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Pâ•râsh•at Yi•tᵊr•ō, 6th Eve

Post-Khū•mâsh Israeili History

The 3 Calls

Shᵊmu•eil ha-Nâ•zir, -Rō•ëh
c B.C.E. 1205, The Hei•khâl at Shil•ōh, Ë•phᵊr•ayim Tribal Territory
Speaking of é‑‑ä Becomes Precious-Rare; No Vision
Tribal Regions of Ancient Israel
Click to enlargeShi•vᵊt•ei Yi•sᵊr•â•eil

During the childhood of Shᵊmu•eil, as he ministered to é‑‑ä in the Hei•khâl of é‑‑ä, under the tutelage of Eili in Shil•ōh, the Dᵊvar é‑‑ä had become precious-rare. No one had any vision for future direction.

Eili was getting along in years and his eyes were developing cataracts, dimming his vision so that he couldn't see. Shᵊmu•eil was concerned for him.

One evening, just before the neir ël•oh•im was about to be extinguished, Shᵊmu•eil lay down to sleep for the night in the Hei•khâl housing the hâ-•ron ël•oh•im.

1st Call

During the night, Shᵊmu•eil was awakened when é‑‑ä called with urgency, "Shᵊmu•eil!"

"Here I am!," he responded. Then he ran in to Eili's room, saying, "Here I am. You called me?"

"No, I didn't call you," Eili replied. "Go back to bed."

So Shᵊmu•eil went back to bed.

2nd Call

Then é‑‑ä called again, "Shᵊmu•eil!"

So Shᵊmu•eil got up again and went in to Eili's room, saying, "Here I am. You called me?"

Yet again Eili replied, "I didn't call you, my boy. Go back to bed."

3rd Call

Now this happened before Shᵊmu•eil knew é‑‑ä, before the Dᵊvar é‑‑ä had been revealed to him.

So é‑‑ä called him again a third time, "Shᵊmu•eil!"

And again, Shᵊmu•eil got up a third time and went in to Eili's room, saying, "Here I am. You called me?"

Now Shᵊmu•eil was still clueless about what was going on. But, at last, Eili understood that é‑‑ä was calling the youth.

How To Respond To The Call

Then Eili instructed Shᵊmu•eil: Go back to bed again and if you're called again, say: "Speak é‑‑ä, for Your ëvëd shō•meia."

So Shᵊmu•eil went back to bed again.

The Tōr•âh (Instruction)

Then é‑‑ä came, and positioned Himself, calling Shᵊmu•eil again a third time like He did each of the other times, "Shᵊmu•eil! Shᵊmu•eil!"

"Speak é‑‑ä, for Your ëvëd shō•meia," Shᵊmu•eil responded.

Then Shᵊmu•eil perceived é‑‑ä telling him,

“Look, I, Myself, am going to make something happen in Yi•sᵊr•â•eil that will cause both ears of everyone who hears it to burn.

“On that day, I will establish with Eili everything that I said about his bayit on account of his two sons, from beginning to end.

“I warned him that I will sho•pheit his bayit forever on account of his â•wōn. He knew that his sons were bringing a curse upon themselves, but he didn't reprimand them. Consequently, I swore that curse for the bayit of Eili that the â•wōn of Eili's bayit – even if the bayit were to minister ki•pur zëvakh and Mi•nᵊkh•âh to the end of the world!”

Shᵊmu•eil lay awake in bed until morning, when he opened the doors of Beit é‑‑ä. And Shᵊmu•eil was afraid to relate the sight to Eili.

So Shᵊmu•eil grew up; and é‑‑ä was with him and é‑‑ä didn't allow Shᵊmu•eil to speak anything that would be discreditable. So all Yi•sᵊr•â•eil knew that Shᵊmu•eil was believed as a Nâ•vi for é‑‑ä. Thus, é‑‑ä revealed Himself to Shᵊmu•eil in Shil•ōh, by the Dᵊvar é‑‑ä.

Optional parental preparation:

  1. What is a "calling"?

  2. What is a "seer"?

  3. What are eye cataracts?

  4. Van Nest family house, Rio Grande, NJ, 1953
    Click to enlargeMy home (Clint Van Nest III) in Rio Grande, NJ, 1953.

    îÌÇøÀàÈä – If it might be helpful, I'll relate my personal experience from when I was about 9-11 years old (as best I can guess-remember my age then) in Rio Grande, NJ. something woke me up one night. I noticed my door was open, as usual, but the hall light was on – not usual in what seemed to me the middle of the night. Then I saw a figure in the doorway, backlighted by the hall light. So the figure appeared simply dark and I could make out no features. In what sounded like the voice of a man, the figure called my name, 3 times.

    The next morning, I asked my father what he wanted. It hadn't been him. There had been no other man in the house that night.

    While this couldn't have happened in the physical, real, world, I've experienced countless dreams in my life and this wasn't one. Whatever one makes of it, that was my experience.

    A caveat: such experiences are only for the witness to the event; not for anyone else. So if anyone claims such an event as some kind of authority you should listen to (I do not; don't follow me; I'm fallible just like you are; follow Tōr•âh), they are self-proven frauds. Return to text

  5. Lit. "He didn't strike/​throw/​let-drop down any of his words to the ground." It's axiomatic that é‑‑ä doesn't bind Himself to the words of any mortal. Ancient man's idea of wielding god as a weapon of personal power and wealth – from pleading that god give one wealth or power, doing what man wants instead of the reverse – is the ultimate idolatry. Ergo, the text, rather than declaring the impossible – that é‑‑ä bound Himself to carry out the speakings of Shᵊmu•eil, the text is declaring that, instead, Shᵊmu•eil was so meticulous in speaking the precise Dᵊvar é‑‑ä that, as é‑‑ä carried out His Will, not a word spoken by Shᵊmu•eil went unfulfilled. Thus, Am Yi•sᵊr•â•eil recognized that a word spoken by Shᵊmu•eil was reliable; and that Shᵊmu•eil was a Nâ•viReturn to text

Questions you might anticipate that your child might raise and be prepared to discuss:

  1. What does it mean to "minister"?

  2. What is a vision (e.g., political, of the future)?

  3. What is tutelage?

  4. What does "causing one's ears to burn" mean?

  5. What does "reprimand" mean?

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