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Bō! 7th Eve (Ërëv Sha•bât)

Sho•phëtët (First Woman) #4: Dᵊvōrâh ha-Nᵊvi•âh 

More Than A Millennium Before First Rabbi!

"Dᵊvōrâh's Date-Palm Tree", ≈13 km/​8 mi north of Yᵊru•shâ•layim, ca. B.C.E. 1348
Israel Strayed From Tōr•âh
Shophetit #4: Devorah
Click to enlargeTopographical map: Northern Israel c. BCE 1348, the time of Sho•phëtët #4: Dᵊvōrâh ha-Nᵊvi•âh & the Original 'Wonder Woman': Yâ•eil.

After the death of Sho•pheit #2 (Ei•hud Bën-Geir•âh), Bᵊn•ei-Yi•sᵊrâ•eil, yet again, strayed from Tōr•âh — constituting in the Eyes of é‑‑ä.

As a result, é‑‑ä allowed Bᵊn•ei-Yi•sᵊrâ•eil to be subjugated by the military forces of the Kᵊna•an•i General Sisᵊrâ, Commander of the Southern Coastal Command Armored Corps (Chariots Division) for Yâ•vin, mëlëkh Kᵊna•an, who reigned from his capital in Khâ•tzōr.

Sho•phëtët #4: Dᵊvōrâh ha-Nᵊvi•âh
Tamar (date palm) in Yapho
úÌÉîÆø, laden with several spathes (strand clusters) of dates

Consequently Bᵊn•ei-Yi•sᵊrâ•eil cried-out to é‑‑ä via the court of Sho•phëtët Dᵊvōrâh, a woman Nᵊvi•âh (wife of La•pid•ōt), who judged Bᵊn•ei-Yi•sᵊrâ•eil, holding court under "Dᵊvōrâh's Date-Palm Tree" (≈13 km/​8 mi north of Yᵊru•shâ•layim).

So Bᵊn•ei-Yi•sᵊrâ•eil went to her there to adjudicate their legal disputes, complaining that they were harshly oppressed by the Kᵊna•an•i General Sisᵊrâ, who commanded 900 iron chariots operating out of his home town, 'Goy•im-Engraver City'), near the central coast.

Hearing the overwhelming complaints against injustices at the hands of the Kᵊna•an•im, Sho•phëtët Dᵊvōrâh summoned her own Defense Minister and Chief of Staff, Gen. Bâ•râq Bën-Av•i-Nōam, from Qëdësh of the Na•phᵊtali tribal region in the Gâ•lil.

The Instruction of a Legitimate Servant of é‑‑ä is the Word/​Command of é‑‑ä
Nakhal Qishon (Kishon River Authority)
Click to enlargeNakhal Qish•ōn (Kishon River Authority)

When Gen. Bâ•râq appeared before her bench, Sho•phëtët Dᵊvōrâh chastised him. "Did you not get my order from this court informing you that é‑‑ä commands you? —

“Muster 10,000 soldiers from the tribes of Na•phᵊtali and Zᵊvul•un in the Gâ•lil and lead them down out of the hills south to the Eimëq Yi•zᵊrᵊël plain around Har Tâ•vōr! Thereby, I will bait Yâ•vin's Minister of Defense, along with his armored corps and army, northward into a trap: when his chariots attempt to cross Nakhal Qish•ōn to engage you, you will ambush them while they trying to ferry their chariots across the nakhal.”

But Gen. Bâ•râq had no faith that Sho•phëtët Dᵊvōrâh's order was "the Lord's command". Rolling his eyes Roll eyes he replied, "If you really have faith that strategy is going to defeat Gen. Sisᵊrâ's 900 chariots, then you come along with us and lay your life on the line too," he challenged. "Otherwise, no."

"Absolutely, I'll go with you!" she retorted. "Then your glory on this trip shall be zero because é‑‑ä shall deliver Gen. Sisᵊrâ into the hand of a woman!"

So Sho•phëtët Dᵊvōrâh got up and accompanied Gen. Bâ•râq north to his HQ at Qëdësh, where he mustered a 10,000 man force of the tribes of Zᵊvul•un and Na•phᵊtali. And Sho•phëtët Dᵊvōrâh went up with him.

Optional parental preparation:

  1. What are the "Eyes of é‑‑ä"? What is the origin of that phrase? (Ans: Wadjet, the Eye of Hōrus). Return to text

  2. This documentation of the existence of a fleet of 900, operational, áÌÇøÀæÆì chariots at this time (c BCE 1348, currently assigned by archeologists & historians to the Levant-Late/​Syrian-Middle Bronze Age) implies that the Iron Age in the Levant occurred at least 1½ centuries earlier than currently assigned. Return to text

  3. Many researchers ignore the specification, in v.6, that this was Qëdësh of the Na•phᵊtali tribal region in the Gâ•lil, not in the coastal lowlands to the south. Archeologists locate this Qëdësh north of Khâ•tzōr.

    The resulting map demonstrates that this was not the simplistic case of north v south, all of which, during that era, was riddled with conflict; not only between Egyptian overlords v Syrian or eastern overlords, but, also, infantry forces holding the high ground in the mountains v plains-anchored armored corps (chariot-centric forces limited to reasonably-level ground). This was a conflict between the 'Mountain Forces' of the Israeli Gâ•lil (Zᵊvul•un and Na•phᵊtali tribal lands) v the Kᵊna•an•im 'Lowlanders' of the coastal plain and the Jordan Rift.

    To neutralize the threat from Gen. Sisᵊrâ's 900 chariots, Sho•phëtët Dᵊvōrâh likely timed her uprising in very early spring, when the nakhal was most swollen and the threat of flooding after a big rain was greatest; then ambushing the Kᵊna•an•im chariots as the first contingent was finishing off-loading onto the near (north, Gâ•lil-side) bank. Gen. Sisᵊrâ was then committed to the crossing. He could not abandon his first wave of armored corps chariots. Return to text

  4. How is plowing like engraving?

Questions you might anticipate that your child might raise and be prepared to discuss:

  1. What does the verb & noun, "stray," mean? (What is a verb? Noun?)

  2. What does "constitute" mean?

  3. What does "subjugate" mean?

  4. What is an "Armored Corps"?

  5. What is a "capital"?

  6. What does it mean to be "oppressed"?

  7. What does "chastise" mean?

  8. What is the "bench" in a court?

  9. What does "muster" (troops) mean?

  10. What is a "tribe"?

  11. What's the difference between a nakhal and other kinds of rivers, streams or brooks?

  12. What does it mean to "ferry" something across water?

  13. What was an English "lord" when the KJ/V was created?

  14. What does it mean to "roll one's eyes"?

  15. What is "glory"?

  16. What is "zero"?

  17. What is "HQ"? (headquarters)

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