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Tᵊtzau•wëh 1st Eve (Mo•tzâ•ei Shab•ât Beginning Week)

Har Sin•ai Justice System Of Yi•sᵊr•â•eil

Weaning Israel From Anthropomorphic Sacrificing

Step 1: Restrict Sacrificing To One Nationalized System

Sacrifice System — There were two basic types of sacrifices in antiq­uity:

  1. Livestock as the ancient currency, merely valuating a gift or criminal fine. Anthro­pomorphism was incidental (appealing to physical desires) but not inherent (strictly an ancient currency).

  2. Inher­ently anthropomorphic physically expiatory “blood” sacrifices.

Previously, heads of tribes and clans (house­holds) each sacrificed on their own altars and according to their own protocols.

Step 2, revealed millennia later, was the destruc­tion of the Temples and the yō•khas•in-authenticated priest­hood—immutably terminating Ta•na"kh-authorization of sacrifices.

Since it\’s axiomatic that é‑‑ä is Immutable, if the sacrifice system was correct and essential, it could not have been disrupted! That sacrifices have been rendered forever impossible logically demonstrates that sacrifices were, always, an unavoidable toler­ance during a period of weaning “stiff-necked” Israel from the inherent anthropomorphism of animal sacri­fices. Sadly, Israel’s “stiff-necked” anthropomorphic desire for sacrifices continues today despite Nᵊviy•im calls to displace the temple (Beit ha-Mi•qᵊdâsh) with a Beit Tᵊphil•âh (Yᵊsha•yâhu 56.7).Return to text

A: Nationalized Location: The Mi•shᵊkân

Spring-Summer, year 2 following c B.C.E. ; Area From Rᵊphid•im South To Har Sin•ai
Provide Clear  Virgin-Crush  Olive-Oil For Mᵊnor•âh

Mishkan Diagram
Click to enlargeDiagram of the Mi•shᵊkân.

Tasked by é‑‑ä with infusing Yi•sᵊr•â•eil with Avᵊrâ•hâm’s anthropomorphism-free vision of the Sole, Non-physical, Creator-Singularity, Mōsh•ëh was confronted by an Israeli people who, for centuries, had become profoundly steeped first in Middle Eastern, then Egyptian, idolatry—to which they would periodically return, repeatedly, for millennia. This anthropomorphism-based idolatry persists, especially among Ultra-Orthodox and Qabâlist circles, even today. Weaning Israel from their profoundly entrenched dependence on anthropomorphic sacrificing to Egyptian idolatry would prove to be a formidable, seemingly endless, millennia-long task. Clearly, weaning Israel from anthropomorphic idolatry could only be accomplished in stages, over millennia—implying a loving, compassionate and forbearing é‑‑ä throughout the interim.

Millstone press for olives or grapes
Click to enlarge Kha•shᵊmon•ây•im Millstone press for crushing olives or grapes at Nᵊōt Qᵊdūm•in, Israel (photo: ©1991 Yirmᵊyahu Ben-David)

Following the completion of the Mi•shᵊkân, Mōsh•ëh perceived the mi•tzᵊwâh of é‑‑ä:

neir oil lamp

Bᵊn•ei-Yi•sᵊrâ•eil is to bring clear  virgin-crush  olive-oil to fuel the neir•ōt atop the Mᵊnōr•âh, which is outside of the Pâ•rōkhët by the Eid•âh illuminating the Ōhël Mō•eid perpetually.”

"A•ha•ron and his four sons shall maintain these neir•ōt burning before é‑‑ä from evening till morning." Mōsh•ëh declared. "This is a khuq•at ō•lâm of Bᵊn•ei-Yi•sᵊrâ•eil to their generations."

Optional parental preparation:

  1. What is a justice system?

  2. What is anthropomorphism?

  3. What does it mean to nationalize some service?

  4. What is expiation? Atonement? Ki•pūr?

  5. What is a millennium? Millennia? How long is a thousand years? How many generations would that be? How many times the child’s current age?

  6. What is a tribe?

  7. What does immutable mean?

  8. What is an animal sacrifice?

  9. What does “steep” mean?

  10. What's the difference between a Mᵊnōr•âh and a Kha•nūk•iyâh?

  11. What does "perceive" mean?

  12. What is a kaftan? An Arabic thawb? (Find images online)

Questions you might anticipate that your child might raise and be prepared to discuss:

  1. What is a tent?

  2. What does a light sprinkle of extra-virgin, Israeli olive-oil taste like on Israeli laffa bread? (Add some khumus; even tastier. Add a dash)

  3. What is livestock?

  4. What is currency? Money?

Rainbow Rule © 1996-present by Paqid Yirmeyahu Ben-David,

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