“Now summon your brother, A•ha•rōnꞋ, and his four sons—Nâ•dâvꞋ, Av•i•hūꞋ, Ëlᵊâ•zârꞋ, & I•tâ•mârꞋ—from among Bᵊn•eiꞋ-Yi•sᵊrâ•eilꞋ to officiate as kō•han•imꞋ to Me.
“Design original qōꞋdësh accessories for your brother A•ha•rōnꞋ that evokes kâ•vodꞋ and opulence.
“Then speak to all of the Kha•khâm•eiꞋ-leiv, whom I filled with the rūꞋakh khâ•khâmꞋ, so they shall tailor the accessories for A•ha•rōnꞋ, to qi•deishꞋ him to officiate as kō•heinꞋ for Me.”
These are the accessories you shall tailor:
Accessories Of The Kō•heinꞋ ha-Jâ•dōlꞋ |
Ei•phōdꞋ — sleeveless, poncho-like mantle, vest or cuirass; of woven gold-thread, pᵊtilꞋ tᵊkheilꞋët, crimson and royal-purple threads. The pattern of the weave, like that of the Pâ•rōkhꞋët, is unknown. With the following accessories:
KhōꞋshën (Mi•shᵊpâtꞋ) — of the same brocade of gold-thread, pᵊtilꞋ tᵊkheilꞋët, crimson and royal-purple threads as the Ei•phōdꞋ, doubled-over (creating a pouch on the inner side) into 25cm square, inset with 12 jewels, each in its own gold setting and engraved with the name of the SheivꞋët Yi•sᵊr•â•eilꞋ it represented.
Ur•imꞋ wᵊ-Tum•imꞋ (kept in the pouch on the underside of the KhōꞋshën).
AvᵊneitꞋ and
KheiꞋshëv hâ-Ei•phōdꞋ—the Marvelous Divining-Buckle of the Ei•phōdꞋ.
Mᵊil hâEi•phōdꞋ tᵊkheilꞋët.
Mi•tzᵊnëphꞋët with Tzitz.
Then suit-up your brother, A•ha•rōnꞋ, and his four sons, mâ•shakhꞋ them, fill their hand and qâ•deishꞋ them so they may ki•heinꞋ Me.
Before they approach Me, ascending the Mi•zᵊbeiꞋakh (by ramp, not stairs), knee-pants shall be worn underneath for modesty.
Optional parental preparation:
For non-Hebrew speakers, familiarization in advance to explain Hebrew terms is recommended.
What is a poncho? A mantle? A robe? A cape? A vest? A curtain? A veil?
What does crimson look like?
What does royal-purple look like?
In fabrics, what is a weave and what is a pattern?
What is an accessory?
What is a sash?
What is a buckle?
What is a cuirass?
Questions you might anticipate that your child might raise and be prepared to discuss:
What does officiate mean?
What does evoke mean?
What does opulence mean?