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Tᵊtzau•wëh, 5th Eve

Har Sin•ai Justice System Of Yi•sᵊr•â•eil

Weaning Israel From Anthropomorphic Sacrificing

Spring-Summer, year 2 following c B.C.E. ; Area From Rᵊphid•im South To Har Sin•ai

Summary Of Sacrifices For Each Of Shëva Days

Each of the shëva days, you must make a par khat•ât, demonstrating tᵊshuv•âh with resulting ki•pūr, khit•ei on the Mi•zᵊbeiakh, in your demonstrating tᵊshuv•âh with resulting ki•pūr. Thusly shall you mâ•shakh it and qa•deish it. For shëva days you shall demonstrate tᵊshuv•âh with resulting ki•pūr on the Mi•zᵊbeiakh and qi•deish it and the Mi•zᵊbeiakh shall be dësh Qâdâsh•im. Anything that touches the Mi•zᵊbeiakh shall become dësh.

Tâ•mid Daily Sacrifices

Mizbeiakh, in front of Mishkan
Click to enlargeMi•zᵊbeiakh, in front of Mi•shᵊkân (Timna)

Now this is what you shall sacrifice, tâ•mid, on the Mi•zᵊbeiakh: two yearling kᵊvâs•im. You shall sacrifice the one këvës at dawn and the second këvës at pre-dusk. Two liters of fine flour mixed in 1 liter of virgin-crush olive-oil; served with 1 liter of grape-wine as beverage to accompany the first këvës. Sacrifice the second këvës at pre-dusk with similar Mi•nᵊkh•âh and beverage offerings as at dawn, for a savory aroma; as an ish•ëh for é‑‑ä.

This shall be an ōl•âh tâ•mid for your generations at the pëtakh Ōhël Mō•eid before é‑‑ä, where I will be convoking-meetings with you, to speak to you there. It is there that I have convoked-a-meeting of Bᵊn•ei-Yi•sᵊrâ•eil, and it shall be qi•deish by My Kâ•vod.

So I shall qi•deish the Ōhël Mō•eid and the Mi•zᵊbeiakh. I will also qi•deish A•ha•rōn and his sons, to officiate as kō•hein to Me

Promise Of The Shᵊkhin•âh

So I shall shâ•khan amongst Bᵊn•ei-Yi•sᵊrâ•eil and be their ël•ōh•im. This is how they shall know that I am é‑‑ä, their ël•ōh•im: it was Me who brought them forth from ërëtz Mi•tzᵊrayim explicitly so that I may shâ•khan amongst them. Consequently, I am é‑‑ä, their ël•ōh•im.

ha-Mi•zᵊbakh ha-Qᵊtōrët ha-Sâm•im ha-Zâ•hâv

acacia wood mezuzah
Click to enlargeAcacia Wood Mᵊzuz•âh (actual size; photo © 2019 Yirmeyahu Ben-David)

Structure Of Acacia Wood

Next you shall make a square Mi•zᵊbeiakh of acacia wood: ½m length x ½m width x 1m high, with qᵊrân•ōt protruding from the top 4 corners. Upon this Mi•zᵊbeiakh of acacia wood you shall mi•qᵊtar qᵊtōrët.

Gild Mi•zᵊbakh ha-Qᵊtōrët Entirely In Pure Zâ•hâv

Moreover, you shall gild this Mi•zᵊbeiakh of acacia wood with pure zâ•hâv—its top, its sides all around and its qᵊtōrët, with a zeir of zâ•hâv around the top.

On the cross-pieces of both sides, beneath the zeir of zâ•hâv, you shall mount 2 zâ•hâv rings through which poles, which you’ll make of gilded acacia wood, may be used for carrying the Mi•zᵊbeiakh.

Placement Of ha-Mi•zᵊbakh ha-Qᵊtōrët Of Gilded Acacia Wood

Mishkan Diagram
Click to enlargeDiagram of the Mi•shᵊkân.

Then you shall place ha-Mi•zᵊbakh ha-Qᵊtōrët outside the Pâ•rōkhët (that curtains-off the A•rōn -Eid•ūt); which is before the Ka•pōrët that is upon the Eid•ūt where I will be convoking-meetings with you.

So A•ha•rōn shall mi•qᵊtar qᵊtōrët sâm•im, dawn to dawn, while he’s making-good the neir•ōt, he shall hi•qᵊtar it. Similarly, when A•ha•rōn lights the neir•ōt at pre-dusk he shall hi•qᵊtar it to be a qᵊtōrët tâ•mid before é‑‑ä for your generations.

Don’t send up any qᵊtōrët zâr•âh over it; nor any ōl•âh, nor any mi•nᵊkh•âh. Nor shall you pour any beverage offering on it.


Thusly shall A•ha•rōn annually make ki•pūr upon the qᵊrân•ōt from the dâm of the khat•ât. Annually, he shall make ki•pūr upon it for your generations. It is dësh Qâdâsh•im for é‑‑ä.

Optional parental preparation:

  1. neir oil lamp
         Weeks in advance: order a Roman-era clay replica of an oil lamp. I’ve purchased several, all of which were “guaranteed to hold oil and be fine to use as an oil-lamp”, but not one had been properly fired in an oven. Consequently, after a while every one allowed olive-oil to slowly seep through the clay onto whatever the lamp was sitting on. Makes a mess. So I recommend not putting any oil in the lamp itself. Instead, take roughly a 3 inch length of candle wick (which you can pick up from a local candle shop), soak the wick in olive-oil, allow excess oil to drip off, then push most of the wick down into the neck of the lamp, leaving about half an inch sticking out to light.When it’s bed-time, before reading the story, turn off electric lights and light the ancient oil-lamp so the child can experience what it was like. If you’re able, relate you abbreviation of the story, discussing terms, etc., by the light of the oil lamp. Variations on this (e.g., using glass Kha•nūk•iyâh oil holders) lend an ancient connection to Sha•bât lamp-lighting. Return to text

  2. A week in advance: ha-Sâm•im – obtain some frankincense and some myrrh incense with a couple of incense burners. Have them going before the story so that the child can smell each fragrance individually. We don’t know today what the recipe was for “the” incense. Return to text

  3. Set an alarm for 18 minutes before sundown, i.e. pre-dusk, and observe where the sun is, how it’s beginning to get dark, etc. so the child can relate to what “pre-dusk” means.

Questions you might anticipate that your child might raise and be prepared to discuss:

  1. Explain what a generation is. And generations.

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