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Bō! 3rd Eve

Mak•âh #10: Mak•at Bᵊkhōr•ōt

Egyptian capital, Ankh-Tawi; Original Pësakh: Dusk of 14th of 1stmonth (Early Spring), ca. B.C.E.

Then é‑‑ä said to Mosh•ëh,

"Yet one more jab will I bring upon Par•oh and Mi•tzᵊrayim. After that, he will send you out. When he has sent you out, he will absolutely chase all of you out of Mi•tzᵊrayim. Speak, prithee, in the ears of the am. Every man ask your Egyptian buddy, and every woman ask your Egyptian girlfriend, for silver and gold utensils."

So é‑‑ä allowed the am to have grace in the eyes of the Mi•tzᵊrayim. Also, the Ha•biru man, Mosh•ëh, who had been adopted into the Pharaonic family as an Egyptian baby-prince, was a celebrity throughout ërëtz Mi•tzᵊrayim, in the eyes of Par•oh's a•vâd•im and in the eyes of the am.

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Then Mosh•ëh said, "Thus said é‑‑ä:

“Around midnight, I shall go forth into the midst of Mi•tzᵊrayim and every Mi•tzᵊrayim male-firstborn shall die; from the male-firstborn of Par•oh, sitting on his throne, even to the male-firstborn of the maid who is behind the grindstones; even every male-firstborn domesticated-beast.

“Then there shall be great screaming throughout all of ërëtz Mi•tzᵊrayim, like there has never been before nor shall there ever be again.

“But not a single dog shall whet his tongue in the dâm of any man – or domesticated-beast – of Bᵊn•ei-Yi•sᵊrâ•eil, so that you shall know that é‑‑ä demarcates between Mi•tzᵊrayim and Yi•sᵊr•â•eil.”

"Then all of these a•vâd•im of yours shall kneel down to me, prostrating and saying, ‘Get out!!! With all of the am who are at your feet!!! ’ When that happens, then I'll leave!"

Then, Mosh•ëh wheeled-around, turning his back on Par•oh, and walked out in a rage.

Then é‑‑ä told Mosh•ëh,

Par•oh is not going to hearken to you. This is so that My natural-wonders may be aggrandized in ërëtz Mi•tzᵊrayim

So Mosh•ëh and A•ha•ron did all of these natural-wonders before Par•oh, and é‑‑ä goaded the arrogant-defiance that Par•oh harbored in his heart and did not send Bᵊn•ei-Yi•sᵊrâ•eil out from his ërëtz.

Optional parental preparation:

  1. In addition to such things as a physical Voice speaking and a continent-size Arm – infinitesimal relative to the universe – extending across the sky being prohibited as anthropomorphic (i.e., idolatry), a ma•lâkh é‑‑ä is revealed in the pleading, subservient, supplicatory use of ðÈà‎ (11.2); intractably incompatible with the speaker being literally interpreted as é‑‑ä, the Omniscient, Omnipotent and Immutable Creator-Singularity of the universe, as explicitly declared in the preceding verse (11.1)!

    é‑‑ä accomplishes His Plan / Will on earth via Superior Knowledge, His natural laws of physics and through His ma•lᵊâkh•ei-é‑‑ä.

    This is corroborated in other passages for those astute enough to know what to look for. The use of áÌÉà (to Par•oh – location of the speaker; 10.1) rather than the expected ìÅêÀ (to Par•oh – relative to the ma•lâkh é‑‑ä speaker; as used back in 7.15) reveals that the ma•lâkh é‑‑ä (since 7.26), who was bringing intel from the palace (12.12), was, therefore, a ma•lâkh é‑‑ä who was also palace insider.

    The unavoidable implication of this is that mortal human ma•lᵊâkh•ei-é‑‑ä, when speaking in the Name of ma•lâkh é‑‑ä, are Biblically recognized as speaking in the 1st person – His earthly human spokespersons. The paradigm of Dᵊvōr•âh ha-sho•phëtët (c B.C.E. 1341, Sho•phᵊt•im 4-5) confirms that women, too, may be ma•lᵊâkh•ei-é‑‑äReturn to text

  2. What does "whet" mean, "whet one's tongue"?

Questions you might anticipate that your child might raise and be prepared to discuss:

  1. What does "domesticated" mean?

  2. What does it mean to "prostrate" oneself?

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