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Pâ•râsh•at Yi•tᵊr•ō, 2nd Eve

Mōsh•ëh, Sho•pheit Of First Beit Din

Yi•tᵊr•ō's Recommendation

A Year Or So After c B.C.E. ; Northern Coast of Sin•ai
ohel (tent, Bedouin)
Click to enlargeŌhël Mō•eid (ancient court room); similar to this modern Bedouin ōhël

The next day, Mōsh•ëh sat on the bench, holding court to sho•pheit disputes between the am. The am stood around Mōsh•ëh from morning until evening. When Mōsh•ëh's father-in-law saw how much he was doing for the am, he said, "What is this thing that you're doing for the am? Why do you alone sit on the bench while all of the am stand in line from morning until evening?"

"Because the am comes to me seeking ël•oh•im," Mōsh•ëh replied. "When a case of dispute arises, then I sho•pheit between a man and his fellow. I inform them of the legislated-statutes of ël•oh•im, and His Tōr•âh."

gavel & block
gavel & block

"That's not good," his father-in-law replied. "You'll soon be exhausted; both you and this am here with you. Because it's too much burden for you. You can't do it by yourself. Now, if you'll listen to me, I'll advise you and ël•oh•im shall be with you. You've been counsel for the am versus ha-ël•oh•im. Then you brought the case to ha-ël•oh•im. But you should first weigh the case relative to the khuq•im and the Tōr•ōt of ha-ël•oh•im. Then you must apprise them of the applicable khuq•im and Tōr•ōt and ensure that they know that these khuq•im and Tōr•ōt define the Dërëkh in which they must come; and the Ma•a•sëh that they must do.

"Thus, out of all of the am, you'll see warriors who are Yi•rᵊei-ël•oh•im, men of Truth, incorruptible; to be Sar•im over thousands, Sar•im over hundreds, Sar•im over fifties and Sar•im over tens.

"Then they can sho•pheit the am – all year long! They will sho•pheit the easier cases, which comprise the brunt of the case load; cascading up only those cases that are too difficult for them – coming before you only when a matter exceeds the expertise of all of the lower and intermediate courts. That will lighten your case load by bearing the case load with you.

"If you can do this, i.e. if ël•oh•im commands it, then you'l be able to stand the load; and all of this am will be able to go home in shâ•lom."

So Mōsh•ëh listened to the voice of his father-in-law, and did as he had counseled. Then Mōsh•ëh hosted a good-bye send-off for his father-in-law, who went home to his land.

Optional parental preparation:

  1. What is the structure of the court system (lower, intermediate & Supreme)?

Questions you might anticipate that your child might raise and be prepared to discuss:

  1. What does it mean in a courtroom to "sit on the bench"? To "hold (or convene) court"? Who is "counsel"?

  2. What are "legislated statutes"?

  3. What does "incorruptible" mean?

  4. What does "cascade" mean?

  5. What is a "case load"?

  6. What does "brunt" mean?

Rainbow Rule © 1996-present by Paqid Yirmeyahu Ben-David,

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