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Tᵊtzau•wëh, 3rd Eve

Har Sin•ai Justice System Of Yi•sᵊr•â•eil

Weaning Israel From Anthropomorphic Sacrificing

Spring-Summer, year 2 following c B.C.E. ; Area From Rᵊphid•im South To Har Sin•ai

Shëva-Day Mi•lū•im Banquets (Commissioning  Kō•han•im)

On Each Of Shëva-Days
a. Pâr ha-Khat•ât: Tᵊshuv•âh-Fine For Inadvertent Straying Of Nation Of Yi•sᵊr•â•eil

American Red Brangus Grand Champion Heifer, 2012 Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo
Click to enlargePâr•âh Adūm•âh

For the certification of Kō•han•im, Mōsh•ëh was required to first bring a national pâr ha-khat•ât before é‑‑ä (i.e. the pëtakh of the Ōhël Mō•eid). A•ha•rōn and his four sons were then required to rest their hands on its head and shō•kheit it. “With your finger,” Mōsh•ëh instructed the kō•han•im, “you shall take from the dâm of the par and render it upon the që•rën•ōt of the mi•zᵊbeiakh. Then pour out the remainder of the dâm toward the base of the mi•zᵊbeiakhmore

Then take all of the kheilëv that encases the innards, the kâ•veid and both ki•lᵊyâh, with the kheilëv that encases them, and hi•qᵊtir them on the windward side of the mi•zᵊbeiakh so that the savory smoke wafts toward the mi•zᵊbeiakh, mingling with the smoke of the sacrifice.

And the bâ•sâr of the par, along with its hide and its poop, you must incinerate in fire outside of the camp. It is a khat•ât.

b. Ayil  ha-Ōl•âh: thanksgiving of elimination of personal impurity for a sᵊmikh•âh (Simultaneously also an Ish•ëh Qᵊtōrët)

Ayil (ram)
Click to enlargeAyil

For the Ayil  ha-Ōl•âh, A•ha•rōn and his four sons were required to first rest their hands on the head of ayil #1 and then shō•kheit it. Next, they were required to take its dâm and slosh it around the base of the mi•zᵊbeiakh. Then they washed its innards and legs, and placed all its parts together, including its head, on the mi•zᵊbeiakh, where it was entirely burned-up in smoke. It was an ōl•âh for é‑‑ä, a savory aroma of the mi•zᵊbeiakh-​grill; an ish•ëh for é‑‑ä.

Optional parental preparation:

  1. Explain the relationship in Hebrew between shëva (to vow an oath), shâvua (a week).

  2. Explain the interconnections between Israel as a nation; the am of the bᵊrit, a geographical country and a state.

  3.   Pâr — Valuated in 2019 currency, this court-imposed fine specifying a bull approximates ₪20,000 (at the current exchange rate of ≈3.6, $5,000).Return to text

  4. What does it mean to commission someone or something? Certification/certify? A liter (especially those who aren’t on the metric standard)? Virgin-crush olive-oil? Convoke and convocation? To neighbor (as a verb)? How does one gild something? Where is the kidney and liver and what are their functions? Which is the windward side?

  5.   Ayil — Valuated in 2019 currency, an average ayil approximates ₪2,000 (@ 3.6 exchange rate ≈$500).Return to text

Questions you might anticipate that your child might raise and be prepared to discuss:

  1. Due to the linguistic complexity of this pâ•râsh•âh for non-Hebrew speakers, probably for several years emphasis should focus on explaining and relating only one or two unfamiliar Hebrew terms, which the parent feels are most important to the theme, when relating this story.

  2. What does inadvertent mean? Yearling? Pre-dusk? To stray? Encase? Innards?

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