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Pâ•râsh•at Yi•tᵊr•ō, 3rd Eve

If You Keep My Bᵊrit, You Shall Be My Property 

A Ma•mᵊlâkh•âh of Ko•han•im, a Goy Qâ•dōsh

15th of 3rdmonth, c B.C.E. ; South From Rᵊphid•im To Har Sin•ai
Sinai Yetziah El Arish Har Karkom Har Sinai Midbar Paran
Click to enlargeSinai Yetziah El Arish Har Karkom Har Sinai Midbar Paran

On the 15th of 3rdmonth, c B.C.E. , when Yi•sᵊr•â•eil caravanned from Rᵊphid•im, they came to Mi•dᵊbâr Sin•ai and pitched camp beside Har Sin•ai.

Then Mōsh•ëh climbed up Har Sin•­ai, to ha-ël•oh•im, where he perceived a ma•lâkh é‑‑ä calling him from the Har, saying,

Har Sinai (Karkom), Summit Cave
Click to enlargeHar Sin•ai (Kar•kōm), Summit Cave

“Thus shall you tell Beit Ya•a•qov and relate to Bᵊn•ei-Yi•sᵊrâ•eil:
‘You saw what I did to the Mi•tzᵊrayim; how I carried you on eagle's wings, bringing you to Me.

Property of ha-Sheim

So now, if you will absolutely-hearken to My Voice and keep My Bᵊrit, then you shall be My Property more than any other of -am•im (because all of -ârëtz is already Mine as well). So you shall be Mine, a Ma•mᵊlâkh•âh of Ko•han•im, a Goy Qâ•dōsh

These are the matters that you shall speak to Bᵊn•ei-Yi•sᵊrâ•eil.”

So Mōsh•ëh came and summoned all of the Zi•qᵊn•ei -âm and placed all of these matters before them, as é‑‑ä had commanded.

Then -âm answered together, saying,

“Everything that é‑‑ä has spoken we will do.”

So Mōsh•ëh conveyed the answers of -âm back to é‑‑ä.

Then é‑‑ä said to Mōsh•ëh,

“Look, I came to you in a cumulus cloud so that -âm would hearken to My talks with you; so that they would believe in you, Mōsh•ëh, lᵊ-o•lâm.”

When Mōsh•ëh relayed the answers of -âm to é‑‑ä, é‑‑ä replied to Mōsh•ëh,

“Go to -âm and consecrate them today and tomorrow; and have them launder their kaftans to be ready for Yom Shᵊlish•i; because on Yom Shᵊlish•i, é‑‑ä will descend above Har Sin•ai in sight of all -âm. So, block-off Har Sin•ai. Any man or beast that so much as touches the Har, shall be shot! No hand may touch but, whether man or beast, must be stoned or shot absolutely dead.

“Only so long as the Yo•veil continues may they climb the Har.”

Obediently, Mōsh•ëh descended from Har Sin•ai and did accordingly.

Lightnings & thunderings imbue mountains with super­stitious awesome ancient sacredness (Superstition Mountains, AZ, 2018, photo Jarred Truschke)

Then, on the morning of Yom Shᵊlish•i, there was a howling wind, lightnings and a heavy cumulonimbus raincloud above Har Sin•ai, with the deafening thunder of a heavenly shō•phâr, causing all of -âm in the camp to quake.

Next, Mōsh•ëh brought -âm from the camp to meet ha-ël•oh•im; and they stationed themselves at the foot of the Har.

Har Sinai (Karkom), Summit Cave
Click to enlargeHar Sin•ai (Kar•kōm), Summit Cleft

Har Sin•ai was shrouded in smoke because the lightning of é‑‑ä had started a fire among some brush near the summit. So smoke ascended like smoke from a furnace; and the flashing lightning made the Har appear to quake violently. When the sound of the deafening thunder of a heavenly shō•phâr, grew ear-splitting loud, Mōsh•ëh spoke… and ha-ël•oh•im answered with a deafening peal of thunder.

Thus é‑‑ä was perceived to descend over Har Sin•ai, toward the summit of the Har. And é‑‑ä summoned Mōsh•ëh to the summit of the Har, and Mōsh•ëh went up.

Then é‑‑ä told Mōsh•ëh:

Har Karkom: climb trail
Har Kar•kōm (Har Sin•ai): treacherous climb trail (photo: www.harkarkom.com/ #173)

“Go back down and reemphasize to -âm lest many of them become distracted straining to see é‑‑ä, misstep, fall and be flung down the mountainside along with the ko•han•im who approach é‑‑ä. They must consecrate themselves lest the excitement of seeing é‑‑ä burst within them, they become distracted straining to see and they misstep and fall down the mountainside.”

Then Mōsh•ëh replied to é‑‑ä, "-âm cannot climb up to Har Sin•ai, because You reemphasized that, telling us:

“Put up a border around the Har and consecrate it.”

So é‑‑ä told him,

“Go down now. Come back up with A•ha•ron. But the other ko•han•im and -âm may not ascend to é‑‑ä lest the excitement burst within them and they become distracted, misstep and fall down the mountainside.”

Then Mōsh•ëh went down to -âm and told them.

Optional parental preparation:

  1. What is a cumulus cloud? A cumulonimbus?

Questions you might anticipate that your child might raise and be prepared to discuss:

  1. What does "carried you on eagle's wings" mean?

  2. What does "convey" mean?

  3. What does "launder" mean, and what is a "kaftan"?

  4. What does it mean to reemphasize something?

  5. What does "lest" mean?

  6. What does "distract" mean?

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