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Bō! 5th Eve

The Original Pësakh

c B.C.E. ,

Thus, in the middle of the night, é‑‑ä struck all of the firstborn-males in ërëtz Mi•tzᵊrayim, from the firstborn-male of the reigning Par•oh to the firstborn-male of the inmate in the prison-hole; and every firstborn-male of the livestock. When Par•oh got up in the night, he and all of his a•vâd•im, along with every other Egyptian, there became a great wailing in Mi•tzᵊrayim because there wasn't a household that wasn't suffering from a dead firstborn-male.

Then, Par•oh summoned Mōsh•ëh and A•ha•ron that same night, saying, "Get up and get out from among my am; you and Bᵊn•ei-Yi•sᵊrâ•eil. Go! Do a•vōd•âh for é‑‑ä as you said. Take both your tzōn and your cattle, as you said, and get out! Bless me while you're at it!".

Then the Mi•tzᵊrayim pressured the am hard to propel them speedily out of Mi•tzᵊrayim, saying that otherwise, "We're all gonna die!"

So the am picked up their dough before it could yë•khᵊmâtz, with their pouches of sourdough starter stock bound in backpacks.

Then Bᵊn•ei-Yi•sᵊrâ•eil did as Mōsh•ëh had directed: asking local Mi•tzᵊrayim for utensils of silver and gold and clothes.

So é‑‑ä bestowed the am with the acquiescence of the Mi•tzᵊrayim. And Bᵊn•ei-Yi•sᵊrâ•eil asked and exploited Mi•tzᵊrayim.

Bᵊn•ei-Yi•sᵊrâ•eil Caravan Out of Mi•tzᵊrayim

From Pi-Tōm To Suk•ot
camel caravan
Click to enlargeCamel caravan (photo: ancientvoyages.com)

So Bᵊn•ei-Yi•sᵊrâ•eil (about 600,000 army-aged soldiers, beside the toddlers) caravanned from Pi-Tōm to Suk•ot along with an innumerable eirëv rav; plus their tzōn, their cattle – very substantial property.

ancient (soft) matzah
Ancient-style (soft) matz•ōt flatbread

Along the way, they baked the dough that they had brought out of Mi•tzᵊrayimmatz•ot flatcakes (because there was no time to allow the dough to khâ•meitz because they were driven-​out from Mi•tzᵊrayim and couldn't dawdle. Neither did they have time to make provisions.

So Bᵊn•ei-Yi•sᵊrâ•eil lived as a mo•shâv in Mi•tzᵊrayim 430 years. At the cut-off of the 430 years, in that very day, all of the Tzᵊvâ•ōt é‑‑ä made Yᵊtzi•âh from ërëtz Mi•tzᵊrayim.

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é‑‑ä Decrees Bᵊn•ei-Yi•sᵊrâ•eil Commemorate Pësakh
Throughout Our Generations

It was é‑‑ä's night of watch-guarding for all of Bᵊn•ei-Yi•sᵊrâ•eil, to be watch-guarded throughout our generations. And é‑‑ä told Mōsh•ëh and A•ha•ron,

“This is the khōq of Pësakh. No nâ•khâr shall eat of it – neither settler nor employee. But every indentured ëvëd-man shall undergo Bᵊrit Mil•âh and then eat of it.

It must be eaten in one house. Commemorating the secrecy from Par•oh's mutilators, you may not carry any of the bâ•sâr outside of the house. Neither shall you break any bone of it.

“The entire Ad•at Yi•sᵊr•â•eil shall do it.

“Whenever a geir yâ•gūr among you, then he shall make Pësakh. Administer the Bᵊrit Mil•âh to every male of his. Then he shall approach and do Pësakh too. Then he shall be as an Israeli born-Jew. But no uncircumcised male shall eat of it.

“One Tor•âh shall be applied – to the Israeli born-Jew and to the geir ha-gâr among you.”

And all Bᵊn•ei-Yi•sᵊrâ•eil did so. When é‑‑ä commanded Mōsh•ëh and A•ha•ron they, too, did so.

So it was that, this very day, é‑‑ä made the Yᵊtzi•âh of Bᵊn•ei-Yi•sᵊrâ•eil from ërëtz Mi•tzᵊrayim, on their tzᵊvâ•ōt.

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é‑‑ä Ordains Pi•dᵊyōn ha-Bein

Then é‑‑ä spoke to Mōsh•ëh, telling him,

“Sanctify to Me every firstborn-male initiator of every womb among Bᵊn•ei-Yi•sᵊrâ•eil – both man and livestock, they belong to Me.”

Then Mōsh•ëh told the am,

By not eating khâ•meitz, remember how hurriedly you made Yᵊtzi•âh out of ërëtz Mi•tzᵊrayim on this day, out of the house of corvée-a•vâd•im; because by a strong arm é‑‑ä made Yᵊtzi•âh for you from there. Today you make Yᵊtzi•âh; in Av•iv.

When é‑‑ä shall bring you into the ërëtz occupied by the Kᵊna•an•im, the Khit•im, the Ë•mor•im, the Khi•wim and the Yᵊvus•im, which He swore to your patriarchs to give you, Ërëtz zâvat khâ•lâv ū-dᵊvâsh, you shall â•vad this a•vōd•âh in this khōdësh. Seven days shall you eat matz•ōt, and the seventh day shall be a Khag for é‑‑ä. Matz•ōt shall be eaten the seven days. Khâ•meitz belonging to you must not even be seen. Neither may sᵊōr belonging to you be seen within any of your borders!

So you shall relate to your son in that day, saying, 'It's because of what é‑‑ä did for me, when I made Yᵊtzi•âh from Mi•tzᵊrayim.'

Thus it shall belong to you: a symbol on your arm, and a meme between your eyes that the Tor•âh of é‑‑ä be in your mouth. Because it was by a strong arm that é‑‑ä made Yᵊtzi•âh from Mi•tzᵊrayim for you. Therefore, you shall watch-guard this khōq for its Mō•eid, from its days of days.

When it shall become that é‑‑ä shall bring you into ërëtz of the Kᵊna•an•i as He swore to you and your patriarchs, so He shall give it to you.

So you shall transfer to é‑‑ä every initiator of the womb, including your livestock, that are males, which belong to é‑‑ä.

And every initiator donkey you must pâd•âh with a sëh. Either you pâd•âh it or break its neck. And you must pâd•âh every human initiator among your sons.

So it shall be that when your son asks on the morrow, "What is this?" Then you shall answer him,

'By strength of arm, é‑‑ä made Yᵊtzi•âh out of Mi•tzᵊrayim, from the house of corvée-a•vâd•im. But Par•oh became hard against sending us away.

So é‑‑ä killed all of the firstborn-males in ërëtz Mi•tzᵊrayim, from the human firstborn-male to the firstborn-male of the livestock. Consequently, I make a sacrifice to é‑‑ä of all initiator-​males except my firstborn son—whom I pâd•âh.'

So it shall be for a sign on your arm, and for tō•tâph•ōt between your eyes; because it was by strength of arm that é‑‑ä made Yᵊtzi•âh for us from out of Mi•tzᵊrayim."

Optional parental preparation:

  1. Can the child (you?) recite from memory the Mak•ōt (Hebrew terms) so far? … ,ãÌÈí

  2. How many is 600k? (How to illustrate how big this number really is? Suggestion: ≈ the number of hairs on the heads of 6 people who have full heads of hair.)

  3. What was an indentured servant? How does that differ from today's employee contract?

  4. What is a sojourner?

  5. What is circumcised v uncircumcised?

  6. What does "corvée" mean?

  7. What is a meme?

  8.  Dating – This verse is the reason why simplistic arts-degreed theologians, historians, archeologists and clerics – insisting the Bible couldn't be wrong (while considering their interpretations infallible) – have consistently wrongly dated the Yᵊtzi•âh two centuries after the event to c BCE 1450, the reign of Ra-moses Jr. the Great.

    Pi-Tōm was originally built c BCE 1655-22, by corvéed Hebrews, under Men-kheper Ra Tut-moses 3rd (18th Dynasty), as his new capital.

    Two centuries later, c BCE 1450, Ra-moses Jr. the Great renovated the city, renaming it after himself: Pi Ra-moses (shortened and Hellenized to "Ramses"; later Avaris, modern Qantir).

    When the branch of the Nile servicing Pi Ra-moses dried up, ca. B.C.E. 1047, Par•oh Ah-kheper-Ra Setep-en-Amun, who reigned approx. 46 years, moved the city, stone by stone, 20 km north to another, flowing, tributary of the Nile at Djanet (modern Tanis). (Chronology Of The Tanakh, From The "Big ðÀèÄéÌÈä" Live-Link).

    13.4 confirms that codification of this Scripture post-dates the Babylonian Exile.

    Thus, 12.37 only proves that the earliest ms. from which this verse was copied dates no earlier than c BCE 1450, after which time everyone knew the city by the later name. Enough time had passed that referencing the earlier name from the time of the Yᵊtzi•âh, if the scribe even knew it, would no longer have been clear to readers.Return to text

Questions you might anticipate that your child might raise and be prepared to discuss:

  1. What does "dawdle" mean?

  2. What is a settler?

  3. What is an employee?

  4. What does commemorate mean?

  5. What is a symbol?

  6. What are patriarchs?

  7. What is an initiator?

  8. What does "morrow" mean?

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