the Ë•mor•im into his hand), with the Ë•mor•im on the run and under continuous bombardment of ballista stones by his artillery corps, Yᵊho•shua called his troops, Bᵊn•ei-Yi•sᵊrâ•eil, to a battlefield briefing to witness him address é‑‑ä.

"As we anticipated," Yᵊho•shua announced, "the fleeing Ë•mor•im are trying to escape down through Eimeq A•yâl•ōn to the coastal plain. May the sun stand still over Gi•vᵊōn, enabling us to prolong our advantage; and may this be followed by a full moon illuminating the battle field in Eimeq A•yâl•ōn into the night, so that we may extirpate our enemy."

And, indeed, it being the summer solstice, the "Sol" "sticed" and the solstice full moon illuminated the night battlefield all night long, enabling the Israelis (which included the inhabitants of Gi•vᵊōn, who had entered the bᵊrit), to eradicate the 5 Ë•mor•im colonies—incorporating these cities, which included Yᵊru•shâ•layim, into the nucleus, now a federation of 8 restored Israeli cities.

There's never been a day like it, before nor since, in which é‑‑ä influenced serendipity to accomplish His objectives, coinciding with the voice He anticipated of a human being; when é‑‑ä managed the battle on behalf of Yi•sᵊr•â•eil.

After extirpating the enemy forces of the 5 Ë•mor•im colonies, setting the precedent to deter surrounding city-colonies from attacking recovered cities of the nascent resurrected Israeli kindred-nation, Yᵊho•shua and his forces returned to the Israeli base in Gi•lᵊgâl.

Optional parental preparation:

  1. What is a solstice? Summer solstice?

  2. Where is the north star?

  3. What is tactical in contrast to strategic?

  4. What does "serendipity" mean?

Questions you might anticipate that your child might raise and be prepared to discuss:

  1. What is a sojourn?

  2. What is a squatter?

  3. What is occupied land?

  4. What is ancestral land?

  5. Who are Israel's Patriarchs?

  6. What is an entrance corridor?

  7. What is a full moon?

  8. Which way are the 4 directions?

  9. What does comprise mean?

  10. What is a colony? A county-like city-colony?

  11. What does independent mean?

  12. What does tri-city mean?

  13. What is a federation?

  14. What is a nucleus?

  15. What does the verb "pioneer" mean?

  16. What does restore mean?

  17. What does "resurrect" mean?

  18. What is a landed-kindred nation?

  19. What does engulf mean?

  20. What does bivouac mean?

  21. What is an outskirt?

  22. What is a siege?

  23. What does implore mean?

  24. What does it mean to "wuss out"?

  25. What does it mean to "honor" a contract or pact?

  26. What are dawn and dusk twilights?

  27. What does illuminate mean?

  28. What does it mean to "muster" troops?

  29. What does "bug out" mean? (Move out, with no warning, on the double, with all haste.)

  30. What is a ballista? Ballista stones? A giant siege-crossbow?

  31. What is a forced march? (A march in great haste.)

  32. What is fatigue?

  33. What is tactical in contrast to strategic?

  34. What is an ambush?

  35. What is a "killing field"?

  36. What is a fusillade?

  37. What is a briefing?

  38. What is the coastal plain of Israel?

  39. What does extirpate mean?

  40. What does it mean to foresee or anticipate something?

  41. What is a precedent?

  42. What does "deter(rence) mean?

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