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Par-r-r-ty! Biblical New Year: New Moon Following The Spring EquinoxChampagne glasses

Mak•âh #9: Khōshëkh

Egyptian capital, Ankh-Tawi; 1stmonth, Within First 13th Days (Early Spring), ca. B.C.E.

So then é‑‑ä told Mosh•ëh,

"Stretch forth your arm toward the heavens proclaiming a Khōshëkh to come over ërëtz Mi•tzᵊrayim; then a Khōshëkh shall grope its way into Mi•tzᵊrayim!"

Sandstorm in Israeli Negev
Click to enlargeApproaching mega-​sandstorm in Israeli Nëgëv

So Mosh•ëh stretched forth his arm toward the heavens proclaiming a Khōshëkh over ërëtz Mi•tzᵊrayim. Then, following immediately after a particularly strong high pressure warm front, another extreme seasonal low-pressure cold front, moving from west to east across the Mediterranean coast of the Delta, picked up sand from Central Africa into a monstrous mega-​sandstorm blowing into Mi•tzᵊrayim – causing 3 days of dismally-​gloomy Khōshëkh in ërëtz Mi•tzᵊrayim. For 3 days, even from a couple of meters apart, a person couldn't see his neighbor.

In these ancient days, millennia before air conditioning or even screens, houses were open and the only light, other than the sun and moon, was from a kitchen fire or oil lamp. So the Khōshëkh pervaded even into their houses. For those 3 days, people didn't bother to leave their house because they couldn't see well enough to accomplish any useful work or chores. Yet, Bᵊn•ei-Yi•sᵊrâ•eil had light in all of their houses!

Then Par•oh summoned Mosh•ëh to renegotiate yet again: "Yall go! Do a•vōd•âh for é‑‑ä! Just leave your tzon and cattle behind. I'll let you take your toddlers with you."

"Seriously?!? How do you suggest we sacrifice without our animals? You must allow us to take our sacrifices and grill-smoke ascendance sacrifices with us so that we can do this for é‑‑ä our ël•oh•im. Our livestock-property must go with us. We shall not leave behind a single hoof because we must take our sacrifices from them to do the a•vōd•âh of é‑‑ä our ël•oh•im. We won't know until we get there exactly which from among them we must take to do the a•vōd•âh of é‑‑ä."

Thus, yet again, é‑‑ä goaded the arrogant-defiance that Par•oh harbored in his heart; and he did not send Bᵊn•ei-Yi•sᵊrâ•eil out.

"GET OUT!!!" Par•oh exploded. "Don't you ever dare see my face again! The day you see my face again you shall die!"

"You've sealed your own fate," Mosh•ëh retorted. "I shall never have to look at your face again."

Optional parental preparation:

  1. How were animals sacrificed (kâ•sheir)?

Questions you might anticipate that your child might raise and be prepared to discuss:

  1. What does "renegotiate" mean?

  2. What's a "toddler"?

  3. What is a "hoof" and how does it differ from a hand, foot or paw? What is a split hoof?

  4. What does it mean to "seal one's fate"?

Rainbow Rule © 1996-present by Paqid Yirmeyahu Ben-David,

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