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Tᵊrūm•âh 4th Eve

Eternal Mi•qᵊdâsh — Constructed Of Nᵊphâsh•ōt

Nothing Physical Is Eternal!

Spring-Summer, year 2 from c B.C.E. ; South From Rᵊphid•im To Har Sin•ai
The Roof & Courtyard Completing The Mi•shᵊkân

The roof of the Ōhël over the Mi•shᵊkân was made of goats' wool, held in place by loops and copper clasps.

Significance Of The Mi•shᵊkân

(And Your Place, As A Component Of It)
Pre-Sin•ai World Religion

Failure to understand the world left behind by the Mi•shᵊkân leaves everyone relying on false premises about how the Mi•shᵊkân came about — and all reasoning from those false premises are illogical and false by ex falso quodlibet. And yes, that's where the world, including every Christian, every Muslim, every Ultra-Orthodox and non-Orthodox Jew (and practically every Orthodox Jew), remain "left behind". One cannot understand the enormity and pivot point in the entirety of the history of humankind of the epic and epochal revolution wrought at Har Sin•ai until one first recognizes how it came to lᵊ‑ha•vᵊdil between dësh and khōl.

False door, Mastaba (Tomb) of Idu, Giza
Stela – stone "false door" in­to mountain depicts spirit-god emerging from "holy mountain" of spirits. Mastaba Tomb of Idu, Giza; Old Kingdom (6th Dynas­ty, ca. B.C.E. 2332-2283).

In the Pre-Sin•ai world, people thought that the stars were the nᵊphâsh•ōt of their kings and pharaohs who had died and traversed into the afterlife of traveling among the "other" stars, forever traveling back and forth to and from the heavens — thus "proving" that they were gods. When they were in the heavens, the world speculated, they moved about among the stars, whereas, when they returned to earth for a visit, people assumed that they inhabited a nearby mountain – as "proven" by the periodic lightning at the summit (when "they" visited) and the occasional rumblings of an earthquake or smoke and fire of an erupting volcano (when they were angry).

In this ancient world, "holy mountains" were home to their gods (and assorted spirits, angels and demons). Therefore, they argued illogically, they only needed to coax their god out of the mountain to demonstrate mastery over the gods and commune with them — demonstrating their own incontestable power, control and rule over all people and things in the world. It happens that this is provably true, demonstrated, inter alia, in this photograph from Egypt's Old Kingdom.

Temple of Khat-shepset
Click to enlargePar•oh (c BCE – c. ) Khat-shepset Temple into a "holy mountain" of gods

And this was precisely the time and Egyptian world in which Mōsh•ëh grew up and was educated. At this point in the world's theological research, the Par•oh, Khat-shepset (c. B.C.E. ), commissioned a temple to merge the physical and divine worlds: build her temple into the side of the "holy mountain" where it was closest, and most convenient, to her gods. The temple was divided into thirds: a courtyard for the people, then a transitionary holy sanctuary for herself and Egyptian priests to transition into the most-holy inner sanctum at the mountainside where they hoped to coax their god out of the mountain.

Click to enlargeMi•qᵊdâsh/​Mi•shᵊkân/​Ōhël-Mō•eid

The architectural pattern for Khat-shepset's temple, built during the lifetime of Mōsh•ëh, is identical to the architectural plan for the Mi•shᵊkân built by Mōsh•ëh – with one world-changing difference: the "holy mountain god's dwelling" is replaced by a box of hard evidence and written law; shifting reliance from the whole world's belief in mystical superstition of gods in "holy mountains" to a 180° reorientation to the non-physical Creator-Singularity of His universe – the real world of hard evidence. Not only that, Khat-shepset is almost certainly the Biblical princess who adopted Mōsh•ëh into her royal Pharaonic household in which Mōsh•ëh was brought up and educated. Further, "Moses" was an Egyptian suffix (meaning "incarnate") to Egyptian Pharaonic names. "Moses" was a significant historical figure in Egyptian history – but the figure we find as Khat-shepset's beloved is named in Egyptian records as Sen-en-Mut (no last name given, as if it were obvious) — the builder of Khat-shepset's temple!!! What a coincidence, too, that Mōsh•ëh happened to have the identical architectural knowledge and ability to oversee construction, at precisely the same time, and in the same household, as Sen-en-Mut!!! It's no stretch to equate his full Egyptian name as Sen-en-Mut Tut-mosesMōsh•ëh!!!

Optional parental preparation:

  1. Why is it impossible for anything physical or material to be eternal? It's impossible because, there was nothing physical or material, not even time, before the "Big Nëtiy•âh." It's also impossible empirically: no one ever takes anything with him or her when (s)he dies. Since a lifetime is such an infinitesimal blink in geo-time, it would be wise to devote this life to investing in the next life eternity instead of maxing-out this life with no thought to the eternal consequences.

  2. What is a false premise? Why is it ex falso quodlibet? (Example: Since Mohammed rode a Pegasus from Mecca to Jerusalem in one night, Jerusalem is an Islamic Holy Place.)

  3. Explain 180°

  4. What does reorientation mean?

  5. Explain the difference between physical and non-physical.

  6. What does incarnate mean?

Questions you might anticipate that your child might raise and be prepared to discuss:

  1. What is a courtyard?

  2. What is a component?

  3. What is a clasp?

  4. What is a pivot point?

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