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wâ-Ei•râ 6th Eve

Mak•âh #7: Bâ•râd

Egyptian capital, Ankh-Tawi; 11thmonth (Mid-Winter), ca. B.C.E.
Click to enlargeHail in northern Israel 2014.11 (photo ayalim.org)

Then é‑‑ä told Mosh•ëh,

“Get up before dawn, at donkey-loading time, position yourself before Par•oh and tell him, ‘Thus declares é‑‑ä, ël•oh•im of the Ha•biru:

«Send forth My am so that they may serve Me! Because, this time, I will send all of My plagues straight to your heart, and in your workers and in your am so that you shall know that there is none like Me in all -ârëtz. Because now I've even sent forth Dëvër by My Hand upon you and upon your am.

«You would have been surgically excised from -ârëtz had I not, for the very purpose of demonstrating My Power, caused you to stand – and for the purpose of making My Name storied throughout all of -ârëtz. Yet, you persist in trodding on My am, without sending them forth.

«Look, tomorrow about this time I will cause a torrent of record-breaking, super-grievous Bâ•râd the likes of which Mi•tzᵊrayim has never seen in its entire 1,000 year history!

«So, if you want to save your livestock, send every animal of livestock you have in the field to shelter immediately. For every man and beast that shall be found in the field and not brought home when the Bâ•râd the likes of which Mi•tzᵊrayim rains upon them they shall die.» ’ ”

Those of Par•oh's workers who revered the Dᵊvar é‑‑ä compelled their workers and livestock into shelter. But the one who did not place the Dᵊvar é‑‑ä in his heart abandoned his workers and livestock in the field.

Then é‑‑ä told Mosh•ëh,

"Stretch forth your hand up toward the heavens and there shall be Bâ•râd throughout ërëtz Mi•tzᵊrayim; on man and beast, on every herb of the field in ërëtz Mi•tzᵊrayim."

So Mosh•ëh stretched forth his hand up toward the heavens and é‑‑ä gave forth jagged flashes of lightning fire arcing down from the heavens to the ërëtz, voices of thunder and Bâ•râd. So é‑‑ä rained Bâ•râd on ërëtz Mi•tzᵊrayim. There was Bâ•râd and flashings amidst the record-breaking Bâ•râd beyond anything Mi•tzᵊrayim had ever experienced since they became a goy. The Bâ•râd struck everything that was in the field, both man and beast, throughout ërëtz Mi•tzᵊrayim. The Bâ•râd struck every herb of the field and broke all kinds of trees of the field.

Map Egyptian Delta/Goshen Pi-Tom (Pi-Ramoses), Lower Egypt & Ankh-Tawi
Click to enlargeMap Egyptian Delta Pi-Tom (Qantir-Avaris) Pi-Ramoses (Tanis)

Only in ërëtz shën, where Bᵊn•ei-Yi•sᵊrâ•eil lived in the Delta, where the unseasonably strong winds out of the NW blew most of the weather south toward Lower Mi•tzᵊrayim, was there no Bâ•râd.

Then Par•oh sent and called for Mosh•ëh and A•ha•ron saying, "This time I misstepped. é‑‑ä is ha-Tza•diq while I and my am are wicked. Intercede with é‑‑ä. Too great has been the thundering voices of the ël•oh•im and the Bâ•râd. Then I will send yall forth and your stay shall no longer continue."

"When I have gone forth from the city, I will spread my palms to é‑‑ä," Mosh•ëh replied. "The voices of the thunder shall be silenced and the Bâ•râd shall not continue any longer so that you shall know that -ârëtz belongs to é‑‑ä. But you and your workers – you're still a ways before revering the é‑‑ä of ël•oh•im."

The flax and barley crops had been destroyed because the barley had ripened to the â•viv and the flax had bloomed and the Bâ•râd had beaten them into the ground where the wet ground caused them to quickly mildew and rot. (But the wheat and spelt were not destroyed because they are a later crop, which doesn't ripen until the conclusion of the counting of the Omër; i.e., Khag ha-Shâvu•ot).

After Mosh•ëh had gone forth from the presence of Par•oh and Ankh-Tawi, he spread his palms to é‑‑ä and the voices of thunder, and the Bâ•râd, ceased, so that it didn't continue to rain down on the ground anymore.

Now, when Par•oh saw that the rain, the voices of thunder and the Bâ•râd ceased, Par•oh added yet another misstep: heeding the arrogant-defiance harbored in the hearts of Par•oh and his workers and, again, he did not send forth the am – as é‑‑ä had said by the hand of Mosh•ëh.

Optional parental preparation:

  1. Can the child (you?) recite from memory the Mak•ōt (Hebrew terms) so far?  … ,ãÌÈí

  2. What is barley? Flax? Wheat? Spelt?

Questions you might anticipate that your child might raise and be prepared to discuss:

  1. (See above)

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