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Bō! 6th Eve

Ha•phᵊtâr•âh Yᵊsha•yâhu 18.7 – 19.25
(not the Ash•kᵊnazi selection: Yi•rᵊmᵊyâhu 46.13-28)

Yᵊsha•yâhu Prophesies

Yi•sᵊr•â•eil c B.C.E. 720
Nᵊviyim, c BCE 8th century
Click to enlarge Nᵊviy•im c B.C.E. 8th century

Yᵊsha•yahu ha-Nâ•vi proclaims: All inhabitants of the world and neighbors of the ârëtz: When a neis is borne aloft on the mountains, see it! And when a sho•phâr is trumpeted, hear it! …

At that time, a bellwether-gift for é‑‑ä Tzᵊvâ•ot – a tenacious and glittering-​polished am – shall be heralded aloft to mâ•qom of the Name of é‑‑ä Tzᵊvâ•otHar Tzi•yon. (This am derives from an am who has been awesome from their onset onward, a goy who declares borders and beats-down the land like rivers, bursting through and carving it up.)

Egypt's Baggage

Look, é‑‑ä comes to Mi•tzᵊrayim riding on a buoyant cloud — the ë•lil•im of Mi•tzᵊrayim will vacillate before His Face and the heart of Mi•tzᵊrayim shall melt inside.

"Then I will incite Mi•tzᵊrayim against Mi•tzᵊrayim; each man shall fight with his brother, each man with his fellow, city with city and sovereignty with sovereignty. The ruakh Mi•tzᵊrayim shall be emptied inside-out. I will swallow-up their counsel while they chase their ë•lil•im, their ghost-​medium séance-spiritualists, their spatilomancers and their psychomancer-clairvoyants. I will dam-up the Mi•tzᵊrayim by the hand of a•don•im of harshness, and a strong king shall rule over them."

declares -•don, é‑‑ä Tzᵊvâ•ot.

The climate shall fluctuate and rainfall will diminish in the Middle East. As desertification threatens the region and its rivers become parched, even Egypt's Nile, pollution shall become concentrated and kill many of its fish. Building dams won't help. Significant parts of the region's flora shall wither, causing starvation among significant parts of its fauna. In that day, Mi•tzᵊrayim shall become like women, trembling with fear because of the Sifting-screen Hand of é‑‑ä Tzᵊvâ•ot screen-sifting over Mi•tzᵊrayim.

Then, a•dâm•âh of Yᵊhudâh shall be a non-Egyptian Khag. Whenever anyone mentions the non-Egyptian Khag to Mi•tzᵊrayim it shall inspire fear of the Plan of é‑‑ä Tzᵊvâ•ot, which He plans over Mi•tzᵊrayim.

In that day, there shall be 5 cities in ërëtz Mi•tzᵊrayim where the language of Kᵊna•an is spoken; and they shall swear allegiance to é‑‑ä Tzᵊvâ•ot; it will be said of one of those 5 cities: that is the Demolished City.

Click to enlargeMiddle East (Egypt at lower left) after the forced ethnic transferral of Yi•sᵊr•â•eil to diverse Arab countries. Yᵊsha•yahu ha-Nâ•vi promises healing and reunification.

This shall be the sign and witness to é‑‑ä Tzᵊvâ•ot in ërëtz Mi•tzᵊrayim. For they will cry out to é‑‑ä because of their persecutors and He will send them a mō•shiy•â, a rav and a rescuer.

Then é‑‑ä will make Himself known to Mi•tzᵊrayim and, on that day, Mi•tzᵊrayim shall know é‑‑ä. They will serve a sacrifice and a mi•nᵊkh•âh. They will vow a vow to é‑‑ä and carry it out. Thus, é‑‑ä shall first strike, and then heal, Mi•tzᵊrayim and they shall return to é‑‑ä and intercession shall be made for them and shall heal them.

In that day, there shall be a road from Mi•tzᵊrayim toward Syria. An Assyrian ambassador shall come to Mi•tzᵊrayim and a Mi•tzᵊrayim ambassador shall come to Syria. The Mi•tzᵊrayim shall serve with Syria. In that day, Yi•sᵊr•â•eil shall be a tripartite ally with Mi•tzᵊrayim and Syria – a bᵊrâkh•âh in the midst of -ârëtz — which is why é‑‑ä Tzᵊvâ•ot blessed that day saying,

"Bâ•rukh is My am Mi•tzᵊrayim. Syria is the work of My Hand. But Yi•sᵊr•â•eil is My Heritage."

Optional parental preparation:

  1. What does "tenacious" mean?

  2. What better description of Sunni-Shia terrorism? Return to text

  3. What is "religious baggage"?

  4. What is "desertification"?

  5. What is "flora"?

  6. What is "fauna"?

  7. What is a "sifting-screen" in archeology?

  8. What is a vow?

  9. What is "intercession"? An intercessor?

  10. What is a "ethnic population transfer"?

  11. What is a "reunification"?

  12. What is a "tripartite" alliance?

  13. What's the difference between "inheritance" and "heritage"?

Questions you might anticipate that your child might raise and be prepared to discuss:

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